Regional culinary specialties

Among the most prized culinary specialties in the region, we find couscous with seven vegetables, Seffa, Melfouf, and Berkoukech. As for pastries, we can mention Makroute, Griouche, not forgetting Mbesses (smida bread), Msemmen, Matloue, and khringo (thousand-holes). On the occasion of Eid al-Fitr, the locals are accustomed to preparing kaâke, a delicious popular cake, which is savored with mint tea or absinthe. This drink, a factor of reunion, a symbol of union, and a catalyst for communion, is rarely offered alone. Depending on the locality and the time, it may be accompanied by small slightly leavened breads flavored with anise, puff pastries cooked on a clay dish drizzled with melted butter and honey, simple or stuffed puff pastries, cooked in a pan or oven.
