
Towards a Sustainable Future: Berkane Smart City, Emerging Model of Smart City

"The Province of Berkane, located in the eastern region of Morocco at the extreme northeast of the country and bordering Algeria, has benefited from dynamic international collaboration with members from different regions, including Africans, Asians, and Americans, who have contributed to the significant development of the province. Berkane Smart City, an emerging concept, positions the province as a major technological and ecological hub. Through this international openness and fruitful collaborations, Berkane has positioned itself as a rapidly expanding smart city model, ready to face the challenges of the future while showcasing its cultural diversity and innovative potential. Berkane is a key player in innovation and sustainable development, poised to tackle tomorrow's challenges to create a smarter, greener, and more resilient urban environment."
"It translates into the celebration of several major achievements in the field of urban innovation. First and foremost, the province has won the Seoul Smart City Prize, a prestigious accolade that recognizes the efforts of smart cities worldwide. This victory underscores Berkane's commitment to cutting-edge technologies and sustainable solutions to enhance the quality of life for its citizens."
"Furthermore, Berkane successfully hosted the Berkane International Symposium Smart City, a prominent event that brought together experts and key stakeholders in the field of smart cities. Additionally, the Digital Society Forum in Berkane: Big Data for Smart Territories. Conferences, Hackathon, and Innovation brought together to shape the digital and sustainable future. These events facilitated the exchange of innovative ideas and highlighted Berkane's progress in the field of smart urbanism and environmental sustainability."
"Thus, Berkane has solidified its commitment to a greener future by installing electric vehicle charging stations. This initiative is part of a comprehensive approach to promote the transition to cleaner mobility and reduce the province's carbon footprint. In summary, Berkane is firmly positioning itself as a major player in urban innovation and environmental sustainability through its Berkane Smart City initiative. International partnerships, notable achievements, and concrete actions clearly illustrate the growing importance of Berkane as a smart city model. Berkane Smart City emerges as a model of smart city, combining innovation, sustainability, and international collaboration."

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Evaluation of Census Process at Meeting in Berkane: Preparations and Progress for the 2024 Edition

"On Thursday, May 2nd, a crucial meeting was held at the headquarters of the Berkane province, bringing together various stakeholders involved in the census process, currently underway for its seventh edition. Chaired by the Secretary-General, this assembly saw the participation of the President of the Provincial Council, the Regional Director of the High Commission for Planning, as well as representatives from the security forces, local authorities, and commune presidents."

"This meeting holds particular importance in the context of preparations for the ongoing census, where collected data is meticulously evaluated. The Regional Director of the High Commission for Planning also addressed the methodological aspects of the general population and housing census for the year 2024, covering various issues such as the definition of the census, its legal framework, its main objectives, its different stages, and the tools used."

"The main objective of this process is to determine the legal population of different administrative units and to explore demographic and socio-economic characteristics comprehensively. This approach also involves analyzing the housing conditions of households and the characteristics of dwellings. Additionally, it requires the establishment of a main sample for conducting statistical research over a defined period between two successive censuses. To achieve this, the national territory will be divided into census, monitoring, and supervision zones, thus ensuring complete coverage of the kingdom's population without omission or repetition. Approximately 467 people are involved in this operation."

The progress made in this census includes the digitization of all its stages using electronic tablets equipped with applications, which speeds up data processing and reduces the time taken to publish results. Additionally, this digitization eliminates costs associated with printing and transporting documents. 

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Strengthening Education in Berkane: Review, Action Plans, and Innovations for 2024-2026

As part of efforts to enhance the quality of education and reduce school dropout rates, the Province of Berkane organized a comprehensive meeting to review the work accomplished in the education sector and outline the action plan for 2024 to 2026. This meeting was presided over by the Governor, and attended by the Vice President of the Provincial Council, the Secretary General, Pachaliks, Commune Heads, Circle Heads, Service Heads, the Provincial Association for the Improvement and Generalization of Education, the National Initiative for Human Development, partners, and key stakeholders in the educational field. 

