Category: Environment


AmÃĐlioration de la PropretÃĐ Urbaine à Berkane : Installation de Poubelles dans les Rues Principales

La SociÃĐtÃĐ de DÃĐveloppement Local “Marafik Berkane” a rÃĐcemment lancÃĐ un projet ambitieux d’installation de poubelles dans les principales rues de la commune de Berkane. Cette initiative s’inscrit dans une stratÃĐgie globale visant à amÃĐliorer non seulement le niveau de propretÃĐ de la ville, mais aussi à renforcer son attrait esthÃĐtique.

L’objectif ultime est de rÃĐduire la propagation des dÃĐchets sauvages, souvent nÃĐfastes pour l’environnement et la santÃĐ publique. En dotant les espaces publics de poubelles adÃĐquates, l’entreprise cherche à encourager les citoyens à adopter des comportements plus responsables en matiÃĻre de gestion des dÃĐchets. Ce projet est un ÃĐlÃĐment clÃĐ d’un ensemble de mesures environnementales mises en œuvre pour amÃĐliorer la qualitÃĐ de vie à Berkane et promouvoir le dÃĐveloppement durable, tout en prÃĐservant la beautÃĐ naturelle et architecturale de la ville. En mobilisant la communautÃĐ autour de cette cause, “Marafik Berkane” espÃĻre instaurer une vÃĐritable culture de propretÃĐ et de respect de l’environnement.

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Untitled Project – 2024-07-18T164220.322

Innovation Environnementale : Marafik Berkane AmÃĐliore ses OpÃĐrations avec le Drone T50 

Le 18 juillet, la sociÃĐtÃĐ de dÃĐveloppement local “Marafik Berkane” a rÃĐceptionnÃĐ un drone moderne T50 dÃĐdiÃĐ Ã  la pulvÃĐrisation de pesticides, dans le cadre de son programme de lutte contre les nuisibles publics et les vecteurs d’infection. Ce drone reprÃĐsente l’une des technologies les plus avancÃĐes dans ce domaine et fait partie des efforts dÃĐployÃĐs par l’entreprise pour moderniser ses outils techniques et amÃĐliorer l’efficacitÃĐ de ses opÃĐrations de contrÃīle. 

  Le drone T50 permet à l’ÃĐquipe technique d’appliquer les produits de traitement avec une prÃĐcision extrÊme aux endroits requis, augmentant ainsi son efficacitÃĐ par rapport aux mÃĐthodes aÃĐriennes traditionnelles telles que les avions. GrÃĒce à son systÃĻme de localisation de haute prÃĐcision, il peut atteindre des zones difficiles d’accÃĻs et des marais, qui sont des environnements idÃĐaux pour la prolifÃĐration des insectes. Cette prÃĐcision contribue à rÃĐduire la consommation de produits chimiques et à obtenir de meilleurs rÃĐsultats environnementaux. 

  Ce drone ne se limite pas à la prÃĐcision de l’application des pesticides. Il est ÃĐgalement capable de fonctionner dans diverses conditions mÃĐtÃĐorologiques et d’atteindre des zones inaccessibles par les moyens conventionnels. De plus, il fournit des rapports prÃĐcis et en temps rÃĐel sur les opÃĐrations effectuÃĐes, ce qui aide à amÃĐliorer les stratÃĐgies de lutte et à utiliser les ressources de maniÃĻre plus efficace. 

  La rÃĐception de ce drone dÃĐmontre l’engagement de “Marafik Berkane” à adopter des technologies modernes pour amÃĐliorer l’efficacitÃĐ de ses opÃĐrations, contribuant ainsi à amÃĐliorer la santÃĐ publique et la qualitÃĐ de vie des habitants locaux. Cette dÃĐmarche renforce la capacitÃĐ de l’entreprise à relever les dÃĐfis environnementaux et sanitaires liÃĐs à la propagation des insectes et des vecteurs d’infection, et souligne son rÃīle de leader dans l’application des solutions technologiques les plus rÃĐcentes dans ce domaine. 

