Category: Ecology


Gestion du Stress Hydrique dans la Province de Berkane : RÃĐunion StratÃĐgique du ComitÃĐ Provincial de l’Eau

Monsieur Mohamed Ali Habouha, Gouverneur de la province de Berkane, a prÃĐsidÃĐ une rÃĐunion pÃĐriodique du ComitÃĐ provincial de l’eau à la prÃĐfecture de la province de Berkane. Cette rÃĐunion ÃĐtait axÃĐe sur le suivi et la gestion de la situation de stress hydrique dans la province de Berkane, conformÃĐment aux directives du roi Mohammed VI concernant l’eau.

Ont assistÃĐ Ã  cette rÃĐunion, le prÃĐsident du Conseil Provincial, le SecrÃĐtaire GÃĐnÃĐral, la reprÃĐsentante de l’Agence du bassin hydraulique de Moulouya, Madame la Directrice de  RÃĐgie Autonome Intercommunale de Distribution d’Eau et d’ElectricitÃĐ, Madame la Directrice RÃĐgionale du MinistÃĻre de la Transition ÉnergÃĐtique et du DÃĐveloppement Durable, le DÃĐlÃĐguÃĐ de l’Office National de l’ÉlectricitÃĐ et de l’Eau Potable – Secteur Eau, le DÃĐlÃĐguÃĐ de l’Office RÃĐgional de Mise en Valeur Agricole de Moulouya, ainsi que les Pachaliks, les PrÃĐsidents des Communes Territoriales, les AutoritÃĐs Locales et les Services de SÃĐcuritÃĐ.

Le secteur de l’eau connaÃŪt une diminution des ressources hydriques et une augmentation des catastrophes climatiques dues au changement climatique, avec des ressources limitÃĐes pour rÃĐpondre à la demande croissante. Selon les donnÃĐes fournies par la reprÃĐsentante de l’Agence du bassin hydraulique de la Moulouya, la province de Berkane a enregistrÃĐ des prÃĐcipitations de 191 mm de septembre 2023 à juillet 2024, ce qui reprÃĐsente une augmentation de 17% par rapport à la moyenne annuelle de 163,1 mm. En ce qui concerne la situation des barrages dans le bassin, le stock d’eau du barrage Oued Za a augmentÃĐ de 12%, tandis que le barrage Mohammed V a enregistrÃĐ une baisse de 85%. Dans ce contexte, les projets inclus dans le plan d’amÃĐnagement intÃĐgrÃĐ des ressources en eau sont des solutions nÃĐcessaires pour faire face à ces dÃĐfis et assurer la durabilitÃĐ des ressources en eau.

Le dÃĐlÃĐguÃĐ de l’Office National de l’ÃĐlectricitÃĐ et de l’eau potable – secteur de l’eau a prÃĐsentÃĐ un exposÃĐ sur la maniÃĻre de fournir de l’eau potable à la province, en plus de la mise en œuvre des dispositions de la circulaire ministÃĐrielle sur la gestion du stress hydrique (application des mesures pour rÃĐduire les fuites d’eau, cartographie des zones à forte consommation d’eau).

Le DÃĐlÃĐguÃĐ de l’Office RÃĐgional de Mise en Valeur Agricole de la Moulouya a abordÃĐ la rÃĐalisation d’un canal sur la rive droite pour acheminer l’eau du barrage de Machraa Hammadi destinÃĐ Ã  approvisionner les habitants de Berkane, SaÃŊdia, Ras El Ma en eau potable avec un dÃĐbit de 820 litres/seconde, ainsi que l’ÃĐlimination de la salinitÃĐ des eaux saumÃĒtres dans les nappes phrÃĐatiques pour fournir un dÃĐbit total de 150 litres/seconde.

