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Special Operation for Eid al-Adha: Marafik Berkane Mobilized for Environmental Protection and Citizen Awareness

Since its inception, the local development company Marafik Berkane has been committed to environmental protection. Through a series of projects and actions, it has implemented an effective waste management system and developed a strategy to preserve green spaces. To further strengthen this commitment, Marafik Berkane, in collaboration with the municipality of Berkane and the local authority, is currently launching a special operation during Eid al-Adha to raise awareness among all stakeholders, especially citizens, about the importance of environmental preservation and health.

To ensure the success of this operation, Marafik Berkane is mobilizing significant human and logistical resources. Dedicated teams have been trained and are following a specific program to distribute plastic bags before the day of Eid. This initiative actively encourages citizens to sort and dispose of their waste properly, thereby reducing its harmful impact on the environment. Simultaneously, a comprehensive awareness campaign has been launched using various communication channels.

Teams are on the ground to directly raise awareness among citizens about their crucial role in environmental protection. They provide detailed information on best practices for waste management, rational use of resources, and preservation of green spaces. Additionally, an explanatory video has been produced and broadcast to reach a wider audience. Finally, urban billboards have been installed in different neighborhoods and geographical areas to remind citizens of the importance of responsible waste management and environmental protection.


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Berkane installs electric vehicle charging stations, promoting ecological transition

The city of Berkane, in partnership with the local development company Majal Berkane for innovation and territorial intelligence and a private enterprise, has recently installed two charging stations for electric vehicles. This initiative fits perfectly within the framework of the National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS), which aims to accelerate the transition to a green and inclusive economy by 2030. The statement was made by Omar Zerzouri.

Omar Zerzouri, the general manager of the local development company (SDL) Majal Berkane, emphasized that these two pilot stations, located in the heart of the city center, bring significant added value to the region. He highlighted that these stations are conveniently located near public administrations, allowing citizens to carry out various administrative procedures while their vehicles recharge for free.

He also pointed out that the province of Berkane is aligning with the global trend towards promoting the gradual phasing out of gasoline and diesel vehicles, while encouraging the transition to electric vehicles that are more environmentally friendly. The two stations operate with a capacity of 22 kilowatts, which allows most electric vehicles to be charged up to 80% within an hour and a half to two hours, making them faster than other charging stations, Omar Zerzouri added.


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The Ordinary Session of the Chamber of Crafts of the Oriental Region Held at the Headquarters of the Province of Berkane

The aforementioned session was chaired by Mr. Mohammed Kadouri, President of the Chamber of Crafts of the Oriental Region, in the presence of Mr. Mohamed Ali Habouha, Governor of the Province of Berkane, Mr. Rachid Touijer representing the Minister of Tourism, Crafts, and Social and Solidarity Economy, Mr. Mohammed Jelloul, President of the Provincial Council of Berkane, along with members and staff of the Chamber, as well as a significant number of representatives from various establishments involved.

In line with its culture of openness to all stakeholders and entities shaping society and the ecosystem, the province of Berkane hosted the Ordinary Session of the Chamber of Crafts of the Oriental Region on Tuesday, June 20th, at its headquarters.

Related to the aforementioned themes, agreements were signed on the sidelines of this session, notably between the Chamber of Crafts of the Oriental Region and the National Initiative for Human Development (INDH). This agreement entails supporting artisans in the Province of Berkane through subsidies to help strengthen their production, marketing, and innovation capabilities, with the aim of enhancing their opportunities to penetrate local and international markets.

Furthermore, an agreement was signed between the Chamber of Crafts of the Oriental Region and the Local Development Company Majal Berkane for Innovation and Territorial Intelligence, focusing on archiving and documenting craft products in the Province of Berkane, leveraging advanced technological tools and solutions. In connection with the topics addressed during this session, a field visit took place to the premises of the Chamber, attended by all members of the delegation, to closely understand the various services and offerings within the scope of Majal Berkane's activities: Incubation and Industrial Innovation Center, Tech Center, FabLab, etc.

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The network of electric vehicle charging stations is expanding in the territory of the Province of Berkane!

As part of the transition towards cleaner and more sustainable mobility, the territory of the Province of Berkane is enhancing its electric charging infrastructure for electric vehicles. This initiative aims to meet the increasing demand for electric vehicles in the region and to encourage the adoption of environmentally friendly modes of transportation.

