Category: Economy


Les Foires de Berkane : Un Hommage aux Coopératives sous le Haut Patronage de Sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI 

Conformément aux hautes directives de Sa Majesté le Roi Mohammed VI, que Dieu l’assiste, qui visent à promouvoir et soutenir le secteur coopératif dans notre cher Royaume, la province de Berkane a eu l’honneur d’accueillir une série de foires exceptionnelles, s’étendant du 20 juillet au 22 août 2024. Ces manifestations ont été marquées par une participation enthousiaste et significative des coopératives locales. 

Ces événements ont animé les villes de Berkane, Fezouane et Saïdia, avec 23 coopératives présentes lors de la première phase, du 20 au 26 juillet. Par la suite, une nouvelle foire a rassemblé les mêmes coopératives à Fezouane, du 2 au 5 août, témoignant ainsi de l’engagement et de la vitalité de ce secteur. 

La ville de Saïdia a ensuite accueilli la plus grande de ces foires, du 6 au 22 août 2024, avec la participation remarquable de 43 coopératives, incluant des représentations venues des régions de Marrakech (Al Haouz), Settat, et Rabat, créant ainsi un riche échange entre les différentes coopératives du Royaume. 

La clôture de ces événements a été célébrée par une cérémonie honorifique à Berkane, dans le cadre prestigieux du complexe “Majal Berkane”. Cette cérémonie a été l’occasion de remettre des certificats de reconnaissance aux participants, en partenariat avec des institutions de soutien telles que l’Initiative Nationale pour le Développement Humain, le Conseil Provincial de Berkane, et des associations dévouées au renforcement du secteur coopératif. En outre, des récompenses financières ont été décernées à la coopérative ayant réalisé les meilleures performances en termes de ventes, dans un geste fort d’encouragement et de reconnaissance de l’importance cruciale de ce secteur pour le développement socio-économique du Royaume. 

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New Sports and Wellness Centre boosts Berkane's economy

The town of Berkane recently enriched its economic landscape with the inauguration of a new sports and wellbeing centre. The event, which took place on Thursday 13 June, was attended by prominent figures such as Mr Mohamed Ali Habouha, Governor of the Province, as well as the provincial directors of ONE and ANAPEC, and various economic players and associations. This 1300 m² centre offers a wide range of services to meet the fitness and well-being needs of the community.

The centre has two separate sports halls:

Men's gym: a strength and cardio-fitness area, a functional area for cross-training and boxing, and a group fitness room offering activities such as cycling, bodypumping and jumping.

Women's gym: A weight-training and cardio-training platform, and a group class room with yoga, pilates, stretching, step and muscle-strengthening sessions.

In addition to these facilities, the center boasts a heated pool for freestyle swimming and aqua fitness, as well as a children's swimming school. Relaxation enthusiasts can take advantage of two spa areas, one for men and the other for women, equipped with steam rooms, saunas, massage rooms and beauty services such as hairdressing and nail services. A physiotherapy room is also available, with a controlled mechanical ventilation system to ensure a healthy atmosphere.

The establishment of this facility has generated numerous direct and indirect jobs. Trainers, physiotherapists, beauticians, maintenance technicians and administrative staff have been recruited to ensure the smooth running of the center. What's more, the presence of this new facility also stimulates employment in related sectors such as catering, cleaning services and security.

The influx of visitors and members of the center helps to boost local commerce. Local shops, cafés, restaurants and other services see an increase in footfall thanks to the center's customers. This generates a virtuous circle of consumption, stimulating the local economy.

A modern, well-equipped sports and wellness center enhances Berkane's appeal as a destination of choice for residents and visitors alike. This type of infrastructure enhances the quality of life of residents, attracts new residents and potentially investors, and reinforces the city's image as a dynamic and prosperous place.

By offering high-quality fitness and wellness facilities, the center plays a crucial role in promoting public health. A healthy population is more productive and contributes more significantly to the local economy. The center's fitness programs, aquatic activities, physiotherapy and spa services encourage healthy lifestyles, thereby reducing long-term health costs.

The inauguration of Berkane's new sports and wellness center represents a major step forward for the local economy. As well as creating jobs and boosting local trade, the project enhances the town's appeal and promotes healthy lifestyles. It is a valuable addition that will have a lasting positive impact on Berkane's economy, positioning the city as a model of balanced and prosperous regional development. 

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Untitled Project

Launch of the special operation ‘Hout Btaman Maakoul’ for frozen fish on the occasion of the holy month of Ramadan 1445.

In order to strengthen the supply of the national market and improve the availability of fish during the sacred month of Ramadan 1445, the Department of Maritime Fisheries, in coordination with deep-sea fishing shipowners, launched the 6th edition of the ‘hout btaman maakoul’ initiative. This initiative aims to make frozen fish available at affordable prices through sales points that will be set up, similar to previous years.
The city of Berkane also benefited from this operation, with a frozen fish sales point installed near Med V Square (formerly known as Place Baio).
To ensure the smooth execution of this operation, which facilitates broader access to fish products and regulates their prices, local authorities and the Berkane municipality provided support for its organization.