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WhatsApp Image 2024-07-09 à 14.07.18_59d24fd1

Une sÃĐrie de campagnes de Sensibilisation et de PrÃĐvention pour Lutter contre les Incendies de ForÊt à Tafoghalt

La forÊt de Bni Znassen revÊt une grande importance en raison de sa biodiversitÃĐ et de sa richesse en plantes et en animaux, ce qui en fait un site vital nÃĐcessitant une conservation. Pour ce faire et dans la finalitÃĐ de prÃĐserver ces richesses naturelles, une sÃĐrie de compagnes de sensibilisation continue d’avoir lieu autour des mesures prÃĐventives de lutte contre les incendies de forÊt dans la commune de Tafoghalt, en coordination avec la gendarmerie royale, la protection civile, les forces auxiliaires, la direction des eaux et forÊts, ainsi que les autoritÃĐs locales. Cette initiative s’inscrit dans le cadre des efforts continus pour combattre les incendies de forÊt, visant à ÃĐduquer et sensibiliser la population sur l’importance de la prÃĐvention de ces incendies, particuliÃĻrement dans une rÃĐgion abritant la forÊt naturelle de Bni Znassen, un hÃĐritage forestier important riche en biodiversitÃĐ.

Les thÃĻmes abordÃĐs incluent la gestion adÃĐquate des matÃĐriaux inflammables, le maintien de la propretÃĐ et de la sÃĐcuritÃĐ des sites de camping, ainsi que la notification immÃĐdiate de tout signe de dÃĐclenchement d’incendie. Ces efforts visent à renforcer la conscience environnementale parmi les rÃĐsidents locaux et les visiteurs, et à garantir leur conformitÃĐ avec les mesures prÃĐventives contribuant à la protection des forÊts et à la rÃĐduction des risques d’incendie.

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Untitled Project – 2024-06-19T154616.080

Initiatives pour une Gestion Optimale des DÃĐchets pendant l’Aid Al-Adha par la SociÃĐtÃĐ Marafik Berkane 

À l’occasion de l’Aid Al-Adha, la SociÃĐtÃĐ de DÃĐveloppement Local Marafik Berkane a lancÃĐ une sÃĐrie d’initiatives visant à garantir une gestion optimale des dÃĐchets et à maintenir la propretÃĐ de nos communautÃĐs. Voici les mesures mises en place pour assurer un environnement propre et sain durant cette pÃĐriode festive : 


Distribution de Sacs en Plastiqueâ€Ŋ:  

Environ 65,250 sacs en plastique, totalisant 9 tonnes, ont ÃĐtÃĐ distribuÃĐs pour faciliter la collecte des dÃĐchets organiques. 


Équipe de Sensibilisationâ€Ŋ: 

Une ÃĐquipe dÃĐdiÃĐe a ÃĐtÃĐ mobilisÃĐe pour informer les citoyens sur les horaires de collecte et les points de transfert, assurant ainsi une meilleure organisation et participation de la communautÃĐ. 


Collecte des DÃĐchetsâ€Ŋ: 


Des ÃĐquipes ont ÃĐtÃĐ dÃĐployÃĐes dans 15 communes pour collecter les dÃĐchets, couvrant une large zone et garantissant une gestion efficace des rÃĐsidus organiques. 


CrÃĐation de Points de Transfertâ€Ŋ: 

Sept points de transfert ont ÃĐtÃĐ crÃĐÃĐs pour faciliter le regroupement et le traitement des dÃĐchets, optimisant ainsi la logistique. 


Renforcement Logistiqueâ€Ŋ: 

Des camions et des engins supplÃĐmentaires ont ÃĐtÃĐ mobilisÃĐs pour gÃĐrer rapidement les dÃĐchets organiques des moutons, renforçant ainsi les capacitÃĐs opÃĐrationnelles. 


Équipe d’Intervention pour la Distribution de Sacsâ€Ŋ: 

Une ÃĐquipe de deux personnes a ÃĐtÃĐ mise en place pour traiter les demandes de sacs en plastique des citoyens n’ayant pas bÃĐnÃĐficiÃĐ de la distribution initiale, assurant que chacun dispose des moyens nÃĐcessaires pour une gestion propre des dÃĐchets. 


Équipe d’Intervention pour les RÃĐclamationsâ€Ŋ: 

Une ÃĐquipe de 24 personnes a ÃĐtÃĐ formÃĐe pour traiter les rÃĐclamations liÃĐes aux dÃĐchets et fournir des renforts, garantissant une rÃĐponse rapide et efficace aux besoins des citoyens. 


Lavage et DÃĐsinfection des Bacsâ€Ŋ: 

Deux personnes ont ÃĐtÃĐ dÃĐdiÃĐes au lavage, au nettoyage et à la dÃĐsinfection des bacs ainsi que de leurs alentours, assurant un environnement propre et sain. 


OpÃĐration de Chaulageâ€Ŋ: 

Une ÃĐquipe de deux personnes a ÃĐtÃĐ mise en place pour effectuer des opÃĐrations de chaulage, une mesure essentielle pour dÃĐsinfecter et prÃĐvenir les nuisances. 


