Category: Education

Untitled Project – 2024-07-29T120058.290

Province de Berkane: CÃĐrÃĐmonie d’Honneur pour les Écoliers et LaurÃĐats à Ain Erreggada 

Le conseil communal d’Ain Erreggada a organisÃĐ, le 27 juillet, une cÃĐrÃĐmonie de fin d’annÃĐe scolaire pour honorer les ÃĐlÃĻves qui ont obtenu les trois premiÃĻres places de chaque classe à l’École Kassem Amin et au CollÃĻge Al-Khawarizmi. Les laurÃĐats du baccalaurÃĐat de cette annÃĐe originaires d’Ain Erreggada ont ÃĐgalement ÃĐtÃĐ distinguÃĐs. 

 En outre, le premier groupe de jeunes filles ayant obtenu le diplÃīme de coiffure du Centre d’ÃĐducation et de formation a ÃĐtÃĐ cÃĐlÃĐbrÃĐ. La cÃĐrÃĐmonie a vu la participation de nombreux invitÃĐs, parmi lesquels le dÃĐlÃĐguÃĐ provincial de l’Éducation nationale, le directeur provincial de la CoopÃĐration nationale, la prÃĐsidente de l’Association Provinciale pour le Perfectionnement et la GÃĐnÃĐralisation de l’Enseignement, ainsi que plusieurs autres personnalitÃĐs. 

  L’ÃĐvÃĐnement s’est dÃĐroulÃĐ dans une atmosphÃĻre de joie et de fiertÃĐ, mettant en lumiÃĻre les rÃĐalisations ÃĐducatives et formatives des ÃĐtudiants. Les responsables ont prononcÃĐ des discours motivants, soulignant l’importance de l’ÃĐducation et de la formation professionnelle pour construire un avenir radieux. Des prix et des certificats de reconnaissance ont ÃĐtÃĐ distribuÃĐs aux laurÃĐats et aux personnes honorÃĐes, sous les applaudissements et les encouragements de l’assistance. 

  Ã€ cette occasion, le conseil communal a exprimÃĐ sa fiertÃĐ quant aux accomplissements des ÃĐlÃĻves, rÃĐaffirmant son soutien et son encouragement continus à l’ÃĐducation et à la formation professionnelle dans la province, visant à atteindre un dÃĐveloppement durable et le bien-Être de la communautÃĐ. 

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Business teamwork success concept.

Province Berkane en TÊte : Un Taux de RÃĐussite Exceptionnel au Bac 2024

L’AcadÃĐmie RÃĐgionale de l’Éducation et de la Formation de l’Oriental a annoncÃĐ que le nombre d’ÃĐlÃĻves ayant rÃĐussi les examens du baccalaurÃĐat pour la session ordinaire de 2024 s’ÃĐlÃĻve à 18 415. Ce rÃĐsultat reflÃĻte un taux de rÃĐussite remarquable de 86,19 % des candidats scolarisÃĐs, soulignant les efforts considÃĐrables dÃĐployÃĐs par les ÃĐtablissements ÃĐducatifs et les membres du corps enseignant. Ce succÃĻs tÃĐmoigne ÃĐgalement du soutien continu de l’acadÃĐmie pour garantir un environnement ÃĐducatif propice à l’excellence et à la rÃĐussite.

Dans ce contexte, la province de Berkane a enregistrÃĐ le taux de rÃĐussite le plus ÃĐlevÃĐ de la rÃĐgion, atteignant 95,21 %. Cet accomplissement reflÃĻte le dÃĐvouement et les efforts constants des ÃĐlÃĻves, des enseignants et des parents, ainsi que le soutien important des institutions ÃĐducatives de la rÃĐgion. Ce succÃĻs ÃĐclatant met en ÃĐvidence non seulement l’engagement des ÃĐlÃĻves à travailler avec assiduitÃĐ et persÃĐvÃĐrance, mais aussi la qualitÃĐ de l’ÃĐducation et les programmes pÃĐdagogiques innovants mis en œuvre dans les ÃĐcoles. L’excellence atteinte par la province de Berkane reprÃĐsente un modÃĻle à suivre pour les autres provinces et encourage la poursuite de la quÊte de nouveaux succÃĻs et rÃĐalisations à l’avenir.

