
Gestion du Stress Hydrique dans la Province de Berkane : RÃĐunion StratÃĐgique du ComitÃĐ Provincial de l’Eau

Monsieur Mohamed Ali Habouha, Gouverneur de la province de Berkane, a prÃĐsidÃĐ une rÃĐunion pÃĐriodique du ComitÃĐ provincial de l’eau à la prÃĐfecture de la province de Berkane. Cette rÃĐunion ÃĐtait axÃĐe sur le suivi et la gestion de la situation de stress hydrique dans la province de Berkane, conformÃĐment aux directives du roi Mohammed VI concernant l’eau.

Ont assistÃĐ Ã  cette rÃĐunion, le prÃĐsident du Conseil Provincial, le SecrÃĐtaire GÃĐnÃĐral, la reprÃĐsentante de l’Agence du bassin hydraulique de Moulouya, Madame la Directrice de  RÃĐgie Autonome Intercommunale de Distribution d’Eau et d’ElectricitÃĐ, Madame la Directrice RÃĐgionale du MinistÃĻre de la Transition ÉnergÃĐtique et du DÃĐveloppement Durable, le DÃĐlÃĐguÃĐ de l’Office National de l’ÉlectricitÃĐ et de l’Eau Potable – Secteur Eau, le DÃĐlÃĐguÃĐ de l’Office RÃĐgional de Mise en Valeur Agricole de Moulouya, ainsi que les Pachaliks, les PrÃĐsidents des Communes Territoriales, les AutoritÃĐs Locales et les Services de SÃĐcuritÃĐ.

Le secteur de l’eau connaÃŪt une diminution des ressources hydriques et une augmentation des catastrophes climatiques dues au changement climatique, avec des ressources limitÃĐes pour rÃĐpondre à la demande croissante. Selon les donnÃĐes fournies par la reprÃĐsentante de l’Agence du bassin hydraulique de la Moulouya, la province de Berkane a enregistrÃĐ des prÃĐcipitations de 191 mm de septembre 2023 à juillet 2024, ce qui reprÃĐsente une augmentation de 17% par rapport à la moyenne annuelle de 163,1 mm. En ce qui concerne la situation des barrages dans le bassin, le stock d’eau du barrage Oued Za a augmentÃĐ de 12%, tandis que le barrage Mohammed V a enregistrÃĐ une baisse de 85%. Dans ce contexte, les projets inclus dans le plan d’amÃĐnagement intÃĐgrÃĐ des ressources en eau sont des solutions nÃĐcessaires pour faire face à ces dÃĐfis et assurer la durabilitÃĐ des ressources en eau.

Le dÃĐlÃĐguÃĐ de l’Office National de l’ÃĐlectricitÃĐ et de l’eau potable – secteur de l’eau a prÃĐsentÃĐ un exposÃĐ sur la maniÃĻre de fournir de l’eau potable à la province, en plus de la mise en œuvre des dispositions de la circulaire ministÃĐrielle sur la gestion du stress hydrique (application des mesures pour rÃĐduire les fuites d’eau, cartographie des zones à forte consommation d’eau).

Le DÃĐlÃĐguÃĐ de l’Office RÃĐgional de Mise en Valeur Agricole de la Moulouya a abordÃĐ la rÃĐalisation d’un canal sur la rive droite pour acheminer l’eau du barrage de Machraa Hammadi destinÃĐ Ã  approvisionner les habitants de Berkane, SaÃŊdia, Ras El Ma en eau potable avec un dÃĐbit de 820 litres/seconde, ainsi que l’ÃĐlimination de la salinitÃĐ des eaux saumÃĒtres dans les nappes phrÃĐatiques pour fournir un dÃĐbit total de 150 litres/seconde.

Le dÃĐlÃĐguÃĐ de l’Office rÃĐgional de l’investissement agricole de Moulouya a abordÃĐ la rÃĐalisation d’un canal de dÃĐrivation sur la rive droite du barrage Mcherga Hamadi destinÃĐ Ã  approvisionner les habitants de Berkane Sidi Slimane en eau potable, avec un dÃĐbit de 820 litres par seconde, en ÃĐliminant la salinitÃĐ des eaux souterraines pour fournir un dÃĐbit total de 150 litres par secondeC

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WhatsApp Image 2024-07-09 à 14.07.18_59d24fd1

Une sÃĐrie de campagnes de Sensibilisation et de PrÃĐvention pour Lutter contre les Incendies de ForÊt à Tafoghalt

La forÊt de Bni Znassen revÊt une grande importance en raison de sa biodiversitÃĐ et de sa richesse en plantes et en animaux, ce qui en fait un site vital nÃĐcessitant une conservation. Pour ce faire et dans la finalitÃĐ de prÃĐserver ces richesses naturelles, une sÃĐrie de compagnes de sensibilisation continue d’avoir lieu autour des mesures prÃĐventives de lutte contre les incendies de forÊt dans la commune de Tafoghalt, en coordination avec la gendarmerie royale, la protection civile, les forces auxiliaires, la direction des eaux et forÊts, ainsi que les autoritÃĐs locales. Cette initiative s’inscrit dans le cadre des efforts continus pour combattre les incendies de forÊt, visant à ÃĐduquer et sensibiliser la population sur l’importance de la prÃĐvention de ces incendies, particuliÃĻrement dans une rÃĐgion abritant la forÊt naturelle de Bni Znassen, un hÃĐritage forestier important riche en biodiversitÃĐ.

