Untitled Project (66)

The Province of Berkane at the forefront of Urban Innovation during the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona

A delegation from the Province of Berkane, led by Governor Mohamed Ali Habouha, actively participated in the Smart City Expo World Congress, a major event dedicated to smart urban solutions which recently animated Barcelona. Held from November 7-9, this meeting provided a dynamic platform bringing together innovative minds from around the world, bringing together experts, businesses and policy makers to discuss the latest advances in the field of smart cities.

The prestigious Barcelona Exhibition Center served as the setting for this visionary event, attracting thousands of participants eager to discover how emerging technologies are helping to shape the future of cities. Representatives from municipalities, technology companies, start-ups and government organizations converged in this environment conducive to collaboration and the exchange of ideas.

This year’s edition of the Smart City Expo World Congress highlighted key themes influencing the global evolution of smart cities, including environmental sustainability, smart connectivity and citizen-driven governance.

Environmental Sustainability: Discussions centered around the integration of green technologies to create sustainable cities, emphasizing renewable energy, waste management and reducing carbon emissions.

Smart Connectivity: Exhibitors showcased significant advancements in smart connectivity, exploring ways to improve everyday life through robust technology infrastructure, including 5G, Internet of Things (IoT) and smart mobility.

Governance and Citizen Participation: Citizen participation in urban planning and governance was a key focus, with sessions examining how digital technologies can strengthen collaboration between citizens and decision-makers, making cities more inclusive and responsive.

The event saw numerous demonstrations of innovative products and solutions, showcasing smart city prototypes, IoT applications, electric mobility solutions and data management platforms. These innovations point to a future where technology shapes every aspect of urban life.

This year's Smart City Expo World Congress clearly defined priorities for the future of smart cities, highlighting the need to adopt sustainable approaches, harness the power of data and increase citizen participation to create environments more intelligent, resilient and inclusive urban areas.

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Untitled Project (32)

Follow-up Meeting on Major Projects in the Moulouya River Basin - Province of Berkane

Follow-up Meeting on Major Projects in the Moulouya River Basin - Province of Berkane
On Tuesday, September 26, 2023, a meeting was held at the headquarters of the Berkane province under the chairmanship of the gubernatorial authority, with the participation of the director of the ORMVAM, the director of the hydraulic basin, the provincial director of the ONEE - water branch, the provincial director of water and forests, the director of the RADEEO, local authorities, as well as division chiefs and relevant services.
This meeting was an opportunity to discuss the measures taken and to be taken for the progress of major projects initiated by the Hydraulic Basin Agency, the Regional Office for Agricultural Development of the Moulouya (ORMVAM), and the Autonomous Inter-Municipal Water and Electricity Distribution Authority of Oujda (RADEEO).
The purpose of the meeting was to review the water management projects in the province of Berkane and the efforts made by all stakeholders to prevent water stress.
During this meeting, the director of the Moulouya hydraulic basin agency provided an update on the filling level of dams located in the Oriental region, indicating a filling rate of 54%, equivalent to more than 217 million cubic meters.
The director of ORMVAM also emphasized the progress of major projects related to the construction of a Conveyance Pipeline for Disconnecting Drinking Water Systems from the Right Bank Irrigation Canal of the Moulouya Irrigated Perimeter, the Reinforcement of Drinking Water Supply to the Cities of Berkane, Nador, and Driouch through the Construction of New Compact Water Demineralization Stations from New Drilling Sites, and the construction of a Conveyance Pipeline on the Right Bank for Berkane and the Creation of Compact Demineralization Stations in Berkane.
The director of RADEEO also presented on the Acquisition, Installation, and Operation of Monoblock Treatment Plants for Drinking Water, Desalination, and Demineralization in Saidia.
At the end of the meeting, several important recommendations were made, including the imperative to strictly adhere to existing standards to ensure the timely completion of these projects. The successful completion of these projects is essential to meet the growing demand for drinking water in the province and the need for total mobilization of all stakeholders for optimal management of water stress.

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WhatsApp Image 2023-08-28 at 5.14.24 PM

Renaissance Sportive de Berkane: Hakim Ben Abdellah Re-elected President

The Renaissance Sportive de Berkane convened its ordinary general assembly, which took place on Saturday, August 26th, at the club's academy headquarters in Berkane, in the presence of members of the former board and members, as well as representatives from the local and national press.
The assembly, which covered several agenda items such as the presentation of the club's achievements in recent years and the approval of the moral and financial reports, was also an opportunity for members, supporters, and club management to express and exchange a plethora of ideas and suggestions.
The election of the new President was one of the highlights of this assembly, as Hakim Ben Abdellah was unanimously re-elected for the second time, after being elected in 2019 for a first glorious term, during which the club won 6 cups: namely the Throne Cup for the third time in its history during this season, 2 Confederation Cups, and the Caf Super Cup in 2022.
It is worth noting that the RSB finished the 2022-2023 sports season in 6th place with a total of 44 points, comprising 11 victories, as many draws, and 8 defeats.