Il est à noter que ces rÃĐsultats positifs reflÃĻtent les efforts de l’AcadÃĐmie RÃĐgionale de l’Éducation et de la Formation de l’Oriental pour amÃĐliorer la qualitÃĐ de l’enseignement et fournir un environnement ÃĐducatif stimulant. La province de Berkane demeure en tÊte des provinces aspirant à l’excellence dans le domaine de l’ÃĐducation et de la formation, contribuant ainsi à ÃĐlever le niveau de l’ÃĐducation dans l’ensemble de la rÃĐgion orientale.


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Untitled Project – 2024-07-11T111522.048

Le Village d’Animation Estival de SaÃŊdia : Une Initiative pour Stimuler la CrÃĐativitÃĐ et l’IntÃĐgration des Enfants des Zones Rurales

Pour contribuer à renforcer la crÃĐativitÃĐ et l’intÃĐgration en vue d’un dÃĐveloppement global et durable des enfants dans les zones rurales, des efforts continus sont dÃĐployÃĐs pour lancer des programmes et des projets de qualitÃĐ visant à dÃĐvelopper les capacitÃĐs des enfants et à les inclure dans la sociÃĐtÃĐ. Dans ce contexte, le village d’animation estival à la plage de SaÃŊdia a ouvert ses portes pour accueillir les enfants des communautÃĐs rurales relevant de la prÃĐfecture de Berkane à partir du 10 juillet. Cette initiative a ÃĐtÃĐ organisÃĐe en partenariat avec la prÃĐfecture de Berkane, la direction provinciale de la jeunesse, l’Initiative Nationale pour le DÃĐveloppement Humain, l’Association Provinciale d’Animation et de Loisirs à Berkane, et l’Association Provinciale pour le DÃĐveloppement et la Promotion de l’Éducation à Berkane. 

  La Foire digitale pour enfants comprend une variÃĐtÃĐ d’ateliers dans des domaines tels que la sÃĐcuritÃĐ cybernÃĐtique, l’intelligence artificielle, l’art numÃĐrique, l’intelligence provinciale, l’audiovisuel, et l’impression digitale. Le premier jour de ces ÃĐvÃĐnements a accueilli 258 ÃĐlÃĻves de la commune de Bougriba, dont 38 n’avaient jamais vu la mer auparavant. Ces programmes visent à encourager les enfants à penser de maniÃĻre crÃĐative et critique, et à les motiver à participer activement au dÃĐveloppement de leurs communautÃĐs locales. 

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Untitled Project – 2024-05-08T174812.886

"Regional Forum on School and Vocational Guidance in Berkane: A Step Towards the Educational Future"

The city of Berkane was at the forefront on May 8th with a flagship event in the field of education. Indeed, the Provincial Association for the Improvement and Generalization of Education, in collaboration with the Province of Berkane, the National Initiative for Human Development, the Provincial Directorate of the Ministry of National Education, and the Provincial Council of Berkane, in partnership with Majal Berkane, organized the Regional Forum on School and Vocational Guidance at the "Majal Berkane" complex for innovation and artificial intelligence.

This forum brought together a select group of educational institutions, including higher, technical, and vocational institutes, with the aim of providing orientation and counseling opportunities to students, guiding them towards fruitful educational and career paths.

The forum garnered keen interest from students of all levels, who showed great enthusiasm for the educational and training programs on offer. Students engaged with representatives from educational institutions, asking questions about admission criteria, registration procedures, and available specializations, reflecting their careful consideration in choosing their professional future.

The Regional Forum on School and Career Guidance represents a significant step in the development of education in Berkane. It provided students with an ideal platform to explore the various educational options available and helped them make informed decisions about their professional future.