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Berkane: A Gateway to Economic Future – Strategic Meeting with the Romanian Delegation

In the midst of a dynamic transformation, the Province of Berkane is resolutely committed to openness, fueled by a constant pursuit of strengthening cooperation, partnerships, and exchange of experiences. A pivotal moment in this evolution occurred on Monday, December 11, during the visit of a Romanian delegation led by the economic counselor of Romania, accompanied by prominent investors. The reception orchestrated by Mr. Mohamed Ali Habouha, Governor of the Province of Berkane, and Mr. Mohammed Jelloul, President of the regional council, symbolized the crucial importance of this meeting. The delegation was also honored by the presence of distinguished representatives from the Union of Moroccan Enterprises, the Regional Investment Center, the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Services, and other key institutions.

Under the banner of strategy, this visit combined in-depth presentations with field visits, highlighting the diversity of local economic institutions and infrastructure. The underlying objective was twofold: to open new investment perspectives on one hand, and to strengthen the foundations of fruitful mutual cooperation between Romania and the Berkane region on the other.

Exchange and discussion moments explored potential synergies between the two parties, laying the groundwork for future collaboration. The delegation had the opportunity to familiarize themselves with local initiatives, ongoing economic projects, and emerging investment opportunities. Meanwhile, the Moroccan hosts presented the distinctive assets of the province, its economic potential, and the advantages offered to investors.

Beyond mere exchanges, this visit built a tangible bridge between the two entities, reinforcing ties and paving the way for lasting partnerships. The active involvement of local economic and institutional actors not only made this meeting informative but also conducive to the emergence of strategic alliances beneficial to both sides. Berkane positions itself as an open door to economic prosperity, marking this strategic rendezvous with the Romanian delegation as a crucial milestone toward mutual prosperity

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The Ordinary Session of the Chamber of Crafts of the Oriental Region Held at the Headquarters of the Province of Berkane

The aforementioned session was chaired by Mr. Mohammed Kadouri, President of the Chamber of Crafts of the Oriental Region, in the presence of Mr. Mohamed Ali Habouha, Governor of the Province of Berkane, Mr. Rachid Touijer representing the Minister of Tourism, Crafts, and Social and Solidarity Economy, Mr. Mohammed Jelloul, President of the Provincial Council of Berkane, along with members and staff of the Chamber, as well as a significant number of representatives from various establishments involved.

In line with its culture of openness to all stakeholders and entities shaping society and the ecosystem, the province of Berkane hosted the Ordinary Session of the Chamber of Crafts of the Oriental Region on Tuesday, June 20th, at its headquarters.

Related to the aforementioned themes, agreements were signed on the sidelines of this session, notably between the Chamber of Crafts of the Oriental Region and the National Initiative for Human Development (INDH). This agreement entails supporting artisans in the Province of Berkane through subsidies to help strengthen their production, marketing, and innovation capabilities, with the aim of enhancing their opportunities to penetrate local and international markets.

Furthermore, an agreement was signed between the Chamber of Crafts of the Oriental Region and the Local Development Company Majal Berkane for Innovation and Territorial Intelligence, focusing on archiving and documenting craft products in the Province of Berkane, leveraging advanced technological tools and solutions. In connection with the topics addressed during this session, a field visit took place to the premises of the Chamber, attended by all members of the delegation, to closely understand the various services and offerings within the scope of Majal Berkane's activities: Incubation and Industrial Innovation Center, Tech Center, FabLab, etc.

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"Hayat Berkane": The New Slaughterhouse Opens its Doors!

As part of the ongoing momentum in the Province of Berkane in recent years, efforts continue to converge towards an innovative and integrated economic model. In this regard, modern slaughterhouses were inaugurated on Monday, April 10, within Hayat Berkane, the Local Development Company managing the slaughterhouse.

The inauguration was attended by a panel of stakeholders and partners who contributed to the implementation of these slaughterhouses: Mr. Mohammed SADIKI, Minister of Agriculture and Maritime Fisheries, Mr. Mohamed Ali HABOUHA, Governor of the Province of Berkane, Mr. Mohamed JELLOUL, President of the Provincial Council, Mr. Mohamed Ibrahimi, President of the Municipality of Berkane, as well as political decision-makers and civil society actors. Additionally, the Regional Directorate of ONSSA (National Office of Food Safety) was present, having supported the project leaders throughout its process.

The modern slaughterhouses are a favorable response to the needs expressed by farmers and consumers for years. They are equipped with the latest technological trends, based on digital applications developed by the Local Development Company Majal Berkane for Innovation and Territorial Intelligence, aiming to streamline the exploitation process of cattle and sheep, and to improve the quality of products and services offered to citizens.

"Hayat Berkane," the project that received accolades, has also been granted "Sanitary Approval of Food Establishments and Companies" by ONSSA, as it meets international standards regarding quality, hygiene, environment, and quality, as mentioned by Mr. Mohammed JELLOUL, President of the Provincial Council.

 The slaughterhouse's production capacity reaches 300 sheep and 35 cows per hour, with cooling capacity for up to 1500 sheep and 250 cows. It relies on a digital system that allows for the identification and tracking of livestock from the barn to the slaughterhouse, as stated by Mr. Omar BOUAYAD, Director of SDL Hayat Berkane.

The new slaughterhouse has a fleet of equipped trucks for the transportation of meat and hides. It also features stables, a hall equipped for slaughter and dressing, a synchronized automatic packaging line, a cooling and freezing chamber, among other facilities.

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