Les thÃĻmes abordÃĐs incluent la gestion adÃĐquate des matÃĐriaux inflammables, le maintien de la propretÃĐ et de la sÃĐcuritÃĐ des sites de camping, ainsi que la notification immÃĐdiate de tout signe de dÃĐclenchement d’incendie. Ces efforts visent à renforcer la conscience environnementale parmi les rÃĐsidents locaux et les visiteurs, et à garantir leur conformitÃĐ avec les mesures prÃĐventives contribuant à la protection des forÊts et à la rÃĐduction des risques d’incendie.

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New Sports and Wellness Centre boosts Berkane's economy

The town of Berkane recently enriched its economic landscape with the inauguration of a new sports and wellbeing centre. The event, which took place on Thursday 13 June, was attended by prominent figures such as Mr Mohamed Ali Habouha, Governor of the Province, as well as the provincial directors of ONE and ANAPEC, and various economic players and associations. This 1300 mÂē centre offers a wide range of services to meet the fitness and well-being needs of the community.

The centre has two separate sports halls:

Men's gym: a strength and cardio-fitness area, a functional area for cross-training and boxing, and a group fitness room offering activities such as cycling, bodypumping and jumping.

Women's gym: A weight-training and cardio-training platform, and a group class room with yoga, pilates, stretching, step and muscle-strengthening sessions.

In addition to these facilities, the center boasts a heated pool for freestyle swimming and aqua fitness, as well as a children's swimming school. Relaxation enthusiasts can take advantage of two spa areas, one for men and the other for women, equipped with steam rooms, saunas, massage rooms and beauty services such as hairdressing and nail services. A physiotherapy room is also available, with a controlled mechanical ventilation system to ensure a healthy atmosphere.

The establishment of this facility has generated numerous direct and indirect jobs. Trainers, physiotherapists, beauticians, maintenance technicians and administrative staff have been recruited to ensure the smooth running of the center. What's more, the presence of this new facility also stimulates employment in related sectors such as catering, cleaning services and security.

The influx of visitors and members of the center helps to boost local commerce. Local shops, cafÃĐs, restaurants and other services see an increase in footfall thanks to the center's customers. This generates a virtuous circle of consumption, stimulating the local economy.

A modern, well-equipped sports and wellness center enhances Berkane's appeal as a destination of choice for residents and visitors alike. This type of infrastructure enhances the quality of life of residents, attracts new residents and potentially investors, and reinforces the city's image as a dynamic and prosperous place.

By offering high-quality fitness and wellness facilities, the center plays a crucial role in promoting public health. A healthy population is more productive and contributes more significantly to the local economy. The center's fitness programs, aquatic activities, physiotherapy and spa services encourage healthy lifestyles, thereby reducing long-term health costs.

The inauguration of Berkane's new sports and wellness center represents a major step forward for the local economy. As well as creating jobs and boosting local trade, the project enhances the town's appeal and promotes healthy lifestyles. It is a valuable addition that will have a lasting positive impact on Berkane's economy, positioning the city as a model of balanced and prosperous regional development. 

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Urban Renewal of Berkane: A Strategic Vision for Sustainable and Harmonious Development

As part of the strategic vision of the Berkane municipal council to enhance infrastructure and beautify the urban space in harmony with the aspirations of the residents, Mr. Mohamed Ibrahimi, president of the Berkane municipal council, and Mr. Mohamed Zahiri, first deputy to the president, conducted a field tour to inspect the progress of the rehabilitation works on Boulevard Achouhadae. This visit was marked by the presence of a mixed committee, including the city's Pasha and several representatives from the relevant departments of the Berkane prefecture.

These sustained efforts demonstrate the commitment of the Berkane municipal council to implement projects aimed at improving roads, providing high-quality public lighting, and equipping streets in accordance with urban rehabilitation requirements. The president of the council, accompanied by the committee, also visited Ibn Rochd School and its sports field to observe the changes and reforms planned as part of the urban rehabilitation.

