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Discover picturesque landscapes, authentic traditions, sublime mountains, and beaches that will make you fall in love with this unique Moroccan destination.

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Administrative Appendices /

| The Potentialities of the Province of Berkane


The Province of Berkane benefits from a thriving economy, supported by dynamic sectors, abundant natural resources, and a skilled workforce. This page highlights key factors of Berkane's economy, investment opportunities, development initiatives, and the province's vision for sustainable growth.


The province of Berkane offers idyllic beaches, picturesque mountain landscapes, and a rich local culture, making it a captivating tourist destination. From the seaside resort of Saidia to the hiking trails of Tafoughalt, every visitor will find a unique experience to discover.


Territorial governance is an essential aspect of public management in Berkane. This section highlights the governance principles adopted by the province, aiming to promote citizen participation, transparency, and effectiveness in decision-making, as well as to strengthen trust between the administration and citizens.


The Province of Berkane is a true cultural gem, steeped in a rich history, ancient traditions, and diverse heritage. This page highlights Berkane's vibrant culture, ranging from traditional craftsmanship to colorful festivals, music, dance, and unique customs. Come and discover the authentic culture of the province and immerse yourself in a world of living traditions.