The educational institutions participating in the forum demonstrated their commitment to supporting students and guiding them toward educational and career paths that match their abilities and aspirations.

School and career guidance represents a shared responsibility among all stakeholders in education, from educational institutions to the Ministry of National Education, including civil society associations. The success of this forum underscores the importance of collaboration and coordination among the various stakeholders to ensure proper guidance for students and equip them with the skills necessary to succeed in their careers.  

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WhatsApp Image 2024-04-25 à 10.20.55_4415debb

Strengthening Education in Berkane: Review, Action Plans, and Innovations for 2024-2026

As part of efforts to enhance the quality of education and reduce school dropout rates, the Province of Berkane organized a comprehensive meeting to review the work accomplished in the education sector and outline the action plan for 2024 to 2026. This meeting was presided over by the Governor, and attended by the Vice President of the Provincial Council, the Secretary General, Pachaliks, Commune Heads, Circle Heads, Service Heads, the Provincial Association for the Improvement and Generalization of Education, the National Initiative for Human Development, partners, and key stakeholders in the educational field. 

Three main areas were addressed during this presentation: the Provincial Association for the Improvement and Generalization of Education, focusing on the achievements and the action plan; the National Initiative for Human Development, which highlighted the program aimed at reducing social and community disparities in rural areas, as well as the program for promoting human capital for future generations. Finally, psychologist Mr. Amrar Boutaib presented the importance and manifestations of the "Intelligent" project.

The Provincial Association for the Improvement and Generalization of Education presented its journey and achievements during the 2019-2020 school year up to now. These efforts included several main axes, notably participatory diagnosis to understand and analyze the reality of education, ces efforts ont abouti à un renforcement de la scolarisation, à l’amÃĐlioration de la qualitÃĐ de vie scolaire et à la promotion de l’ÃĐducation, ainsi qu’à la fourniture d’un environnement ÃĐducatif appropriÃĐ et au renforcement des services sociaux, du soutien psychologique et ÃĐducatif. De plus, le service de transport scolaire a ÃĐtÃĐ amÃĐliorÃĐ de maniÃĻre tangible, grÃĒce à des contrats avec des coopÃĐratives de transport et une collaboration avec les autoritÃĐs locales pour garantir un transport efficace, dans le but de faire de ce service une expÃĐrience ÃĐducative contribuant au dÃĐveloppement des valeurs des ÃĐlÃĻves et à leur participation active.

The National Initiative for Human Development emphasized the significant progress made in the field of education over the years, including infrastructure improvement, technological development, and the increase in the number of educational institutions. As part of its human capital support program, the Initiative has also contributed to providing health and education services in rural areas, to support visually impaired, hearing impaired, and dental health-challenged students.

In conclusion, Mr. Amrar Boutaib highlighted the "Intelligent" project, which aims to early identify students' intelligence quotient, discover their talents and excellence, in order to form an elite of exceptional and creative students, and ensure their continuity in the field of artificial intelligence, thereby contributing to development and innovation in this crucial domain.             

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Untitled Project – 2024-04-22T155600.996

"The Mobile Programming for All Caravan successfully kicks off in Berkane."

On Saturday, April 20, 2024, marked the launch of the "Mobile Caravan: Programming for All" project, with its first stop at Borge Wawalout School in the Zegzal commune. The Caravan held workshops for a group of sixth-grade students, focusing on artificial intelligence and programming, using Scratch and robotics.


This event brought together several personalities, including representatives from the Provincial Directorate of the Ministry of National Education, Primary Education, and Sports, the president of the Provincial Association for the Improvement and Generalization of Education, as well as the head of the Human Capital Promotion Service, Social Work Section, of the municipality of the province of Berkane., In addition, the school's director, the teachers of the establishment, as well as students from the National School of Artificial Intelligence and Digitization of Berkane were also present.