Le dÃĐlÃĐguÃĐ de l’Office rÃĐgional de l’investissement agricole de Moulouya a abordÃĐ la rÃĐalisation d’un canal de dÃĐrivation sur la rive droite du barrage Mcherga Hamadi destinÃĐ Ã  approvisionner les habitants de Berkane Sidi Slimane en eau potable, avec un dÃĐbit de 820 litres par seconde, en ÃĐliminant la salinitÃĐ des eaux souterraines pour fournir un dÃĐbit total de 150 litres par secondeC

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Untitled Project – 2024-01-30T162503.668

The Ghazal Association Invests in Raising Awareness for Sustainable Water Management

As part of the sociocultural initiatives of the Women's Training Center in Berkane, an awareness session was held on Monday, January 29, 2024, starting at 2:30 PM. Under the slogan "Collectively preserve our precious water resource for a dignified life and a sustainable environment by changing our behaviors," this event took the form of a conference led by the Ghazal Association for Development in Berkane, in collaboration with the following entities:

The Local Scientific Council of OulÃĐmas of Berkane

The Provincial Directorate of Youth and Sports in Berkane

The Provincial Directorate of National Cooperation in Berkane

The Provincial Directorate of the National Office of Potable Water in Berkane

The meeting was marked by the presence and involvement of local authorities, elected officials, civil society representatives, trainees from the women's training centers (Women's Training Center, Women's and Children's Space in the Lahbil neighborhood), as well as significant participation from citizens.

This initiative is part of a program aimed at addressing the problem of water overconsumption, emphasizing awareness and consciousness towards a rational use of this resource. It also aims to explore alternatives and practical applications to change behaviors while promoting a new culture of preserving this vital resource for human, animal, and plant life on earth. This contributes to the realization of royal directives and government programs aimed at ensuring access to water for all under normal conditions, promoting rationalization and wise exploitation, as well as managing scarcity with the participation of all stakeholders, including the state, local authorities, civil society, and citizens.   


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Mobilization of Local Authorities and Civil Society in Berkane for a Sustainable Water Future

The solemn launch of the awareness campaign aimed at preserving water resources marked a significant event in the Province of Berkane. By joining forces, the Union of Local Civil Society Associations, in close coordination with local authorities and the National Water Office, inaugurated the first day of this crucial campaign, emphasizing the paramount importance of conserving water in light of our nation’s current climatic situation.

The inaugural ceremony took place with great fanfare on Saturday, January 20, 2024, in front of the Province of Berkane's headquarters, and then followed a strategic route, skillfully passing through the city's main arteries and crucial installations. Continuing this committed initiative, the afternoon was dedicated to awareness activities near the Place de la Marche Verte, creating a continuum of impact in symbolic locations within the local community.

During this dynamic awareness march, informative brochures were distributed, and fruitful direct exchanges took place between organizers and citizens as well as professionals. These interactions elicited positive reactions and stimulated collective awareness and responsibility, thereby enhancing the campaign's effectiveness.

It should be noted that local authorities provided invaluable support by actively accompanying the campaign and ensuring the creation of conducive conditions for its execution. Special tribute must be paid to the dedicated professionals of the National Water Office, whose diligent efforts and significant contributions greatly enriched the campaign's reach, using available resources judiciously and effectively.

This initiative is part of an appropriate response to the national context, marked by persistent drought periods that exert continuous pressure on our country's water resources, resulting in a noticeable deficit in the supply of this vital resource. To counter these challenges, it becomes imperative to intensify and coordinate efforts to preserve this strategic wealth, essential for the survival and prosperity of our national community.     

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Untitled Project – 2024-01-03T162354.623

Strategic Meeting in Berkane: Implementation of National Measures for Responsible Water Management 

The Secretary-General of the Province of Berkane chaired a meeting at the provincial headquarters in response to the national circular on rationalizing the use of water at the level of territorial collectivities. The meeting brought together the Director of the Moulouya Hydraulic Basin Agency, the Director of the National Office of Electricity and Drinking Water (ONEE) Water Branch, the Provincial Director of ORMVAM, as well as other provincial officials related to water issues. The Presidents of the 16 municipalities of the Province were also present, along with the authorities from the various Pachaliks and circles of the Province.  

