Untitled Project – 2024-07-11T111522.048

Le Village d’Animation Estival de SaÃŊdia : Une Initiative pour Stimuler la CrÃĐativitÃĐ et l’IntÃĐgration des Enfants des Zones Rurales

Pour contribuer à renforcer la crÃĐativitÃĐ et l’intÃĐgration en vue d’un dÃĐveloppement global et durable des enfants dans les zones rurales, des efforts continus sont dÃĐployÃĐs pour lancer des programmes et des projets de qualitÃĐ visant à dÃĐvelopper les capacitÃĐs des enfants et à les inclure dans la sociÃĐtÃĐ. Dans ce contexte, le village d’animation estival à la plage de SaÃŊdia a ouvert ses portes pour accueillir les enfants des communautÃĐs rurales relevant de la prÃĐfecture de Berkane à partir du 10 juillet. Cette initiative a ÃĐtÃĐ organisÃĐe en partenariat avec la prÃĐfecture de Berkane, la direction provinciale de la jeunesse, l’Initiative Nationale pour le DÃĐveloppement Humain, l’Association Provinciale d’Animation et de Loisirs à Berkane, et l’Association Provinciale pour le DÃĐveloppement et la Promotion de l’Éducation à Berkane. 

  La Foire digitale pour enfants comprend une variÃĐtÃĐ d’ateliers dans des domaines tels que la sÃĐcuritÃĐ cybernÃĐtique, l’intelligence artificielle, l’art numÃĐrique, l’intelligence provinciale, l’audiovisuel, et l’impression digitale. Le premier jour de ces ÃĐvÃĐnements a accueilli 258 ÃĐlÃĻves de la commune de Bougriba, dont 38 n’avaient jamais vu la mer auparavant. Ces programmes visent à encourager les enfants à penser de maniÃĻre crÃĐative et critique, et à les motiver à participer activement au dÃĐveloppement de leurs communautÃĐs locales. 

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Untitled Project – 2024-06-12T153019.003

Visite de Suivi des Projets de RÃĐhabilitation Urbaine à Berkane : Engagement pour un DÃĐveloppement Durable

Dans le cadre des tournÃĐes d’inspection sur le terrain supervisÃĐes par le gouverneur de la province de Berkane, une visite d’ÃĐvaluation a eu lieu ce matin, mercredi 12 juin. Cette visite a couvert divers projets inclus dans le programme de rÃĐhabilitation urbaine. La tournÃĐe a ÃĐtÃĐ prÃĐsidÃĐe par M. Mohamed Ali Habouha, gouverneur de Sa MajestÃĐ dans la province de Berkane, en prÃĐsence de M. Mohamed Ibrahimi, prÃĐsident du conseil communal de Berkane, du pacha de la ville,Caid des annexes, des reprÃĐsentants des services externes, ainsi que des chefs des dÃĐpartements et services concernÃĐs.

La visite a consistÃĐ Ã  inspecter l’avancement des travaux dans toutes les rues en cours de rÃĐhabilitation. L’ÃĐquipe a pris connaissance des progrÃĻs rÃĐalisÃĐs dans les projets et a visitÃĐ les chantiers ouverts dans le cadre du programme de rÃĐhabilitation urbaine. Les services spÃĐcialisÃĐs ont fourni des explications dÃĐtaillÃĐes sur le dÃĐroulement des travaux et leur ÃĐtat d’avancement.

Le programme de rÃĐhabilitation urbaine vise à amÃĐliorer les infrastructures de la ville par la mise en œuvre de plusieurs projets majeurs et structurants, destinÃĐs à dÃĐvelopper les ÃĐquipements publics, les rues et les espaces verts. Cette initiative se fait en collaboration avec divers acteurs et partenaires impliquÃĐs dans l’exÃĐcution de ces projets. Ce partenariat s’inscrit dans une dÃĐmarche commune visant à rÃĐaliser un dÃĐveloppement durable et à promouvoir la ville sur diffÃĐrents plans.

Il est important de noter que cette tournÃĐe d’inspection s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un suivi rigoureux des projets pour garantir leur exÃĐcution selon le calendrier ÃĐtabli et les normes requises. Cette vigilance tÃĐmoigne de l’engagement fort des autoritÃĐs locales à atteindre les objectifs de dÃĐveloppement et à rÃĐpondre aux aspirations des habitants de la province de Berkane.

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Untitled Project – 2024-06-10T103136.296

Une Initiative MÃĐdicale d’Envergure : Caravane de SantÃĐ pour les Habitants de Sidi Bouhria 

Dans le cadre d’une initiative mÃĐdicale importante, l’Association Ajial Berkane pour le DÃĐveloppement, en collaboration avec la direction provinciale du MinistÃĻre de la SantÃĐ et de la Protection Sociale ainsi que le Conseil Communal de Sidi Bouhria, a organisÃĐ une caravane mÃĐdicale complÃĻte au profit des habitants de la commune de Sidi Bouhria, au centre de santÃĐ rural. 