This ambitious project aims to enhance creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills among fifth and sixth-grade students in primary schools. It is expected to benefit approximately 4664 students at the level of the Provincial Directorate of the Ministry of National Education, Primary Education, and Sports in Berkane.


To achieve this goal, the Provincial Association for the Improvement and Generalization of Education, as the project management contract beneficiary, has mobilized three buses equipped with 30 laptops, 10 interactive whiteboards, as well as the necessary robotics and artificial intelligence equipment.                

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Untitled Project (3)

When Artificial Intelligence Meets Youth: Majal Berkane at the Oujda Book Fair


At the heart of the excitement of the 4thrd ÃĐdition du  Salon MaghrÃĐbin du Livre à Oujda, l’Espace Jeunesse a ÃĐtÃĐ le thÃĐÃĒtre d’une discussion passionnante sur l’Intelligence Artificielle au Service de la Jeunesse, animÃĐe par Majal Berkane. C’ÃĐtait une vÃĐritable plongÃĐe dans un monde oÃđ la technologie se met au service de l’autonomie et de l’innovation des jeunes.

AI is no longer just an abstract concept; it has become a daily companion for youth, guiding them towards a future where technology and humanity harmoniously converge. Whether in education, innovation, arts, or sciences, AI serves as a facilitator, thereby enhancing the academic, social, and professional performances of young people.

Walid Amara's intervention, as an Artificial Intelligence consultant at Majal Berkane, shed light on the innovative projects developed by the team, focusing on urban and environmental challenges. From managing stray dogs to public security and traffic management, facial recognition solutions, and surveillance devices, Majal Berkane is fully committed to creating smart and secure cities.

Participating in the Book Fair underscores Majal Berkane's social and societal commitment, aiming to share and impart knowledge for the well-being of society. It's a beautiful demonstration of their vision centered on values of sharing and innovation.        


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Untitled Project (100)

The National School of Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization (ENIAD) in Berkane 

At a time when Artificial Intelligence (AI) is in full swing on a global scale, the creation of a national school specialising in this field in Berkane could only be an ambitious initiative, indeed a crucial one, at the present time, for the development of this new mode of technology, and to make it a lever serving the economic promotion of the Province of Berkane and its positioning on the regional and national scene. 

Indeed Artificial Intelligence,, which is asserting itself day by day, is poised to revolutionize all aspects of our lives, from finance to health, agriculture, and even sports 

The establishment of the National School of Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization (ENIAD in Berkane proves essential and timely for several reasons, notably: 

The need for highly skilled workforce to meet the growing demands of the job market, particularly in new technologies, is now more critical than ever. 

-L’inadÃĐquation des formations actuellement dispensÃĐes avec les besoins du marchÃĐ de travail portant essentiellement sur les nouvelles technologies, engendrant ainsi un nombre important de diplÃīmÃĐs sans emploiâ€Ŋ; 

The trend toward the disappearance of several professions due to Artificial Intelligence,, especially those based on repetitive and automatable tasks, is becoming increasingly apparent. 

There is a trend towards the emergence of new professions sought after by companies and organizations. 

Confirmation of profiles in computer science and digital technology as the most sought after in the job market. en 2023. 

 Artificial Intelligence will undoubtedly transform the world of work profoundly. It is important to prepare for these changes and acquire the necessary skills to adapt to this new reality. 

It is clear that any change encounters challenges and constraints at its inception. These include financial challenges to provide quality education and relevant study programs, as well as unfounded opposition from antagonists simply refusing to step out of their comfort zones.  

The arguments mentioned above can only lead us, in the most credible manner, to believe that the creation of a National School of Artificial Intelligence and Digitalization in the city of Berkane remains and will always be an indisputably wise and far-sighted decision, aligning with the Royal Orientations and Ambitions aspiring to align our country with emerging economies, and the policy of Advanced Regionalization aiming for complementarity and territorial distribution among faculties, schools, and institutes of cutting-edge technologies established at the level of the Oriental Region. 