Currently, the City of Berkane already has two electric charging stations, but their capacity has become insufficient to meet the growing demand. To address this situation, the Local Development Company "MAJAL BERKANE for Innovation and Territorial Intelligence," in partnership with the municipality of Saidia and the company Kilowatt, has installed two additional charging stations in Saidia, an excellent tourist destination, as well as two other stations at the Marina, a popular location for residents and visitors.

Saidia, with its tourist appeal and growing popularity, is a strategic location for the installation of charging stations. The two new charging stations in Saidia will provide residents and visitors with the opportunity to easily recharge their electric vehicles, thereby encouraging the adoption of this environmentally friendly mode of transportation.

Similarly, the Marina, a gathering place for residents and visitors, is also equipped with two new charging stations. This will increase the availability of charging infrastructure and further encourage people to opt for electric vehicles, thus reducing carbon emissions and improving air quality in the region.

The expansion of electric charging infrastructure in the territory of the Province of Berkane offers numerous economic and environmental benefits. In addition to fostering local economic growth by creating new jobs in the electric vehicle-related services sector, this initiative will help reduce greenhouse gas emissions, thereby aiding in the fight against climate change and preserving the environment.

The territory of the Province of Berkane is committed to supporting electric mobility and creating an environment conducive to the adoption of environmentally friendly vehicles.

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The Remarkable Participation of the Governor of the Province of Berkane at the First Edition of GITEX AFRICA!

The first edition of GITEX AFRICA brought together leaders and visionaries passionate about the endless possibilities surrounding digitalization in Africa. Among the prominent participants, the Governor of the Province of Berkane, Mr. Mohamed Ali Habouha, captivated the audience by sharing Berkane's experience as an innovative territory at the forefront of integrated digital governance. During the high-level conference titled "The Digital Urban Revolution in Africa," the Governor outlined how Berkane has leveraged digital transformation to enhance territorial management and deliver more efficient and citizen-centric public services.
His presentation underscored the importance of geographic data in strategic decision-making for better planning and optimized resource management.

As a territory of excellence, Berkane has successfully implemented integrated digital governance based on geographic data. Through cutting-edge technologies, the province has developed innovative solutions to address urban challenges, stimulate economic development, and improve the quality of life for its residents. The Governor emphasized the importance of collaboration between the public sector, private sector, and civil society to ensure the success of this inclusive digital transformation.

 La prÃĐsentation du Gouverneur a suscitÃĐ un vif intÃĐrÊt parmi les participants à la confÃĐrence, qui ont saluÃĐ les rÃĐalisations de Berkane en matiÃĻre de gouvernance numÃĐrique. Les ÃĐchanges qui ont suivi ont ÃĐtÃĐ enrichissants, permettant de partager les meilleures pratiques et d’explorer de nouvelles opportunitÃĐs de collaboration pour renforcer la rÃĐvolution numÃĐrique en Afrique La participation du Gouverneur de la Province de Berkane à la premiÃĻre ÃĐdition de GITEX AFRICA a ÃĐtÃĐ une ÃĐtape significative dans la reconnaissance internationale de l’engagement de Berkane envers la gouvernance numÃĐrique. La province continue de se positionner en tant que modÃĻle pour d’autres territoires, inspirant les dÃĐcideurs à adopter des stratÃĐgies similaires et à crÃĐer des ÃĐcosystÃĻmes numÃĐriques favorables à l’innovation et à la croissance. Le Gouverneur a exprimÃĐ sa gratitude envers les organisateurs de GITEX AFRICA pour avoir fourni une plateforme aussi prestigieuse pour partager l’expÃĐrience de Berkane. Il a ÃĐgalement soulignÃĐ l’engagement continu de la province à soutenir et à promouvoir le numÃĐrique en Afrique, en vue de bÃĒtir des villes intelligentes et durables.


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"Hayat Berkane": The New Slaughterhouse Opens its Doors!

As part of the ongoing momentum in the Province of Berkane in recent years, efforts continue to converge towards an innovative and integrated economic model. In this regard, modern slaughterhouses were inaugurated on Monday, April 10, within Hayat Berkane, the Local Development Company managing the slaughterhouse.