The harmony between the municipal council, provincial and local authorities, and external stakeholders is evident through effective and continuous coordination, contributing to the success of urban rehabilitation projects. This fruitful cooperation reflects a shared vision aimed at achieving comprehensive and sustainable development for the city of Berkane. It allows Berkane to position itself alongside several major Moroccan and international cities as a renewed and prosperous city, meeting the needs of its residents and fulfilling their aspirations.

Mr. Mohamed Ibrahimi's efforts, as president of the municipal council, remain remarkable and commendable in this context. He tirelessly works to implement the city's urban rehabilitation program in collaboration with all stakeholders to ensure the successful completion of projects. This contributes to strengthening sustainable development and enhancing the well-being of the residents of Berkane.

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Berkane Province: Forest Fire Awareness and Prevention

On the occasion of the National Day for Forest Fire Prevention, celebrated on May 21st each year, local authorities, in collaboration with the Royal Gendarmerie, the Water and Forests department, the Provincial Directorate of National Education, as well as educational institutions, have launched an awareness program in partnership with the National Agency for Water and Forests to address and prevent forest fires, especially considering the approaching summer season and the expected increase in tourist activities and family excursions, which raise the risk of forest fires. This program includes two days of awareness sessions, the first targeting students from primary and secondary schools, and the second targeting vacationers and residents living near forests.

The awareness campaign started on May 11th and will continue throughout the summer, with a weekly program including live workshops and regular patrols.

 The Taforalt Directorate, renowned for hosting the natural forest of Beni Znassen, considered a significant forest heritage rich in biodiversity, initiated the first day of awareness targeting schoolchildren in the region. The emphasis was placed on the importance of preserving the forest environment and the roles of individuals in protecting forests and their inhabitants, by avoiding bushfires as much as possible.

The second day featured an awareness campaign involving farmers, forest rangers, local associations, municipal authorities, local media, as well as community initiatives aimed at informing local residents about potential dangers and promoting safe and responsible practices to prevent forest fires.

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Celebration of the 19th Anniversary of the National Initiative for Human Development at the Maternity House of Tafoghalt

To celebrate the nineteenth anniversary of the launch of the National Initiative for Human Development, a ceremony was organized at the Maternity House in Tafoghalt, reflecting society's commitment to promoting development and social assistance. The event was honored by the presence of the Governor of the Province of Berkane, the President of the Provincial Council, the Heads of Communes, as well as representatives from the administration and civil society.

In line with the directives of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the third phase of the National Initiative for Human Development has been launched to strengthen its achievements and redirect its programs to promote the human capital of future generations, support vulnerable groups, and initiate new income-generating initiatives and employment opportunities. The national campaign kicked off in the province of Berkane under the theme "The First Thousand Days of the Child," running from May 22nd to June 22nd.

The activities of the ceremony included a series of diverse programs, starting with a verification visit to the maternity health center, where the situation of pregnant women was monitored, along with educational presentations focusing on maternal and child health. Emphasis was also placed on the "Communication Campaign for Social and Behavioral Change," aimed at raising awareness about the importance of the first thousand days and strengthening pre and postnatal nutrition and healthcare, as well as promoting exclusive breastfeeding for optimal improvement.

The province of Berkane demonstrates its dedication to enhancing human capital, showcasing a genuine commitment to promoting social assistance and achieving sustainable development, including strengthening nutrition and improving healthcare for the health of mothers and children.

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Improving Healthcare Services in Berkane: A Concerted Effort for Community Well-being

Under the noble leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the healthcare sector in the province of Berkane has witnessed significant development in recent years, thanks to continuous efforts aimed at improving the quality of healthcare services and expanding their reach to include all segments of society. In this context, the Provincial Association for Supporting the Health and Social Sectors presented a report on the progress of the work program at the headquarters of the Province of Berkane, in the presence of the Governor, the President of the Provincial Council, mayors, and civil society actors.

This program has been implemented in partnership with the National Initiative for Human Development and the Provincial Council of Berkane, reflecting the commitment of all stakeholders to promote healthcare services and ensure the provision of comprehensive and effective care for all citizens, aiming to achieve sustainable development and improve the quality of life in the province of Berkane. The association also welcomes individual cases referred to it, seeks to alleviate their situation, listens to them attentively, and intervenes to correct treatments, in accordance with the laws of the Ministry of Health.

The action plan includes several main programs, namely:

- Organizing medical tours in various specialties across the country,

- Conducting medical screenings for pregnant women through clinical examination and ultrasound.

- Performing mammography screenings for pregnant women exhibiting symptoms of cancer.

– La participation à ÂŦ Octobre rose Âŧ en intensifiant les campagnes de dÃĐpistage et de sensibilisation,

- Correcting vision for school-going children.

These initiatives demonstrate a strong commitment to improving the level of healthcare in the province of Berkane, contributing to enhancing the well-being of citizens and achieving sustainable development. The association continues to make efforts to ensure the provision of comprehensive and effective healthcare services.