This school, which promises modern, future-oriented education, will provide visibility for the province of Berkane, already known through high-tech deployment that elevates it to the ranks of global smart cities. 

The teaching team, composed of dedicated young professors, will accompany the students throughout their learning journeys, creating a highly conducive ecosystem for their development. 

To achieve this, an investment of nearly 30 million dirhams is being deployed to equip this institution, which will inevitably have positive repercussions and added value to Berkane province, the region, and the country in the medium and long term. 

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Untitled Project (18) (3)

The Oriental Chamber of Commerce Energizes Berkane's Entrepreneurial Ecosystem with a Seminar on Digital Marketing

The Majal Berkane Complex for Innovation and Territorial Intelligence hosted a seminar organized by the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Services of the Oriental region on Friday, March 29. The seminar focused on the ‘Fundamentals of Digital Marketing and Its Importance 

The purpose of this event was to enlighten merchants, small businesses, and project leaders about the intricacies of digital marketing. Under the guidance of Ms. Latifa Ambarki, an advisor at Dar Al Moukawil in Berkane, the seminar covered crucial topics such as digital marketing, target audiences, marketing channels, communication tools, and pitfalls to avoid 

M. Mr. Ibrahim Fachat, representing the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Services of the Oriental region, emphasized the significance of this event in the current context marked by technological revolution and global markets. He also highlighted the challenges faced by local merchants and entrepreneurs, emphasizing the role of digital marketing as a catalyst for economic activity.

During her presentation, Ms. Latifa Ambarki underscored the sustained efforts of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Services of the Orient in supporting entrepreneurial development through workshops and information sessions. She explained key concepts of digital marketing and emphasized its crucial role in communicating with potential clients. 

The question-and-answer session allowed participants to deepen their understanding and exchange ideas. The speakers expressed their gratitude to the event organizers and showed interest in future training opportunities offered by the Chamber. 

This event reflects the commitment of the Chamber of Commerce, Industry, and Services of the Orient to support economic and entrepreneurial development in the region. By providing professionals with the necessary tools and knowledge to navigate the modern digital economy, it positions itself as a key player in this transformation 

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Untitled Project (41)

Promotion du Transport Scolaire à l’Échelle Nationale : Une DÃĐlÃĐgation de Berkane Partage son ExpÃĐrience

a delegation from Berkane, including the president of the provincial council, the head of the social action division (part of the National Initiative for Human Development), the director of Majal Berkane, and the president of the provincial associationfor education improvement and generalization, visited the headquarters of Morocco’s main educational organization. Their purpose was to hold an interactive meeting aimed at promoting and disseminating Berkane’s experience in school transportation at the national level.

The success of the association-led school transportation initiative is now well-known, especially after repeated committee visits. This achievement prompted the Permanent Commission for Education and Training of the Higher Council for Education and Training for All, as well as the Permanent Commission for Education, Training, and Scientific Research of the Higher Council for Education and Training and Scientific Research, to invite the Provincial Council to present an exhibition on its precise digital monitoring of school transportation—an innovative and unprecedented initiative at the national level.

The interactive session took place at the headquarters of the Higher Council for Education and Training and Scientific Research on Friday, March 22. Representatives from the Provincial Association for Education Improvement and Generalization in Berkane, the Provincial Council, Berkane, and the Local Development Company Majal Berkane participated. The objective was to share Berkane Provincial Council’s experience with the permanent commissions, in the presence of researchers.

This interactive session followed consultations with members of the Berkane Provincial Council. The significant results achieved in the field of school transportation and precise digital monitoring by the Berkane province, as part of projects aimed at promoting education and reducing school dropout rates, motivated this organizational request.

During the interactive meeting, association representatives and the Berkane Provincial Council presented the initiative, discussing its conception, achievements, challenges encountered during implementation, opportunities it provides, and the possibility of generalizing it to other provinces in the Kingdom, taking into account each region’s specificities 


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