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Workshop on Training and Cultural Ramadan Evenings: Boosting Digital Marketing in Berkane

During a series of Ramadan activities, the Majal Berkane Complex for Innovation and Territorial Intelligence hosted a special training workshop and cultural evening on the evening of March 19 at 9:00 PM. The event was supervised by the SOBOL NumÃĐriques Association and featured participation from specialized instructors.

The event focused on the theme of Digital Marketing and saw strong engagement from young people and enthusiasts in the Berkane Province, as well as influential figures in the field. The workshop provided an opportunity for the exchange of ideas and experiences, raising awareness about digital marketing by showcasing successful models and analyzing lessons learned. Participants were encouraged to apply new strategies and techniques in their respective projects, enhancing their experience and strengthening their skills in this vital domain.

Following fruitful and effective discussions, the event concluded with the presentation of certificates of recognition from the SOBOL NumÃĐriques Association to the instructor, along with a certificate of recognition to the Majal Berkane Complex. This recognition acknowledged their hospitality and support for the workshop’s events and participants.

This event was more than just a training workshop; it served as a gathering of minds and ideas—a platform for sharing experiences and building robust professional networks. Its aim was to support and enhance the capabilities of young individuals in the field of digital marketing, thereby contributing to the development of the local community and bolstering employment and entrepreneurial opportunities in the Berkane Province


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Untitled Project (8)

Medical Convoy in Ophthalmology: A Compassionate Look at the Health of Diabetic Patients in Berkane

On Saturday, March 16, 2024, a crucial medical event took place in the province of Berkane, carefully orchestrated by the ATD program and supervised by the provincial committee supporting health and social sectors. It was a medical convoy in ophthalmology specifically designed for diabetic patients to provide essential eye examinations.

In total, 145 diabetic patients were summoned for this critical event. Fortunately, 94 of them responded and received detailed ophthalmological examinations, with a particular focus on retinal health.

The results obtained underscore the importance of these preventive exams: 60 patients will require regular follow-up every 6 months to closely monitor their eye health. For 27 other cases, specific surgical interventions will be necessary to ensure their long-term well-being. Finally, 07 patients will need in-depth examinations using specialized equipment to address their precise needs.

This meticulously planned campaign unfolded under extremely favorable conditions, providing patients and doctors with an environment conducive to quality care. Five dedicated ophthalmologists from the Oujda University Hospital’s ophthalmology department participated in these exams, collaborating with the Diabetes Association of Berkane, the Opticians Association of Berkane, and the Capiss Maroc Association. The entire event took place at the Community Social Center in the municipality of Berkane, strengthening community bonds and commitment to health for all.

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Launch of the special operation ‘Hout Btaman Maakoul’ for frozen fish on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan 1445.

In order to strengthen the supply of the national market and improve the availability of fish during the sacred month of Ramadan 1445, the Department of Maritime Fisheries, in coordination with deep-sea fishing shipowners, launched the 6th edition of the ‘hout btaman maakoul’ initiative. This initiative aims to make frozen fish available at affordable prices through sales points that will be set up, similar to previous years.
The city of Berkane also benefited from this operation, with a frozen fish sales point installed near Med V Square (formerly known as Place Baio).
To ensure the smooth execution of this operation, which facilitates broader access to fish products and regulates their prices, local authorities and the Berkane municipality provided support for its organization.


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Untitled Project (22)

Discovering Digital Governance: The Delegation from UNDP and the School of International and Public Affairs Visits Berkane.

A group of students from the School of International and Public Affairs, accompanied by a delegation from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), recently embarked on an enriching experience in Berkane. The day was entirely dedicated to exploring and understanding the innovative model of integrated digital territorial governance implemented in the Province.

The visit began with an in-depth presentation of Berkane’s integrated digital territorial governance model, in the presence of Mr. Mohamed Ali Habouha, Governor of the Province of Berkane. Students and UNDP representatives had the opportunity to discover the initiatives and technologies implemented to modernize and optimize local resource management. This first part of the day allowed everyone to grasp the tangible benefits of integrating digital technologies into local governance, emphasizing transparency, efficiency, and citizen participation.

The second part of the day featured a conference on artificial intelligence, led by Dr. Mohamed Medwani, a prominent expert in the field. The event took place at the National School of Artificial Intelligence and Digital in Berkane. Dr. Medwani shared his in-depth knowledge of recent developments in artificial intelligence, highlighting its impact on various sectors of society. Participants had the opportunity to interact, ask questions, and discuss the ethical and social implications of this emerging technology.

The day concluded with practical workshops on artificial intelligence, led by a team of UNDP experts. These workshops provided young civil society actors and students with the opportunity to put their newfound knowledge into practice and explore concrete applications of AI in the context of territorial governance. Discussions focused particularly on how digital tools can be used to address local challenges, improve public service delivery, and promote sustainable development.

