Field Visit to the Municipal Slaughterhouses of Berkane by Health Technician Students
After a few months since their inauguration and commissioning, the municipal slaughterhouses of Berkane, managed by the Local Development Company Hayat Berkane, have positioned themselves as a production unit in compliance with international quality standards. This was underscored by the "Sanitary Approval of Food Establishments and Companies" granted by the National Office for Food Safety (ONSSA).
In response to its civic and societal responsibility, Hayat Berkane hosted around thirty health technician students specializing in environmental health, accompanied by their professors from the Higher Institute of Nursing and Health Techniques in Oujda, for a documentary visit held on Saturday, June 10, at the slaughterhouse premises. The aim was to confront their theoretical knowledge with professional reality and to understand it closely in a concrete manner.
The visit entailed an exploration of the premises, equipment, and technology used in slaughterhouse management, as well as a presentation on the quality management system through which the management and production processes are operated. Additionally, there was a responsive presentation on the Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points (HACCP) system, a method for controlling food safety, delivered by the slaughterhouse management and technical staff. They also engaged in an exchange session, addressing a variety of questions posed by the health technicians and the slaughterhouse officials and technicians.