Strengthening Education in Berkane: Review, Action Plans, and Innovations for 2024-2026
As part of efforts to enhance the quality of education and reduce school dropout rates, the Province of Berkane organized a comprehensive meeting to review the work accomplished in the education sector and outline the action plan for 2024 to 2026. This meeting was presided over by the Governor, and attended by the Vice President of the Provincial Council, the Secretary General, Pachaliks, Commune Heads, Circle Heads, Service Heads, the Provincial Association for the Improvement and Generalization of Education, the National Initiative for Human Development, partners, and key stakeholders in the educational field.Â
Three main areas were addressed during this presentation: the Provincial Association for the Improvement and Generalization of Education, focusing on the achievements and the action plan; the National Initiative for Human Development, which highlighted the program aimed at reducing social and community disparities in rural areas, as well as the program for promoting human capital for future generations. Finally, psychologist Mr. Amrar Boutaib presented the importance and manifestations of the "Intelligent" project.
The Provincial Association for the Improvement and Generalization of Education presented its journey and achievements during the 2019-2020 school year up to now. These efforts included several main axes, notably participatory diagnosis to understand and analyze the reality of education, ces efforts ont abouti à un renforcement de la scolarisation, à l’amÃĐlioration de la qualitÃĐ de vie scolaire et à la promotion de l’ÃĐducation, ainsi qu’à la fourniture d’un environnement ÃĐducatif appropriÃĐ et au renforcement des services sociaux, du soutien psychologique et ÃĐducatif. De plus, le service de transport scolaire a ÃĐtÃĐ amÃĐliorÃĐ de maniÃĻre tangible, grÃĒce à des contrats avec des coopÃĐratives de transport et une collaboration avec les autoritÃĐs locales pour garantir un transport efficace, dans le but de faire de ce service une expÃĐrience ÃĐducative contribuant au dÃĐveloppement des valeurs des ÃĐlÃĻves et à leur participation active.
The National Initiative for Human Development emphasized the significant progress made in the field of education over the years, including infrastructure improvement, technological development, and the increase in the number of educational institutions. As part of its human capital support program, the Initiative has also contributed to providing health and education services in rural areas, to support visually impaired, hearing impaired, and dental health-challenged students.
In conclusion, Mr. Amrar Boutaib highlighted the "Intelligent" project, which aims to early identify students' intelligence quotient, discover their talents and excellence, in order to form an elite of exceptional and creative students, and ensure their continuity in the field of artificial intelligence, thereby contributing to development and innovation in this crucial domain.      Â