Category: Cooperation

Untitled Project – 2024-07-23T111031.729

Exposition Régionale à Berkane : Les Coopératives en Première Ligne pour la Préservation du Patrimoine Culturel et le Renforcement de l’Économie Locale

Dans le cadre du soutien à l’économie sociale solidaire et du renforcement du rôle des coopératives, le secteur coopératif de l’Oriental a organisé une exposition régionale pour la commercialisation des produits des coopératives sous le thème “Le rôle des coopératives dans la préservation du patrimoine culturel”. Cet événement a été coordonné avec la direction régionale du ministère de la Culture et en partenariat avec la préfecture de la province de Berkane, le conseil provincial, ainsi que la commune de Berkane. L’organisation de cette exposition coïncide avec la 11ème édition du Festival des Arts Populaires de la région orientale. L’exposition s’inscrit dans le cadre d’une stratégie globale visant à renforcer l’économie locale et à consolider les liens communautaires par le soutien aux producteurs locaux.

L’exposition, qui se tient sur la place Mohammed VI à Berkane, a connu une forte affluence de la part des habitants de la ville. Les participants et les visiteurs ont accueilli positivement l’occasion de découvrir et de soutenir les produits des coopératives locales. Les activités de l’exposition ont débuté les 18, 19 et 20 juillet courant. En raison de l’importante affluence et du désir des participants et visiteurs, la durée de l’exposition a été prolongée pour inclure les 21, 22 et 23 juillet.

Les coopératives jouent un rôle crucial dans le renforcement de l’économie sociale et solidaire de la région. Grâce à ce soutien et encouragement, l’exposition régionale de commercialisation des produits coopératifs renforce le rôle des producteurs locaux et contribue à accroître la conscience économique et sociale parmi les membres de la communauté.

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Untitled Project (65)

Berkane Inspires UNDP: A Promising Partnership for Smart Urban Management

Imagine a world where every street, every building, every urban system works in harmony to create a sustainable and intelligent environment. This is the direction in which the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and the Local Development Company (SDL) Majal Berkane are heading. In a context where increasing urbanization poses major challenges, their partnership offers a ray of hope.

The UNDP and Majal Berkane SDL are joining forces to develop smart and sustainable cities, starting with Berkane and extending these projects to other cities. This collaboration capitalizes on Majal Berkane SDL's expertise in key areas such as waste management, energy efficiency, and sustainable mobility. The goal is clear: to leverage local knowledge and skills to strengthen the capacities of authorities and partners, whether from the public or private sector, beyond Moroccan borders.

One of the key strengths of this partnership is the use of advanced technologies such as Digital Twin, Artificial Intelligence, and the Internet of Things. Together, UNDP and Majal Berkane SDL aim to integrate these essential tools into the urban fabric, paving the way for innovative solutions to contemporary urban challenges. At the heart of this collaboration lies a continuous exchange of best practices among different cities involved in smart city projects, with the aim of creating smarter and more resilient cities.

This collaboration perfectly aligns with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals, aiming to create inclusive, environmentally friendly cities conducive to a better future for all. This futuristic vision is realized through a recent Memorandum of Understanding signed between UNDP and Majal Berkane SDL.

De plus, un autre Protocole d’accord a été signé entre le PNUD et la Province de Berkane, soulignant l’engagement à renforcer la vision novatrice de la province en matière de gestion des données territoriales. À travers des ateliers et des échanges, ces partenaires favoriseront l’émergence d’idées innovantes et partageront les meilleures pratiques pour une transformation urbaine intelligente et durable. Des rapports détaillés et des études de cas seront également publiés pour capitaliser sur les succès existants et inspirer de nouvelles initiatives.

Le PNUD apportera un soutien technique à la Province de Berkane dans le développement de projets novateurs touchant divers aspects tels que la gestion des déchets, l’efficacité énergétique et la mobilité durable. Ensemble, ils travailleront à améliorer la qualité des services publics et à mettre en place des plateformes de données ouvertes pour une prise de décision éclairée. Pour faciliter le déploiement de technologies de pointe et accompagner la transition numérique des territoires, un modèle de gouvernance intégrée sera développé en collaboration avec les ministères concernés. L’objectif est de formaliser un cadre pour la digitalisation des territoires tout en renforçant les capacités financières et opérationnelles des municipalités pour relever les défis présents et futurs.      

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Untitled Project (22)

Discovering Digital Governance: The Delegation from UNDP and the School of International and Public Affairs Visits Berkane.

A group of students from the School of International and Public Affairs, accompanied by a delegation from the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), recently embarked on an enriching experience in Berkane. The day was entirely dedicated to exploring and understanding the innovative model of integrated digital territorial governance implemented in the Province.