This immersion in Berkane allowed students from the School of International and Public Affairs and the UNDP delegation to fully immerse themselves in the world of digital governance and artificial intelligence. The collaboration between the educational and international sectors underscores the importance of sharing knowledge and experiences to drive progress. This visit left a lasting impression, encouraging participants to consider how technological advancements can serve the common good and sustainable development.  

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The Pioneering Collaboration between SUPCOM and ENIAD Redefines the Future of Artificial Intelligence and Digital in Berkane. 

The world of artificial intelligence and digital technology has taken a promising new step with a high-level Tunisian delegation visiting the province of Berkane. This meeting, initiated following the launch of the National School of Artificial Intelligence and Digital (ENIAD), has opened exciting opportunities for collaboration between SUPCOM and ENIAD. 

The delegation, led by Mr. Ridha Bouallegue, Director of the Higher School of Communications in Tunis (SUPCOM), also included Mr. Rachid Hamza, Director of Studies, and Mr. Ali Benbrahim, emeritus professor at SUPCOM and a member of Fiware. 

The central point of this visit was the realization of a student-teacher exchange agreement between ENIAD and SUPCOM. This initiative aims to bridge two pioneering institutions in the field of technology and artificial intelligence, providing students and teachers with a unique opportunity to enhance their knowledge and skills. 

In parallel with this academic collaboration, the delegation seized the opportunity to explore other avenues of cooperation through technical and academic expertise exchange. Fruitful meetings took place with digital and technological entities in the province, such as Majal Berkane and DGNTI, as well as with elected councils, including the Provincial Council.  

The goal was to delve into the potential of each party, discover technological advancements, and ongoing innovative projects. The digitalization of administrative processes was a focal point of discussions, highlighting Berkane’s successes in this domain. 

The visit also opened stimulating prospects for future collaborations. Discussions centered around crucial themes like smart cities, green technology, and other innovative initiatives. This exchange opportunity strengthened the ties between SUPCOM and Berkane, laying the foundation for a fruitful and mutually beneficial partnership. 

Mr. Ali Benbrahim expressed enthusiasm about the future of this collaboration, emphasizing that “collective intelligence and collaboration between institutions are essential for shaping a promising technological future 

In conclusion, this visit was much more than a mere academic encounter. It served as a catalyst for a new era of partnership between SUPCOM and ENIAD, promising significant advancements in the fields of artificial intelligence and digital technology. An exciting chapter begins for these visionary institutions, ready to push the boundaries of innovation together. 

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Educate to Secure in Berkane: The Innovations of the Digital Pathways Association in Road Safety Awareness

Road safety awareness is of paramount importance in our modern society, where mobility is ubiquitous. Road safety rules are not merely imposed directives but fundamental principles aimed at safeguarding lives, preventing accidents, and promoting harmonious coexistence on our roads.

The activities organized by the Digital Pathways Association on the occasion of the National Road Safety Day reflect an innovative approach to addressing this vital issue. By integrating metaverse virtual reality technologies, the association has made learning road safety rules not only informative but also engaging. The use of a smart road circuit, programmed with robotics, offers a practical and fun experience, facilitating the understanding of concepts, especially for the younger audience.

The involvement of children in this initiative demonstrates the effectiveness of such interactive methods in instilling road safety habits from a young age. By understanding and applying the rules, children become responsible citizens on the road, thereby helping to reduce the risk of accidents.

The educational session in English on how to use the road is another important aspect of this initiative. It goes beyond merely imparting practical knowledge by emphasizing the importance of openness to cultures and living languages. By promoting this openness, the association helps shape a future generation endowed with values of respect, tolerance, and mutual understanding, essential qualities for fostering responsible and safe driving.

In summary, these road safety awareness efforts are not just about enforcing rules but also about forming conscious and responsible individuals, ready to play an active role in creating a safe and harmonious road environment.  

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Participation of Mr. Mohamed Ali Habouha: An Insight into the Sustainable and Inclusive Governance Model at the Sustainable Mobility Forum in Rabat

The city of Rabat recently hosted the “Sustainable Mobility Forum Meeting,” an event organized by the Ministry of Transport and Logistics on Wednesday, January 31. The event was marked by the presence of influential personalities such as Mr. Mohammed Abdeljalil, Minister of Transport and Logistics, Mr. Nizar Baraka, Minister of Equipment and Water, Mr. Mohamed Ali Habouha, Governor of the Province of Berkane, Mr. Rachid El Abdi, President of the Rabat-SalÃĐ-KÃĐnitra Region, as well as experts and professionals in digital, artificial intelligence, and sustainable mobility from both the public and private sectors.

This initiative emerged in response to the growing environmental challenges posed by greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector in Morocco. Alarming figures reveal emissions of about 35 million tons of CO2, doubling the 2015 figures according to ITF2019. The transport sector accounts for 28% of greenhouse gas emissions, ranking second after the energy sector, which contributes 40%.

The forum was structured around several panels focusing on the vision of sustainable and inclusive mobility for Morocco, the transition to a sustainable and inclusive mode of mobility, corporate responsibility in this area, and the role of technological innovation in supporting sustainable and inclusive mobility.