The inauguration was attended by a panel of stakeholders and partners who contributed to the implementation of these slaughterhouses: Mr. Mohammed SADIKI, Minister of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries, Mr. Mohamed Ali HABOUHA, Governor of the Province of Berkane, Mr. Mohamed JELLOUL, President of the Provincial Council, Mr. Mohamed Ibrahimi, President of the Municipality of Berkane, as well as political decision-makers and civil society actors. Additionally, the Regional Directorate of ONSSA (National Office of Food Safety) was present, having supported the project leaders throughout its process.

The modern slaughterhouses are a favorable response to the needs expressed by farmers and consumers for years. They are equipped with the latest technological trends, based on digital applications developed by the Local Development Company Majal Berkane for Innovation and Territorial Intelligence, aiming to streamline the exploitation process of cattle and sheep, and to improve the quality of products and services offered to citizens.

"Hayat Berkane," the project that received accolades, has also been granted "Sanitary Approval of Food Establishments and Companies" by ONSSA, as it meets international standards regarding quality, hygiene, environment, and quality, as mentioned by Mr. Mohammed JELLOUL, President of the Provincial Council.

 The slaughterhouse's production capacity reaches 300 sheep and 35 cows per hour, with cooling capacity for up to 1500 sheep and 250 cows. It relies on a digital system that allows for the identification and tracking of livestock from the barn to the slaughterhouse, as stated by Mr. Omar BOUAYAD, Director of SDL Hayat Berkane.

The new slaughterhouse has a fleet of equipped trucks for the transportation of meat and hides. It also features stables, a hall equipped for slaughter and dressing, a synchronized automatic packaging line, a cooling and freezing chamber, among other facilities.

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Field Visit to the Municipal Slaughterhouses of Berkane by Health Technician Students

After a few months since their inauguration and commissioning, the municipal slaughterhouses of Berkane, managed by the Local Development Company Hayat Berkane, have positioned themselves as a production unit in compliance with international quality standards. This was underscored by the "Sanitary Approval of Food Establishments and Companies" granted by the National Office for Food Safety (ONSSA).

In response to its civic and societal responsibility, Hayat Berkane hosted around thirty health technician students specializing in environmental health, accompanied by their professors from the Higher Institute of Nursing and Health Techniques in Oujda, for a documentary visit held on Saturday, June 10, at the slaughterhouse premises. The aim was to confront their theoretical knowledge with professional reality and to understand it closely in a concrete manner.

The visit entailed an exploration of the premises, equipment, and technology used in slaughterhouse management, as well as a presentation on the quality management system through which the management and production processes are operated. Additionally, there was a responsive presentation on the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system, a method for controlling food safety, delivered by the slaughterhouse management and technical staff. They also engaged in an exchange session, addressing a variety of questions posed by the health technicians and the slaughterhouse officials and technicians.

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Province of Berkane Represented in Bucharest on Cybersecurity

As part of the cooperation and scientific exchange between Morocco and Romania, represented by Mr. Mohamed JELLOUL, President of the Provincial Council, who contributed to the proceedings and workshops of the event "Electronic Diplomacy Center at the Romanian Parliament Palace," focusing on the latest trends in cybersecurity.

During the event, Mr. President delivered a speech on the primary opportunities offered by the digital economy for international trade and how countries can best leverage these opportunities, highlighting the challenges posed by the digital economy, including issues related to data privacy, intellectual property rights, and cybersecurity. What role can international agreements and standards play in promoting responsible and sustainable digital commerce?

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Berkane: Progress of construction works of the National School of Digital Engineering, AI, and Robotics

With the aim of strengthening the ecosystem that has been emerging and evolving over the past few years in Artificial Intelligence and New Information Technologies, a new school is on the verge of being established: the National School of Digital Engineering, Artificial Intelligence, and Robotics, the first national school in Morocco dedicated to training technicians and engineers.

In this context, a site visit took place during this week, attended by Mr. Mohamed Ali HABOUHA, Governor of the Province of Berkane, Mr. Mohamed JELLOUL, Mr. Yassine ZARHLOULE, and Mr. Rachid HAJBI, President and Vice-President of Mohammed First University, the project manager, the architect, as well as the management of Majal Berkane, a local development company for Innovation and Territorial Intelligence.

The visit aimed to ensure the smooth progress of the works, and to verify the technical compliance of the project and its proper execution, as well as adherence to the set deadlines. It was also an opportunity for communication and interactive exchanges between the various service providers and stakeholders regarding future projects within the new school, which is scheduled to open for the academic year September 2023-2024.


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