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WhatsApp Image 2023-08-23 à 14.28.09

Collaboration for Innovation in Smart Cities: Memorandum of Understanding between the Province of Berkane, Libelium, and Majal Berkane

In order to capitalize on the skills and expertise of each partner and to transfer the intrinsic know-how of the different parties, a Memorandum of Understanding has been established in the territory of Berkane between the Province of Berkane, Libelium, and Majal Berkane.

This agreement was signed with the aim of developing fruitful collaboration in line with their mutual aspirations and common interests. The purpose of this Agreement is to define the framework of collaboration between the Parties in order to achieve their common objectives, which include:

Establishing an OpenLab for training, sharing experiences and expertise, and conducting research on Smart City-related topics;
Strengthening and consolidating the expertise and excellence of each Party by organizing reflection, training, and research activities;
Developing a common vision and defining an ambitious policy for territorial data management that can lead to high-level innovations and results;
Enhancing the existing technical skills of each Party by fostering interdisciplinary exchanges among staff in the fields of GIS/IoT/AI and ICT in general;
.Promoting the valorization of results obtained from projects implemented in the OpenLab; The Parties have decided to join forces to create a true synergy in the aforementioned areas applied to the concerns of the smart city zone. In this context, the Parties have decided to initiate the process of establishing a common collaborative structure without legal personality, called the "Open AI Lab," to contribute to the development and facilitation of joint reflection aimed at developing skills in technological innovation in the field of smart cities, particularly concerning mobility and transportation, energy, air quality, and smart lighting. The Parties agree to cooperate in good faith, through joint and concerted activities conducted in accordance with the provisions of this Memorandum, in order to achieve the aforementioned objectives.

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WhatsApp Image 2023-08-07 at 17.13.09

Berkane Celebrates Its Throne Cup with the Presence of Renowned Artists

A new success is added to the repertoire of the Province of Berkane as the color of the orange tree triumphs on the national, African, and Arab sports scene.  

In celebration of the latest victory, the 3rd Throne Cup, the Renaissance Sportive Club, in partnership with the Berkane Municipality, the Province of Berkane, and the Provincial Council, are organizing a musical festival featuring a selection of prominent Moroccan artists, as well as musical groups from the Berkane territory. This event will take place on Monday, August 7th, starting at 8:00 PM, in the large square adjacent to the Berkane artisans' village.  

This event is also organized with the aim of paying tribute to all those who have contributed, directly or indirectly, to the progress achieved by RSB throughout its journey: players and coaches, administration, technical and medical staff, local authorities, and more.  

Preparations have preceded the D-Day, and logistical and security measures have been put in place to ensure better organization for the benefit of the audience and guests. 

The event expects to welcome around 35,000 spectators, in addition to officials from both the national and local levels, as well as representatives from various media outlets with different specialties and origins.  


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Majal Berkane

Majal Berkane Semi-Finalist in the Seoul Smart City Prize 

As part of an ecosystem revolving around Smart Cities and a territory that has traversed an honorable trajectory in the world of Digital, Majal Berkane for Innovation and Territorial Intelligence continues to stride confidently towards new successes.  

 Once again, the name of Berkane stands among other pioneering territories in the realm of Smart Cities. This is the "Seoul Smart City Prize," where Majal Berkane is currently a semi-finalist. This international prize is organized by the weGo World Smart Sustainable Cities Organization in partnership with the Seoul Metropolitan Government.  

 The Seoul Prize aims to recognize efforts towards a people-centric digital transformation, beneficial to citizens through innovative or technology-based solutions. It is organized with the objective of promoting an inclusive development program for key processes and frameworks surrounding the digitization of public services, and engaging the global community in shaping the future direction of digitization by providing a platform for discussion and opportunities for interaction and networking among relevant stakeholders in smart city development.  


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Avis aux ÃĐtudiants concernant la bourse d’ÃĐtudes

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The authorities of SaÃŊdia put an end to the abusive occupation of the maritime public space

The commission responsible for organizing the Saidia beach successfully conducted an operation on July 24 and 25, 2023, aimed at putting an end to the abusive occupation of the beaches by chairs, tables, and umbrellas intended for rent. Composed of local authority, the municipality of Saidia, elements of the national security, and auxiliary forces, this commission initiated this action with the aim of establishing a more organized management of the SaÃŊdia beach, thus ensuring equitable access for all vacationers, while eliminating unfair practices and difficulties related to finding a free space to set up umbrellas.

During this operation, the authorities seized a number of unauthorized items:

July 24, 2023

  • 75 plastic chairs
  • 20 umbrellas
  • 15 plastic tables
  • 4 tents

July 25, 2023

  • 60 plastic chairs
  • 11 umbrellas
  • 09 plastic tables
  • 7 tents
  • Demolition of 09 anarchic cabins

The operation was warmly welcomed by vacationers, who flock to the "blue pearl" every year in search of relaxation and rest. The authorities also called on vacationers to respect the rules in force on the beach, ensuring the cleanliness of the place and respect for the environment.