Three main areas were addressed during this presentation: the Provincial Association for the Improvement and Generalization of Education, focusing on the achievements and the action plan; the National Initiative for Human Development, which highlighted the program aimed at reducing social and community disparities in rural areas, as well as the program for promoting human capital for future generations. Finally, psychologist Mr. Amrar Boutaib presented the importance and manifestations of the "Intelligent" project.

The Provincial Association for the Improvement and Generalization of Education presented its journey and achievements during the 2019-2020 school year up to now. These efforts included several main axes, notably participatory diagnosis to understand and analyze the reality of education, ces efforts ont abouti à un renforcement de la scolarisation, à l’amÃĐlioration de la qualitÃĐ de vie scolaire et à la promotion de l’ÃĐducation, ainsi qu’à la fourniture d’un environnement ÃĐducatif appropriÃĐ et au renforcement des services sociaux, du soutien psychologique et ÃĐducatif. De plus, le service de transport scolaire a ÃĐtÃĐ amÃĐliorÃĐ de maniÃĻre tangible, grÃĒce à des contrats avec des coopÃĐratives de transport et une collaboration avec les autoritÃĐs locales pour garantir un transport efficace, dans le but de faire de ce service une expÃĐrience ÃĐducative contribuant au dÃĐveloppement des valeurs des ÃĐlÃĻves et à leur participation active.

The National Initiative for Human Development emphasized the significant progress made in the field of education over the years, including infrastructure improvement, technological development, and the increase in the number of educational institutions. As part of its human capital support program, the Initiative has also contributed to providing health and education services in rural areas, to support visually impaired, hearing impaired, and dental health-challenged students.

In conclusion, Mr. Amrar Boutaib highlighted the "Intelligent" project, which aims to early identify students' intelligence quotient, discover their talents and excellence, in order to form an elite of exceptional and creative students, and ensure their continuity in the field of artificial intelligence, thereby contributing to development and innovation in this crucial domain.             

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"The Mobile Programming for All Caravan successfully kicks off in Berkane."

On Saturday, April 20, 2024, marked the launch of the "Mobile Caravan: Programming for All" project, with its first stop at Borge Wawalout School in the Zegzal commune. The Caravan held workshops for a group of sixth-grade students, focusing on artificial intelligence and programming, using Scratch and robotics.


This event brought together several personalities, including representatives from the Provincial Directorate of the Ministry of National Education, Primary Education, and Sports, the president of the Provincial Association for the Improvement and Generalization of Education, as well as the head of the Human Capital Promotion Service, Social Work Section, of the municipality of the province of Berkane., In addition, the school's director, the teachers of the establishment, as well as students from the National School of Artificial Intelligence and Digitization of Berkane were also present.


This ambitious project aims to enhance creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills among fifth and sixth-grade students in primary schools. It is expected to benefit approximately 4664 students at the level of the Provincial Directorate of the Ministry of National Education, Primary Education, and Sports in Berkane.


To achieve this goal, the Provincial Association for the Improvement and Generalization of Education, as the project management contract beneficiary, has mobilized three buses equipped with 30 laptops, 10 interactive whiteboards, as well as the necessary robotics and artificial intelligence equipment.                

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When Artificial Intelligence Meets Youth: Majal Berkane at the Oujda Book Fair


At the heart of the excitement of the 4thrd ÃĐdition du  Salon MaghrÃĐbin du Livre à Oujda, l’Espace Jeunesse a ÃĐtÃĐ le thÃĐÃĒtre d’une discussion passionnante sur l’Intelligence Artificielle au Service de la Jeunesse, animÃĐe par Majal Berkane. C’ÃĐtait une vÃĐritable plongÃĐe dans un monde oÃđ la technologie se met au service de l’autonomie et de l’innovation des jeunes.

AI is no longer just an abstract concept; it has become a daily companion for youth, guiding them towards a future where technology and humanity harmoniously converge. Whether in education, innovation, arts, or sciences, AI serves as a facilitator, thereby enhancing the academic, social, and professional performances of young people.