Au cours de cette campagne mÃĐdicale, la population a bÃĐnÃĐficiÃĐ d’une gamme variÃĐe de services de santÃĐ. Au total, 384 personnes ont ÃĐtÃĐ prises en charge. Parmi elles, 290 ont reçu des consultations mÃĐdicales gÃĐnÃĐrales, comprenant des examens de routine et des diagnostics initiaux pour diverses maladies. De plus, 208 personnes ont bÃĐnÃĐficiÃĐ de consultations spÃĐcialisÃĐes dans les domaines de la gynÃĐcologie-obstÃĐtrique et des maladies ostÃĐo-articulaires, ce qui leur a permis de recevoir les soins mÃĐdicaux nÃĐcessaires à leur ÃĐtat de santÃĐ. 

En outre, des analyses rapides ont ÃĐtÃĐ effectuÃĐes pour dÃĐpister le diabÃĻte, dans le but de permettre un diagnostic prÃĐcoce et de fournir les conseils de santÃĐ nÃĐcessaires aux patients. Cette initiative vise à amÃĐliorer le niveau des soins de santÃĐ dans la communautÃĐ locale et à rÃĐpondre de maniÃĻre exhaustive aux besoins de santÃĐ des habitants. 

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Untitled Project – 2024-05-29T094907.892

Mr. Mohamed Madrane donates his personal library to the Imam Nafi School in Berkane.

During a memorable evening dedicated to celebrating books and libraries, the Scientific Council of Scholars of the Berkane Province, in partnership with the Khayrkoum Association for the Service of the Quran and its Sciences, organized a ceremony in honor of Mr. Mohamed Madrane. This literature enthusiast, deeply devoted to libraries, generously donated his personal library to the Imam Nafi School for traditional education in Berkane. This precious collection includes 6900 books in Arabic and 180 books in French.

The ceremony brought together a wide range of personalities, including the Governor of the Berkane Province, the President of the Provincial Council, the President of the Scientific Council of Scholars of the Oriental Region, as well as the presidents of the scientific councils, representatives of the judiciary, elected councils, the President of the Khayrkoum Association, and of course, Mr. Mohamed Madrane.

Books play an essential role in disseminating cultural, religious, and intellectual values. They are valuable tools for fostering critical and creative thinking among younger generations, preparing them to face future challenges. Therefore, libraries are evolving into interactive spaces that stimulate research and continuous learning.

This commendable initiative by Mr. Madrane underscores the importance of libraries as pillars of knowledge and education, enriching the community and inspiring future generations.

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Untitled Project (23) (2)

Promotion of Health and Wellness in Berkane: Installation of Sports Equipment

In light of recent developments in the Province of Berkane, marked by a series of notable accomplishments in the field of sports, the efforts of various stakeholders in Berkane continue to focus on improving the quality of life of citizens.
Dans ce cadre, et en collaboration avec la Direction Provinciale de la Jeunesse et des Sports, une initiative concrÃĻte a ÃĐtÃĐ prise pour encourager les individus à pratiquer le sport et à bÃĐnÃĐficier de ses nombreux avantages.

This initiative is manifested by the installation of various sports facilities at several locations in the city of Berkane. This approach goes beyond just setting up fitness equipment; it plays an essential role in promoting a culture of health and physical fitness within our community. It's an open invitation to everyone to adopt regular physical activity and integrate healthy habits into their daily lives, thanks to the availability of well-equipped environments for sports practice in an easy and accessible manner.

These sports facilities offer a diverse range of exercises tailored to all age groups, from children to youth, to the elderly. This initiative aims to include all segments of society, ensuring that everyone can benefit from the advantages of physical activity.

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Untitled Project – 2024-04-24T101943.613

"Comprehensive Occupational Safety Training Initiative: Harakiat Berkane and the Red Crescent join forces to prepare employees."

This week, a series of training sessions was launched by the local development company 'Harakiat Berkane', in partnership with the Safety and Health Committee and the local branch of the Red Crescent in Berkane. This strategic collaboration aims to enhance the preparedness and safety of employees and users of the company by providing comprehensive and hands-on training.

Cet ÃĐvÃĐnement majeur s’inscrit dans le cadre d’un programme de sensibilisation ÃĐtendu qui se dÃĐploiera sur une semaine, du 22 au 27 avril. Cette durÃĐe prolongÃĐe permettra aux participants de bÃĐnÃĐficier d’une immersion approfondie dans divers aspects de la sÃĐcuritÃĐ et de la santÃĐ au travail.