The visit began with an in-depth presentation of Berkane’s integrated digital territorial governance model, in the presence of Mr. Mohamed Ali Habouha, Governor of the Province of Berkane. Students and UNDP representatives had the opportunity to discover the initiatives and technologies implemented to modernize and optimize local resource management. This first part of the day allowed everyone to grasp the tangible benefits of integrating digital technologies into local governance, emphasizing transparency, efficiency, and citizen participation.

The second part of the day featured a conference on artificial intelligence, led by Dr. Mohamed Medwani, a prominent expert in the field. The event took place at the National School of Artificial Intelligence and Digital in Berkane. Dr. Medwani shared his in-depth knowledge of recent developments in artificial intelligence, highlighting its impact on various sectors of society. Participants had the opportunity to interact, ask questions, and discuss the ethical and social implications of this emerging technology.

The day concluded with practical workshops on artificial intelligence, led by a team of UNDP experts. These workshops provided young civil society actors and students with the opportunity to put their newfound knowledge into practice and explore concrete applications of AI in the context of territorial governance. Discussions focused particularly on how digital tools can be used to address local challenges, improve public service delivery, and promote sustainable development.

This immersion in Berkane allowed students from the School of International and Public Affairs and the UNDP delegation to fully immerse themselves in the world of digital governance and artificial intelligence. The collaboration between the educational and international sectors underscores the importance of sharing knowledge and experiences to drive progress. This visit left a lasting impression, encouraging participants to consider how technological advancements can serve the common good and sustainable development.  

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Untitled Project (4)

Berkane, a pioneer in digitalization, stands out at the Senegalese-Moroccan Decentralization Conference in Dakar

In Dakar, the Senegalese-Moroccan Decentralization Conference took place under the high patronage of the Head of State, Macky Sall, marking an exceptional Moroccan participation and highlighting the significant contribution of the provincial delegation of Berkane, a dynamic territory focused on development. The opening ceremony was chaired by Modou Diagne Fada, Senegalese Minister of Territorial Communities, Planning, and Territorial Development.

The Moroccan delegation, led by Governor Abdelouahhab El Jabri, included Mounir Laymouri, Mayor of the city of Tangier and President of the Moroccan Association of Presidents of Municipal Councils (AMPCC), and Mohammed Jelloul, President of the Provincial Council of Berkane, as well as eminent representatives from DGCT, INDH, FEC, CDG, presidents of various municipalities, and the Ambassador of His Majesty the King in Dakar, Hassan Naciri.

Under the theme "Together, Territorial Communities chart the course of South-South decentralized cooperation marked by innovation and progress," the opening ceremony was marked by inspiring speeches from the Senegalese Minister of Territorial Communities, the President of the Senegalese Mayors' Association (AMS), the President of AMPCC, the President of the Union of Cities and Municipalities of Côte d'Ivoire, the Secretary-General of UCLG Africa, the Ambassador of Morocco to Senegal, and a representative of the Council of Territorial Communities of the West African Economic and Monetary Union (CCT, UEMOA). Senegalese professor Massamba Gueye also captivated the audience with insightful communication on the history of relations between Morocco and Senegal

These Conferences, jointly initiated by AMPCC and AMS, bring together territorial elected officials, officials, experts, and territorial managers from both countries. The primary objective is to revisit the history of the secular relations between Morocco and Senegal, to share experiences of ongoing decentralization policies in both countries, and to highlight cooperation and financing opportunities for local development for territorial communities in both nations.

Beyond the elaboration of an action plan for the implementation of the agreement between the umbrella associations, the ambitious objectives include reaffirming and strengthening the solidarity and cooperation ties between the territorial communities of Senegal and Morocco through a more dynamic territorial diplomacy, according to the organizers. In addition to the meeting, a partnership agreement was solemnly signed between the Association of Senegalese Mayors (AMS) and the Moroccan Association of Presidents of Municipal Councils (AMPCC).

The proceedings were the subject of plenary sessions, providing a privileged platform for participants to discuss mechanisms for financing territorial communities in Senegal and Morocco, as well as concrete axes of decentralized cooperation between the two countries and territorial diplomacy. A highlight of these exchanges was marked by the presentation of Berkane's experience, which was invited to share its expertise in digitalization and innovation in public governance. Berkane presented its model of Integrated Municipal Digital Governance, highlighting its commitment to adopting a modern approach to local development, integrating environmental, economic, social, and technological dimensions. This presentation demonstrated Berkane's willingness to be at the forefront of territorial innovation and to play a leading role in the province's economic development.   

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