Ces opÃĐrations de nettoyage, lavage et chaulage ont ÃĐtÃĐ cruciales pour maintenir la propretÃĐ et l’hygiÃĻne dans notre province durant Aid Al-Adha. La SociÃĐtÃĐ de DÃĐveloppement Local Marafik Berkane remercie la communautÃĐ pour sa coopÃĐration et son engagement à prÃĐserver la propretÃĐ de notre environnement. Ensemble, nous avons dÃĐmontrÃĐ qu’une gestion efficace des dÃĐchets est possible, mÊme pendant les pÃĐriodes de forte activitÃĐ. 

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Untitled Project – 2024-05-27T153835.460

Berkane Province: Forest Fire Awareness and Prevention

On the occasion of the National Day for Forest Fire Prevention, celebrated on May 21st each year, local authorities, in collaboration with the Royal Gendarmerie, the Water and Forests department, the Provincial Directorate of National Education, as well as educational institutions, have launched an awareness program in partnership with the National Agency for Water and Forests to address and prevent forest fires, especially considering the approaching summer season and the expected increase in tourist activities and family excursions, which raise the risk of forest fires. This program includes two days of awareness sessions, the first targeting students from primary and secondary schools, and the second targeting vacationers and residents living near forests.

The awareness campaign started on May 11th and will continue throughout the summer, with a weekly program including live workshops and regular patrols.

 The Taforalt Directorate, renowned for hosting the natural forest of Beni Znassen, considered a significant forest heritage rich in biodiversity, initiated the first day of awareness targeting schoolchildren in the region. The emphasis was placed on the importance of preserving the forest environment and the roles of individuals in protecting forests and their inhabitants, by avoiding bushfires as much as possible.

The second day featured an awareness campaign involving farmers, forest rangers, local associations, municipal authorities, local media, as well as community initiatives aimed at informing local residents about potential dangers and promoting safe and responsible practices to prevent forest fires.

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Untitled Project (6)

Awareness on Energy Efficiency in the Hotel Industry: Promising Workshops in the Province of Berkane

A series of workshops aimed at promoting energy efficiency in the hotel sector have recently animated the tourist regions of Morocco. Organized by the Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development as well as GIZ, these workshops took place this time in the Province of Berkane, specifically in the tourist city of Saidia.
The workshops were attended by Mr. Governor Mohamed Ali HABOUHA, Ms. Leila BENALi, Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, as well as a plethora of speakers and stakeholders.

Energy efficiency of buildings represents a crucial element in the overall strategy to reduce energy consumption while ensuring a satisfactory level of comfort. In Morocco, the energy consumption of buildings accounts for 33.6% of the Total Final Energy Consumption (TFEC), with 25.4% attributable to the residential sector and 8.2% to the tertiary sector. Thus, the building sector ranks second in terms of energy consumption in the country. With the hotel industry representing 40% of energy consumption in the tertiary sector, it is imperative to implement measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in this domain.

The objective of this initiative was to raise awareness among participants about the importance of energy efficiency in tourist establishments, highlighting its economic and environmental impact. Moreover, these workshops provided valuable information on financing mechanisms tailored to energy efficiency projects in the tourism sector.

The program of this event offered a rich and complementary range, including testimonials and presentations focused on the regulatory and normative framework, as well as on technical and financial support opportunities.


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Untitled Project (32)

Follow-up Meeting on Major Projects in the Moulouya River Basin - Province of Berkane

Follow-up Meeting on Major Projects in the Moulouya River Basin - Province of Berkane
On Tuesday, September 26, 2023, a meeting was held at the headquarters of the Berkane province under the chairmanship of the gubernatorial authority, with the participation of the director of the ORMVAM, the director of the hydraulic basin, the provincial director of the ONEE - water branch, the provincial director of water and forests, the director of the RADEEO, local authorities, as well as division chiefs and relevant services.
This meeting was an opportunity to discuss the measures taken and to be taken for the progress of major projects initiated by the Hydraulic Basin Agency, the Regional Office for Agricultural Development of the Moulouya (ORMVAM), and the Autonomous Inter-Municipal Water and Electricity Distribution Authority of Oujda (RADEEO).
The purpose of the meeting was to review the water management projects in the province of Berkane and the efforts made by all stakeholders to prevent water stress.
During this meeting, the director of the Moulouya hydraulic basin agency provided an update on the filling level of dams located in the Oriental region, indicating a filling rate of 54%, equivalent to more than 217 million cubic meters.
The director of ORMVAM also emphasized the progress of major projects related to the construction of a Conveyance Pipeline for Disconnecting Drinking Water Systems from the Right Bank Irrigation Canal of the Moulouya Irrigated Perimeter, the Reinforcement of Drinking Water Supply to the Cities of Berkane, Nador, and Driouch through the Construction of New Compact Water Demineralization Stations from New Drilling Sites, and the construction of a Conveyance Pipeline on the Right Bank for Berkane and the Creation of Compact Demineralization Stations in Berkane.
The director of RADEEO also presented on the Acquisition, Installation, and Operation of Monoblock Treatment Plants for Drinking Water, Desalination, and Demineralization in Saidia.
At the end of the meeting, several important recommendations were made, including the imperative to strictly adhere to existing standards to ensure the timely completion of these projects. The successful completion of these projects is essential to meet the growing demand for drinking water in the province and the need for total mobilization of all stakeholders for optimal management of water stress.