The objective of the meeting was to implement the directives of the circular, which include the establishment of monitoring commissions for the national program of drinking water and irrigation water supply. Additionally, there are plans to establish a mapping of water consumption to analyze consumer behaviors by geographical area and administrative establishment. The circular also aims to combat wastage by detecting and repairing leaks in pipelines. 

The Presidents of the municipalities took advantage of this meeting to present the challenges and specific issues faced by each of them. The presentations from the officials of the different entities involved in water resource management provided scientific and technical responses to the concerns raised. 

The meeting concluded with several recommendations, including raising awareness among the population, major water consumers, schools, and administrations about the rationalization of water consumption. It was also emphasized the importance of enhancing maintenance, research, and repair operations for leaks in networks, as well as continuing actions to combat water theft and fraud. Concrete measures were proposed, including the prohibition of watering green spaces with potable water, limiting the cleaning of public roads with potable water, and establishing an annual frequency for pool refilling. 

Furthermore, it was recommended to accelerate the implementation of urgent actions outlined in the partnership agreement, such as discovering new underground resources, disconnecting demineralization pipelines for brackish waters, and the desalination project for seawater. 

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Untitled Project (25)

The evolution of the Berkane slaughterhouses between yesterday and today...

The evolution of the Berkane slaughterhouses between yesterday and today...

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WhatsApp Image 2023-06-26 at 21.22.37

Special Operation for Eid al-Adha: Marafik Berkane Mobilized for Environmental Protection and Citizen Awareness

Since its inception, the local development company Marafik Berkane has been committed to environmental protection. Through a series of projects and actions, it has implemented an effective waste management system and developed a strategy to preserve green spaces. To further strengthen this commitment, Marafik Berkane, in collaboration with the municipality of Berkane and the local authority, is currently launching a special operation during Eid al-Adha to raise awareness among all stakeholders, especially citizens, about the importance of environmental preservation and health.

To ensure the success of this operation, Marafik Berkane is mobilizing significant human and logistical resources. Dedicated teams have been trained and are following a specific program to distribute plastic bags before the day of Eid. This initiative actively encourages citizens to sort and dispose of their waste properly, thereby reducing its harmful impact on the environment. Simultaneously, a comprehensive awareness campaign has been launched using various communication channels.

Teams are on the ground to directly raise awareness among citizens about their crucial role in environmental protection. They provide detailed information on best practices for waste management, rational use of resources, and preservation of green spaces. Additionally, an explanatory video has been produced and broadcast to reach a wider audience. Finally, urban billboards have been installed in different neighborhoods and geographical areas to remind citizens of the importance of responsible waste management and environmental protection.


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Province of Berkane sets up the Provincial Monitoring Commission for prevention against bad weather

In response to climate change marked by drought and the resurgence of extreme weather phenomena such as heavy rainfall and flooding, the services of the Province of Berkane have established a monitoring commission aimed at preventing and mitigating the negative effects of adverse weather conditions on citizens and their property.
This commission is made up of a set of actors such as the Province of Berkane, the Provincial Council of Berkane, the Provincial Directorate of Equipment and Water, ORMVAM, the Provincial Directorate of ONEE-Branch
Water. The said commission carried out rigorous work for months, divided between preventive and awareness-raising measures on the one hand, and actions on the ground at black spots and areas at high risk of flooding.

Human, technical and logistical resources have been put in place by the various actors and departments mentioned above, to successfully carry out the maintenance and operation of the sanitation network in the city of Berkane, as well as the maintenance work on agricultural sanitation networks. The scope of intervention also covered the cleaning and channeling work of manholes and drains, gutters and storm overflows. Efforts and particular attention were paid in particular to the road network through the treatment of all predefined and identified black spots at the level of art roundabouts and gutters along the road network to avoid any detrimental breakdown.
In the same context, a strengthening of road signs has taken place in areas experiencing the phenomenon of landslides and falling stones on the Tafoughalt and Zegzel national road, for example.

 This commission was created with the objective of ensuring the safety of citizens and their property and their protection against possible damage that could be caused by bad weather, and has put in place a set of preventive and intervention measures. and monitoring, and having held a series of meetings and empirical visits on the various points concerned, around which all the actors united.

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