Walid Amara's intervention, as an Artificial Intelligence consultant at Majal Berkane, shed light on the innovative projects developed by the team, focusing on urban and environmental challenges. From managing stray dogs to public security and traffic management, facial recognition solutions, and surveillance devices, Majal Berkane is fully committed to creating smart and secure cities.

Participating in the Book Fair underscores Majal Berkane's social and societal commitment, aiming to share and impart knowledge for the well-being of society. It's a beautiful demonstration of their vision centered on values of sharing and innovation.        


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Berkane Inspires UNDP: A Promising Partnership for Smart Urban Management

Imagine a world where every street, every building, every urban system works in harmony to create a sustainable and intelligent environment. This is the direction in which the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Local Development Company (SDL) Majal Berkane are heading. In a context where increasing urbanization poses major challenges, their partnership offers a ray of hope.

The UNDP and Majal Berkane SDL are joining forces to develop smart and sustainable cities, starting with Berkane and extending these projects to other cities. This collaboration capitalizes on Majal Berkane SDL's expertise in key areas such as waste management, energy efficiency, and sustainable mobility. The goal is clear: to leverage local knowledge and skills to strengthen the capacities of authorities and partners, whether from the public or private sector, beyond Moroccan borders.

One of the key strengths of this partnership is the use of advanced technologies such as Digital Twin, Artificial Intelligence, and the Internet of Things. Together, UNDP and Majal Berkane SDL aim to integrate these essential tools into the urban fabric, paving the way for innovative solutions to contemporary urban challenges. At the heart of this collaboration lies a continuous exchange of best practices among different cities involved in smart city projects, with the aim of creating smarter and more resilient cities.

This collaboration perfectly aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, aiming to create inclusive, environmentally friendly cities conducive to a better future for all. This futuristic vision is realized through a recent Memorandum of Understanding signed between UNDP and Majal Berkane SDL.

De plus, un autre Protocole d’accord a ÃĐtÃĐ signÃĐ entre le PNUD et la Province de Berkane, soulignant l’engagement à renforcer la vision novatrice de la province en matiÃĻre de gestion des donnÃĐes territoriales. À travers des ateliers et des ÃĐchanges, ces partenaires favoriseront l’ÃĐmergence d’idÃĐes innovantes et partageront les meilleures pratiques pour une transformation urbaine intelligente et durable. Des rapports dÃĐtaillÃĐs et des ÃĐtudes de cas seront ÃĐgalement publiÃĐs pour capitaliser sur les succÃĻs existants et inspirer de nouvelles initiatives.

Le PNUD apportera un soutien technique à la Province de Berkane dans le dÃĐveloppement de projets novateurs touchant divers aspects tels que la gestion des dÃĐchets, l’efficacitÃĐ ÃĐnergÃĐtique et la mobilitÃĐ durable. Ensemble, ils travailleront à amÃĐliorer la qualitÃĐ des services publics et à mettre en place des plateformes de donnÃĐes ouvertes pour une prise de dÃĐcision ÃĐclairÃĐe. Pour faciliter le dÃĐploiement de technologies de pointe et accompagner la transition numÃĐrique des territoires, un modÃĻle de gouvernance intÃĐgrÃĐe sera dÃĐveloppÃĐ en collaboration avec les ministÃĻres concernÃĐs. L’objectif est de formaliser un cadre pour la digitalisation des territoires tout en renforçant les capacitÃĐs financiÃĻres et opÃĐrationnelles des municipalitÃĐs pour relever les dÃĐfis prÃĐsents et futurs.      

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"Clinical Caravan in Berkane: Providing Crucial Healthcare Services to the Population"

"Today, Thursday, April 18, in Berkane, a large surgical caravan kicked off, organized by the Belgian Association Basmah in partnership with the Provincial Council of Berkane, the Provincial Delegation of Health and Social Protection, the Ofoq Association for Surgery, and the Provincial Association for Support to Health and Social Sectors of Berkane."

The inaugural day saw the presence of the President of the Provincial Council, as well as the Provincial Delegate of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. A medical team comprising surgeons, specialists, nurses, as well as administrative and technical staff was also present.