The training sessions offered cover a wide range of essential topics, from basic first aid to acquiring advanced skills in emergency communication. Participants will also have the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of road safety, a crucial area for any company concerned about the well-being of its employees and users. Additionally, specialized courses on bus mechanics principles will be provided, addressing the specific needs of the company.

The fundamental objective of these training sessions is to equip participants with the knowledge and skills necessary to effectively deal with emergency situations. By emphasizing practical and operational aspects, this training aims to transform participants into prevention and intervention agents, capable of reacting appropriately and efficiently in critical situations.

Beyond practical training, this event is part of a broader initiative aimed at promoting a culture of safety and health within the work environment. By encouraging awareness and fostering the adoption of best practices, this initiative aims to create a secure professional environment where each individual feels empowered and committed to the safety of all.


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Untitled Project (100)

The National School of Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization (ENIAD) in Berkane 

At a time when Artificial Intelligence (AI) is in full swing on a global scale, the creation of a national school specialising in this field in Berkane could only be an ambitious initiative, indeed a crucial one, at the present time, for the development of this new mode of technology, and to make it a lever serving the economic promotion of the Province of Berkane and its positioning on the regional and national scene. 

Indeed Artificial Intelligence,, which is asserting itself day by day, is poised to revolutionize all aspects of our lives, from finance to health, agriculture, and even sports 

The establishment of the National School of Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization (ENIAD in Berkane proves essential and timely for several reasons, notably: 

The need for highly skilled workforce to meet the growing demands of the job market, particularly in new technologies, is now more critical than ever. 

-L’inadÃĐquation des formations actuellement dispensÃĐes avec les besoins du marchÃĐ de travail portant essentiellement sur les nouvelles technologies, engendrant ainsi un nombre important de diplÃīmÃĐs sans emploiâ€Ŋ; 

The trend toward the disappearance of several professions due to Artificial Intelligence,, especially those based on repetitive and automatable tasks, is becoming increasingly apparent. 

There is a trend towards the emergence of new professions sought after by companies and organizations. 

Confirmation of profiles in computer science and digital technology as the most sought after in the job market. en 2023. 

 Artificial Intelligence will undoubtedly transform the world of work profoundly. It is important to prepare for these changes and acquire the necessary skills to adapt to this new reality. 

It is clear that any change encounters challenges and constraints at its inception. These include financial challenges to provide quality education and relevant study programs, as well as unfounded opposition from antagonists simply refusing to step out of their comfort zones.  

The arguments mentioned above can only lead us, in the most credible manner, to believe that the creation of a National School of Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization in the city of Berkane remains and will always be an indisputably wise and far-sighted decision, aligning with the Royal Orientations and Ambitions aspiring to align our country with emerging economies, and the policy of Advanced Regionalization aiming for complementarity and territorial distribution among faculties, schools, and institutes of cutting-edge technologies established at the level of the Oriental Region. 

This school, which promises modern, future-oriented education, will provide visibility for the province of Berkane, already known through high-tech deployment that elevates it to the ranks of global smart cities. 

The teaching team, composed of dedicated young professors, will accompany the students throughout their learning journeys, creating a highly conducive ecosystem for their development. 

To achieve this, an investment of nearly 30 million dirhams is being deployed to equip this institution, which will inevitably have positive repercussions and added value to Berkane province, the region, and the country in the medium and long term. 

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Untitled Project (27)

Solidarity and Inclusion: A Collective Iftar at Berkane Prison 

In a gesture filled with compassion and solidarity, the penitentiary institution of Berkane, in collaboration with the urban commune of Berkane, organized a collective iftar on 22 Ramadan 1445 (corresponding to April 2, 2024) for the inmates of the local prison. This significant event was attended by many prominent figures, including the prison director, Deputy Hakim Ben Abdellah, the President of the Commune of Berkane, Mohamed Ibrahimi, council president and his vice-presidents Mme Mounia Fethi and Mr. Mohamed Bouyaalaoui and Mr. Mohammed Zahiri, and other public figures from the local community. 

 The iftar began with an introductory speech by Mr. Nour Eddine Cherif, followed by a speech from Mr. Mohamed Ibrahimi on the significance of this Ramadan activity. The inmates then participated in various religious activities, including Quran recitation and religious songs. Cultural prizes were awarded to the winners of the religious singing contest, while sports prizes were given to the winners of the football tournament. Mr. Mohamed Ibrahimi, President of the Berkane communal council, had the honor of presenting the religious prizes, while the cultural prizes were distributed by the delegate of the Ministry of Culture and Communication, and the sports prizes by the judge of sentence enforcement. Other special prizes were awarded by personalities such as the deputy and the deputy public prosecutor 

 This collective iftar goes far beyond a simple shared meal. It embodies the core values of solidarity, empathy, and inclusion that define the community of Berkane. By offering this moment of conviviality to the inmates, the society of Berkane demonstrates its commitment to social reintegration and human dignity for all, regardless of circumstances. Moreover, the diversity of participants, from government representatives to local community members, underscores unity in diversity and strengthens social bonds. 