These panels covered various topics, including political leaders' vision for sustainable mobility, specific objectives and deployment mechanisms, social and technological innovations, ongoing infrastructure projects to promote sustainable mobility, and the private sector's involvement in implementing the political vision.

The role of digital and AI in transport management, benefits for road safety, intelligent navigation solutions, practical applications, smart cities, and the sharing economy were the main themes discussed during the panels.

Berkane was represented at the forum, showcasing its experience and digital transformation journey. The Governor of the Province, Mohamed Ali Habouha, led a delegation that shared the strategic vision “BIGGEST” (Berkane Inclusive Good Governance and Eco Smart and Sustainable Territory). This vision has been realized over the past five years through projects such as inclusive mobility, smart traffic management, the installation of electric vehicle charging stations, and the Digital Twin, making Berkane a nationally and internationally recognized Smart City model.

Dr. Badr Ben Hichou, Director of Information Systems at Majal Berkane, participated as a panelist in the 3rd Panel on the role of technological innovation in sustainable and inclusive mobility. He shared concrete examples of fleet management projects, such as the household waste collection fleet and the urban and interurban transport fleet.

The forum also included a workshop on electric mobility, aimed at collectively raising awareness about the challenges and opportunities of this new era. Sessions such as “Inspire” and “Innov & Transform” highlighted stimulating experiences and perspectives for the future of sustainable mobility.     

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The Ghazal Association Invests in Raising Awareness for Sustainable Water Management

As part of the sociocultural initiatives of the Women's Training Center in Berkane, an awareness session was held on Monday, January 29, 2024, starting at 2:30 PM. Under the slogan "Collectively preserve our precious water resource for a dignified life and a sustainable environment by changing our behaviors," this event took the form of a conference led by the Ghazal Association for Development in Berkane, in collaboration with the following entities:

The Local Scientific Council of OulÃĐmas of Berkane

The Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports in Berkane

The Provincial Directorate of National Cooperation in Berkane

The Provincial Directorate of the National Office of Potable Water in Berkane

The meeting was marked by the presence and involvement of local authorities, elected officials, civil society representatives, trainees from the women's training centers (Women's Training Center, Women's and Children's Space in the Lahbil neighborhood), as well as significant participation from citizens.

This initiative is part of a program aimed at addressing the problem of water overconsumption, emphasizing awareness and consciousness towards a rational use of this resource. It also aims to explore alternatives and practical applications to change behaviors while promoting a new culture of preserving this vital resource for human, animal, and plant life on earth. This contributes to the realization of royal directives and government programs aimed at ensuring access to water for all under normal conditions, promoting rationalization and wise exploitation, as well as managing scarcity with the participation of all stakeholders, including the state, local authorities, civil society, and citizens.   


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PFE Internship Opportunities in Various Themes and Specialties Offered by the InnovationLab Department at Majal Berkane

Majal Berkane, a leader in the field of innovation and territorial intelligence, offers exciting PFE internship opportunities for students wishing to develop their skills in a dynamic and innovative environment.

Interns will have the opportunity to work on innovative projects related to territorial intelligence, thus contributing to the evolution and improvement of Majal Berkane's solutions. The projects will cover areas such as data collection and analysis, smart mapping, and the development of technological solutions to optimize territorial management.

For more details on the available specialties and proposed projects, please refer to the attached document. Interested candidates are invited to send their CVs.

Majal Berkane values diversity and encourages applications from all backgrounds. Join us in this exciting adventure where innovation and territorial intelligence shape the future.

Join us and help shape the future of territories with Majal Berkane! 

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Beneficent Ocular Medical Campaign by the Support and Qualification Center for Children in Difficult Situations of Berkane

The Support and Qualification Center for Children in Difficult Situations of Berkane shone during its exceptional social and charitable initiative this Saturday, January 27. The highlight of the day was a medical campaign dedicated to diagnosing and treating eye disorders for children from underprivileged backgrounds.

This campaign was meticulously orchestrated by the Association for the Support and Qualification of Children, chaired by Madame Houda Bourarach, in collaboration with the associations UNIC, Humanity, Et si..., and under the attentive supervision of the Provincial Commission for Support to the Health and Social Sector. In total, 125 beneficiaries from precarious families, rural areas, and orphanages benefited from this noble initiative.

Ophthalmologists, general practitioners, and opticians, as well as committed association actors from the Province of Berkane, graciously offered their services to successfully carry out this operation. This initiative went beyond a simple medical visit, including appropriate treatments based on diagnostic results, comprising medications, prescription glasses, and corrective lenses. Follow-up appointments were also scheduled for each child, with the creation of individual records.

This commendable action is part of the numerous programs and actions undertaken by the association and the provincial commission, as well as the entire ecosystem actors. These efforts aim to normalize access to healthcare and social programs for all social strata. An exemplary approach that deserves recognition and support, thus contributing to the improvement of the well-being of children in difficult situations in Berkane.

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