This surgical caravan, taking place at the Provincial Hospital of Ad-DerÃĒa, aims to address the needs of the population and ensure the continuity of health services in the region.

This initiative aims to provide specialized medical care to the population of Berkane, in order to improve their access to basic treatments. More than 38 medical professionals and specialized nurses in various fields are involved in this caravan, covering specialties such as dermatology, hernia surgery, pediatric surgery, and many more.

The Provincial Delegate of Health and Social Protection emphasized the importance of this medical campaign, mobilizing all human and logistical resources of the hospital, to bring health services closer to citizens and provide medical consultations in different specialties. He also mentioned the challenges faced by the Provincial Hospital, especially during winter, when access to certain medical services can be difficult for the population.

This medical campaign, which will run until Saturday, April 20, 2024, is expected to include approximately 120 surgical operations.  

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Al-Badr Awareness Carnival in Berkane: For an Inclusive and Solidary Society

Under the motto "Despite our disparities, our essence is that of creators," the Al-Badr Organization for people with disabilities, women, and children orchestrated the sixth edition of its educational carnival. The essence of this initiative lay in raising awareness about autism and promoting the integration of these individuals within the community. On Tuesday, April 2, 2024, a multitude of participants, of all ages and genders, converged on this awareness carnival, expressing their solidarity with autistic children and individuals with mental disorders, with the aim of working towards their full societal integration.


Among the participants in this event were Ms. Nadia Attia, president of the organization, along with her executive board, as well as the delegate of national assistance, the provincial director of youth, culture, and communication, healthcare and education professionals, civil society association entities, and private and public educational institutions. During this carnival, the participants displayed various banners advocating for the integration of autistic children and youth.


The starting point of the carnival was the organization's headquarters, located at the Center for Initiative for the Disabled, in the Al-Majd neighborhood, heading towards the province of Berkane along Mohammed V Street


Nadia Attia emphasized that this event aimed to educate the public about autism, encourage solidarity, cooperation, and participation, while highlighting the importance of early detection of autistic disorders.


This spokesperson also advocated for the integration of individuals with autism into society, so they can lead ordinary lives and fully enjoy their rights as guaranteed by the constitution and international agreements.


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Promotion du Transport Scolaire à l’Échelle Nationale : Une DÃĐlÃĐgation de Berkane Partage son ExpÃĐrience

a delegation from Berkane, including the president of the provincial council, the head of the social action division (part of the National Initiative for Human Development), the director of Majal Berkane, and the president of the provincial associationfor education improvement and generalization, visited the headquarters of Morocco’s main educational organization. Their purpose was to hold an interactive meeting aimed at promoting and disseminating Berkane’s experience in school transportation at the national level.

The success of the association-led school transportation initiative is now well-known, especially after repeated committee visits. This achievement prompted the Permanent Commission for Education and Training of the Higher Council for Education and Training for All, as well as the Permanent Commission for Education, Training, and Scientific Research of the Higher Council for Education and Training and Scientific Research, to invite the Provincial Council to present an exhibition on its precise digital monitoring of school transportation—an innovative and unprecedented initiative at the national level.

The interactive session took place at the headquarters of the Higher Council for Education and Training and Scientific Research on Friday, March 22. Representatives from the Provincial Association for Education Improvement and Generalization in Berkane, the Provincial Council, Berkane, and the Local Development Company Majal Berkane participated. The objective was to share Berkane Provincial Council’s experience with the permanent commissions, in the presence of researchers.

This interactive session followed consultations with members of the Berkane Provincial Council. The significant results achieved in the field of school transportation and precise digital monitoring by the Berkane province, as part of projects aimed at promoting education and reducing school dropout rates, motivated this organizational request.

During the interactive meeting, association representatives and the Berkane Provincial Council presented the initiative, discussing its conception, achievements, challenges encountered during implementation, opportunities it provides, and the possibility of generalizing it to other provinces in the Kingdom, taking into account each region’s specificities 


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