 During this sacred period of Ramadan, this collective iftar celebrates generosity, tolerance, and mutual understanding, thereby breaking down social barriers to build a more inclusive and compassionate future for all members of society. 

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Untitled Project – 2024-03-08T133452.537

A Memorable Eighth of March: Berkane Unveils its Mobile Obstetrics and Gynecology Medical Unit, Celebrating Women and Community Health.

he Province of Berkane celebrated the official launch of its mobile medical unit dedicated to obstetrics and gynecology, starting from the rural commune of Fezouane. This event was marked by the benevolent presence and attentive supervision of Mr. Mohamed Ali Habouha, the Governor of the Province of Berkane, who is also the President of the Provincial Council, and the President of the commune of Fezouane. Committed professionals from the health and social sectors, along with representatives from the National Initiative for Human Development, also honored this event with their presence.

This innovative project is part of a successful agreement between the Governor of the Province of Berkane, who leads the Provincial Committee for Human Development, the Provincial Council of Berkane, the provincial delegation for health and social protection, and the provincial association supporting health and social sectors. Together, they work towards achieving the royal aspirations of modernizing the healthcare system and expanding social protection.

The mobile medical unit, equipped with remote communication technologies, aims to bring healthcare closer to residents of rural areas, reducing geographical distances. This promising initiative seeks to intensify medical caravans, enhancing their beneficial presence in different communities and isolated zones, and thereby increasing the number of beneficiaries.

The launch of this medical unit on the eighth of March, in the presence of women who received medical consultations, symbolically recognizes the importance given to women and their essential role within society. It is a beautiful manifestation of commitment to community well-being, emphasizing the crucial place of women’s health in our society."

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Untitled Project (42) (1)

Berkane, epicenter of innovation: An edition of the Berkane International Symposium Smart City for sustainable and resilient cities. 

Berkane recently shone under the spotlight of science during an international event dedicated to sustainable smart cities. This knowledge celebration took place with great enthusiasm on February 27th and 28th at the headquarters of the Province of Berkane. The orchestration of this exceptional event was the result of collaboration among several committed partners, including the Province of Berkane, the Ministry of National Territorial Planning, Urbanism, Housing, and City Policy, the Provincial Council of Berkane, the municipality of Berkane, the Oriental Regional Development Agency, the Moroccan School of Engineering Sciences, the Regional Investment Center of the Oriental region, Mohammed I University of Oujda, Majal Berkane for Innovation and Territorial Intelligence, and African Smart Territories. The theme of this international event was ‘Sustainable Smart Cities: Preparedness and Resilience in the Face of Climate and Environmental Challenges. 

 Beyond the scientific exchanges, a decisive moment marked the margins of the event. Indeed, a convention was signed between the Province of Berkane, the Oriental Development Agency, and Majal Berkane, sealing their joint commitment to creating an intelligent territorial management center for Berkane. 

 The organizers highlighted this crucial theme due to the degradation of the climate situation in Morocco, characterized by an increase in drought rates and natural phenomena such as earthquakes. 

 Distinguished experts, inspiring researchers, and visionary entrepreneurs from Japan, Italy, Germany, France, Indonesia, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, South Korea, as well as from Beni Mellal, Benguerir, Chefchaouen, Agadir, and other Moroccan cities and around the world, shared their pioneering experiences in intelligent management of natural resources, sustainable urban planning, technological innovation, smart agriculture, and rural resilience. They presented a multitude of digital solutions for water management, energy, public lighting, waste, urban traffic, as well as technological solutions for monitoring and responding to natural and environmental phenomena. 

 Berkane thus played a bridging role between Moroccan cities and countries worldwide through the ‘Berkane International Symposium Smart City,’ an international symposium on smart cities. Over the editions, this symposium has become a platform for exchanging experiences and best practices. 

 In the context of discussions about digital dynamics that place citizens at the heart of their concerns, with intelligent management of diverse economic and social interests in daily life, up to improving quality of life with an emphasis on the environment, the municipality of Berkane, as a model community in the Province, showcased its journey in digital transformation. It highlighted several applications related to project monitoring, stock management, and an electronic archiving system developed by Majal Berkane for Innovation and Territorial Intelligence. This entity is recognized as a technological arm supporting local authorities in their technological transition, constituting an innovative experience at the national level. 

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