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Memorable Commemoration: 68 Years of National Security Service in the Province of Berkane

On Thursday, May 16, 2024, the province of Berkane was the scene of memorable festivities to celebrate the 68th anniversary of the creation of the General Directorate of National Security. These joyful events illuminated several cities, including Berkane, SaÃŊdia, and Ahfir.

The distinguished presence of the Governor of the Province of Berkane in SaÃŊdia, accompanied by civil and political figures, lent particular solemnity to the ceremony. The opening moments were marked by the recitation of sacred passages from the Quran, followed by the salute to the national flag. Then, we underscored the significance of this celebration, highlighting the professional and security achievements in serving the tranquility and safety of our citizens. We also reiterated the vital role of this institution in promoting the values of security, safety, and protection of our fellow citizens.

We highlighted the joint efforts of various services, thanks to exemplary collaboration with other security and justice agencies, such as the Royal Gendarmerie, Auxiliary Forces, Civil Protection, and the Army.

Similarly, the annual commemoration of the creation of the National Security in Berkane was marked by active participation from the community, demonstrating the openness of this public institution and its commitment to various civil society organizations for the common good. This gathering was an opportunity to pay tribute to the efforts of the security personnel in the province, who diligently ensure the safety of our fellow citizens.

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Berkane Welcomes One of the National Football Stars

On May 10, 2024, at dawn, households across the city of Berkane and its surroundings are preparing to attend the match between the national women's U17 football club and its Algerian counterpart, in preparation for the World Cup to be held from October 16 to November 3, 2024 in the Dominican Republic.
Dressed in national colors and waving the national flag, men, women, and children begin to converge hours before the match towards the municipal stadium of Berkane, which was already full, with nearly 10,000 people, long before the kick-off of the game, a record number according to experts, of supporters who backed the national U17 team.
Un enthousiasme inÃĐdit, une spontanÃĐitÃĐ sans prÃĐcÃĐdent, et un patriotisme hautement renouvelÃĐ et longuement prononcÃĐ, tout empreint de dÃĐmonstrations musicales du folklore local, ont joliment et somptueusement marquÃĐ les gradins, du dÃĐbut du match jusqu’à sa fin.

The tremendous support shown by the people of Berkane, regardless of gender and age, only served to encourage the national team, which secured victory with a score of 4-0, and saw its performance escalate, minute after minute, achievement after achievement, and goal after goal, to the point that the score could have reached double digits if our young girls had capitalized on a few more opportunities.

Distinct from the Botola Pro matches, which are played in the same stadium by the RSB club, the stands took on a completely different appearance this time, reflecting a mosaic of ages and genders united in symbiosis and harmony with local music, occasionally played, all around a single and common goal: the glory and perpetuation of the national sports brand image in general.
Loin de toute forme d’aversion, le public de Berkane a rÃĐservÃĐ, par ailleurs un accueil faisant preuve de qualitÃĐs de bon voisinage à l’ÃĐquipe adverse et au staff qui l’accompagnait, qualitÃĐs dont jouissent toutes les composantes de Notre Nation VÃĐnÃĐrÃĐe.
The audience in Berkane thus had its say, expressed in a spectacular manner, proving its inevitable mobilization to support any other future events, whether national, continental, or international in nature.

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"Regional Forum on School and Vocational Guidance in Berkane: A Step Towards the Educational Future"

The city of Berkane was at the forefront on May 8th with a flagship event in the field of education. Indeed, the Provincial Association for the Improvement and Generalization of Education, in collaboration with the Province of Berkane, the National Initiative for Human Development, the Provincial Directorate of the Ministry of National Education, and the Provincial Council of Berkane, in partnership with Majal Berkane, organized the Regional Forum on School and Vocational Guidance at the "Majal Berkane" complex for innovation and artificial intelligence.

This forum brought together a select group of educational institutions, including higher, technical, and vocational institutes, with the aim of providing orientation and counseling opportunities to students, guiding them towards fruitful educational and career paths.

The forum garnered keen interest from students of all levels, who showed great enthusiasm for the educational and training programs on offer. Students engaged with representatives from educational institutions, asking questions about admission criteria, registration procedures, and available specializations, reflecting their careful consideration in choosing their professional future.

The Regional Forum on School and Career Guidance represents a significant step in the development of education in Berkane. It provided students with an ideal platform to explore the various educational options available and helped them make informed decisions about their professional future.

The educational institutions participating in the forum demonstrated their commitment to supporting students and guiding them toward educational and career paths that match their abilities and aspirations.

School and career guidance represents a shared responsibility among all stakeholders in education, from educational institutions to the Ministry of National Education, including civil society associations. The success of this forum underscores the importance of collaboration and coordination among the various stakeholders to ensure proper guidance for students and equip them with the skills necessary to succeed in their careers.  

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