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Berkane: Collective Mobilization to Address Torrential Rains

Like other provinces in the Oriental Region, the Province of Berkane experienced heavy storms from Saturday, September 2nd, 2023, to Sunday, September 3rd, 2023, which resulted in torrential rains hitting various urban and rural centers, especially the municipalities of Berkane, Saidia, and Sidi Slimane Cherraa, which recorded high rainfall, reaching 54 mm in the center of Berkane.

To address such disasters, all stakeholders mobilized their human and material resources as soon as they were alerted by the meteorological warning. In parallel with this mobilization, a monitoring and follow-up unit was established to oversee the actions taken at various critical points, divert overflowing rainwater towards drainage systems, thereby avoiding water stagnation and flooding of various administrative buildings and citizens' residences.

It is noteworthy that these floods, originating from the Sidi Ali Benyakhlef, Oued Jaber, and other watersheds and Chaabas, carrying, among other things, solid materials, posed a challenge to the various intervention teams. However, they were able to combine their efforts and restore the situation under the guidance of the aforementioned monitoring and follow-up unit.

Thus, thanks to the anticipatory approach adopted for disaster and flood management, 360 interventions were carried out during and after the floods, in record time, demonstrating the promptness of the actions of the mobilized teams. They were able to restore the situation and respond to the citizens' requests without recording any human or material damage.

Finally, the protection of Greater Berkane against floods remains dependent on the completion of major costly projects initiated previously for collecting rainwater upstream and discharging it into the Cherraa and Ourtass rivers.



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WhatsApp Image 2023-06-26 à 11.25.29

Berkane installs electric vehicle charging stations, promoting ecological transition

The city of Berkane, in partnership with the local development company Majal Berkane for innovation and territorial intelligence and a private enterprise, has recently installed two charging stations for electric vehicles. This initiative fits perfectly within the framework of the National Sustainable Development Strategy (NSDS), which aims to accelerate the transition to a green and inclusive economy by 2030. The statement was made by Omar Zerzouri.

Omar Zerzouri, the general manager of the local development company (SDL) Majal Berkane, emphasized that these two pilot stations, located in the heart of the city center, bring significant added value to the region. He highlighted that these stations are conveniently located near public administrations, allowing citizens to carry out various administrative procedures while their vehicles recharge for free.

He also pointed out that the province of Berkane is aligning with the global trend towards promoting the gradual phasing out of gasoline and diesel vehicles, while encouraging the transition to electric vehicles that are more environmentally friendly. The two stations operate with a capacity of 22 kilowatts, which allows most electric vehicles to be charged up to 80% within an hour and a half to two hours, making them faster than other charging stations, Omar Zerzouri added.


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Clean-up Operation for the Summer Season in the Province of Berkane

In line with the significant importance given by the province of Berkane to the environmental and social dimensions, reflected in a series of actions aimed at protecting ecology, the provincial direction of National Promotion launches a clean-up operation for the summer season, following a predefined route and points by its teams. 

The operation has commenced thus far with the following routes and points: Berkane-Saidia, Berkane-Agropole, Madagh-Zaouia, Berkane-Boughriba, Berkane-Wawlout, Wawlout Centre, and aims to cover all municipalities of the Province, particularly the most populous and affected ones. The presence of garbage at the mentioned points is the result of various factors, such as irresponsible behavior and habits, as well as inclement weather conditions leading to waste accumulation in streets, bridges, and water collectors. 

This operation has a multidimensional aspect, addressing the health and environmental risks threatening citizens and ecological balance. It prioritizes the creation of job opportunities for National Promotion employees and aims to create favorable conditions for Moroccan families residing abroad from various countries. 


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