With this successful action, the SaÃŊdia beach now offers a pleasant and memorable experience to all visitors, thereby enhancing the attractiveness of the region for national and international tourists.


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Inauguration of the Regional Terroir Products Fair in Saidia

The 8th edition of the Regional Terroir Products Fair, themed "Generation Green: Solidarity Agriculture, Basis for the Development of Terroir Products," is taking place in Saidia from July 14th to 23rd. The official opening was presided over by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, and Water and Forests, Mr. Mohammed Sadiki, in the presence of the Governor of Berkane Province, Mr. Mohamed Ali Habouha, the President of the Regional Chamber of Agriculture of the Oriental Region, elected officials, and an important delegation of ministry officials.

This fair provides a space for consumers and visitors to discover the latest developments related to terroir products and an opportunity to exchange experiences and know-how among agricultural cooperatives, stakeholders, and relevant institutions.

Organized by the Regional Directorate of Agriculture of the Oriental Region in partnership with the Association of the Rural Family Home of Beni Snassen, the Regional Chamber of Agriculture of the Oriental Region, the National Agricultural Advisory Office, and the National Office of Food Safety, the fair sees the participation of over 120 cooperatives whose products meet sanitary safety standards with certification from the ONSSA, as well as institutional actors in agricultural and rural development.

The organization of this event is part of the "Generation Green 2020-2030" strategy, which places human welfare at its core and promotes the emergence of a middle class in agriculture through the development of solidarity agriculture projects and agricultural entrepreneurship. These projects primarily rely on the development of a new generation of agricultural organizations with economic and social dimensions.

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Moroccan Program for Labeling Sustainable and Innovative Cities: A Commitment to Quality of Life and Sustainable Development

by the Efficacity program of the French Institute and the General Directorate of Territorial Communities (DGCT), and implemented by the consulting firm SUD with the assistance of the International University of Rabat (UIR). This project aims to improve the quality of life of residents, promote innovation, encourage citizen participation, and foster sustainable development. Eight Moroccan cities have been selected for the pilot phase of this program, namely Agadir, Chefchaouen, Benguerir, Ifrane, Marrakech, Rabat, Tanger, and Berkane..

The label for Sustainable and Innovative Cities primarily aims at improving the quality of life of residents. To achieve this goal, several strategic axes are prioritized: 

Local policies focus on environmental protection, reducing social and economic inequalities, and developing public services to meet the needs of citizens.

Labeled cities implement effective measures to manage their resources, such as the use of renewable energies, preservation of biodiversity, and optimization of public transportation.

Labeled cities position themselves at the forefront of technology and innovation. They integrate technological solutions to improve public services and residents' quality of life.

The label actively encourages citizen engagement by establishing mechanisms that allow them to have a real impact on city management.

Policies and measures implemented in labeled cities aim to reduce energy consumption, greenhouse gas emissions, and promote sustainable development in all aspects of urban life.

The labeling project is based on a participatory approach involving local authorities, economic actors, associations, and citizens. The implementation of the label will proceed in three phases:

This phase aims to assess the current situation of pilot cities and develop a strategy tailored to each local context.

Once the strategy is defined, concrete actions will be implemented to achieve the label's objectives. This includes carrying out projects and implementing specific policies in the five strategic axes.

This final phase will evaluate the results and impact of the actions taken. Indicators will be defined to measure progress in terms of quality of life, resource management, innovation, citizen participation, and sustainable development.

The Moroccan Program for Labeling Sustainable and Innovative Cities represents a strong commitment to the future of Moroccan cities. By selecting eight pilot cities, the program aims to create exemplary urban development models that can be replicated nationwide.

In addition to this presentation, the Berkane team presented the strategic vision "BIGGEST-Berkane Inclusive Good Governance and Eco-Smart and Sustainable Territory" as well as integrated digital governance. These initiatives contribute to digital and energy transformation, thus fostering economic and social development.

Berkane's involvement in co-designing the label methodology underscores the importance placed on the participation of local actors. Furthermore, the visit to the Majal Complex for Innovation and Territorial Intelligence illustrates the desire to integrate technological advances for the benefit of citizens.

Berkane's involvement in co-designing the label methodology underscores the importance placed on the participation of local actors. Furthermore, the visit to the Majal Complex for Innovation and Territorial Intelligence illustrates the desire to integrate technological advances for the benefit of citizens.

The Moroccan Program for Labeling Sustainable and Innovative Cities represents a promising initiative for improving quality of life, promoting innovation, citizen participation, and sustainable development in Moroccan cities. Through a participatory approach and phased implementation, this project aims to create exemplary urban models. Berkane serves as a reference in sustainability and innovation, contributing to a better future for residents and the environment.

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