Category: Event

Untitled Project (15)

Enhanced Partnership between Saint Gilles and Berkane through New Concrete Projects

As part of the partnership between the municipality of Berkane and that of Saint Gilles, a delegation from the latter recently visited several establishments and projects located in the territory of Berkane.

Under the leadership of Mr. Jean Sapinette, Mayor of the municipality of Saint Gilles, along with elected officials and department heads of the municipality, the delegation had the opportunity to visit various associations, cooperatives, the Academy of Sports Renaissance, as well as Majal Berkane for innovation and territorial intelligence, in addition to the municipal and provincial councils of Berkane.

This visit allowed for the discovery of the numerous agricultural, touristic, and economic potentials of the territory, while highlighting remarkable advancements in the field of digitalization and artificial intelligence. The projects presented during the visit offer intelligent and effective solutions for environmental protection, such as the E-Moulouya Project, BHAS, which aims to facilitate the treatment of stray dogs, as well as the integrated communal geographic information system and fire prevention solutions.

This initiative is part of a comprehensive partnership between Saint Gilles and Berkane aimed at strengthening social, cultural, and sports ties. This partnership emphasizes concrete support for women's qualification centers managed by the municipality of Berkane, with the aim of enhancing their economic capacities and fostering their social integration. Furthermore, this visit represents a valuable opportunity for exchange, knowledge sharing, and best practices, with the goal of exploring new avenues for collaboration.

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The "Tadafor" project sets sail in Berkane: Interactive workshops by ENABEL and the Municipality of Berkane

As part of the "Tadafor" project launched by the European Union and executed by the Belgian Development Agency ENABEL in partnership with the DGCT, in 12 pilot municipalities including the municipality of Berkane, the latter organized interactive workshops at Majal Berkane for innovation and territorial intelligence on Thursday, October 29. The event was attended by members of the Berkane municipal council as well as members of the Equity, Equality, and Gender Approach Instance.

The "Tadafor" project is implemented to contribute to achieving the minimum level of citizen participation in targeted regions by strengthening local governance through the consolidation of transparency and legitimacy of the social pact and public policies, as well as improving the quality of services provided. This project is carried out in close collaboration with the General Directorate of Local Authorities and the Directorate of Relations with Civil Society. It aims to bring together citizens, civil society organizations, and municipal councils for their joint contribution to the development of their communities.

These interactive workshops involved working sessions aimed at developing and designing a program to establish the citizen participation charter, with the aim of involving and consolidating cooperation and collaboration among various local stakeholders.


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Untitled Project (6)

Awareness on Energy Efficiency in the Hotel Industry: Promising Workshops in the Province of Berkane

A series of workshops aimed at promoting energy efficiency in the hotel sector have recently animated the tourist regions of Morocco. Organized by the Moroccan Agency for Energy Efficiency in collaboration with the Ministry of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development as well as GIZ, these workshops took place this time in the Province of Berkane, specifically in the tourist city of Saidia.
The workshops were attended by Mr. Governor Mohamed Ali HABOUHA, Ms. Leila BENALi, Minister of Energy Transition and Sustainable Development, as well as a plethora of speakers and stakeholders.

Energy efficiency of buildings represents a crucial element in the overall strategy to reduce energy consumption while ensuring a satisfactory level of comfort. In Morocco, the energy consumption of buildings accounts for 33.6% of the Total Final Energy Consumption (TFEC), with 25.4% attributable to the residential sector and 8.2% to the tertiary sector. Thus, the building sector ranks second in terms of energy consumption in the country. With the hotel industry representing 40% of energy consumption in the tertiary sector, it is imperative to implement measures to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in this domain.

The objective of this initiative was to raise awareness among participants about the importance of energy efficiency in tourist establishments, highlighting its economic and environmental impact. Moreover, these workshops provided valuable information on financing mechanisms tailored to energy efficiency projects in the tourism sector.

The program of this event offered a rich and complementary range, including testimonials and presentations focused on the regulatory and normative framework, as well as on technical and financial support opportunities.


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Visit of a Cameroonian Delegation to Majal Berkane

A Cameroonian delegation led by Mr. Oumarou Ousmanou, President of the Regional Council of Northern Cameroon, recently visited Majal Berkane for Innovation and Territorial Intelligence, thus demonstrating the increasing commitment to innovation and territorial intelligence in the province. The visit was marked by in-depth discussions on Berkane's evolution in the field of digitalization and territorial innovation, underscoring the crucial importance of these advancements for sustainable development at the local level.

President Ousmanou engaged with local representatives and innovative entrepreneurs to closely understand the progress made in the field of digitalization and territorial innovation in the Berkane territory. The discussions focused on ongoing initiatives, successes achieved so far, and persistent challenges requiring particular attention. The visit highlighted the province's considerable potential for innovation and emphasized the importance of developing effective strategies to further stimulate economic and technological growth.

While touring the various innovation centers and emerging digital spaces of Majal Berkane, President Ousmanou expressed admiration for the creativity and ingenuity demonstrated by the region. He emphasized the importance of supporting and strengthening these local initiatives while encouraging collaboration with regional and international partners to promote a culture of sustainable innovation.

The visit also provided an opportunity for President Ousmanou to underscore the importance of education and training in the field of technology and innovation, emphasizing the need for educational programs tailored to current market needs. Discussions took place on creating partnerships between higher education institutions and local businesses to foster an ecosystem conducive to innovation and economic growth.

In conclusion, the visit of Mr. Oumarou Ousmanou, President of the Regional Council of Northern Cameroon, to Majal Berkane highlighted the steadfast commitment to innovation and territorial intelligence in the region. The meeting underscored the need to invest in technology, education, and intersectoral collaboration to ensure sustainable and inclusive development in an ever-evolving globalized context.

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Legislative Progress in Berkane: Presentation on Activating the Principle of Administrative Silence 

In compliance with the supreme royal directives aimed at enabling citizens to conduct their affairs under the best conditions and within the shortest timeframes, simplifying procedures, and bringing basic infrastructure and services closer to them. 

As part of the efforts to adapt the regulatory framework for construction permits and economic authorizations to the requirements of Law No. 55.19 on the simplification of administrative procedures, which has set maximum deadlines for processing requests from stakeholders to obtain the administrative decisions necessary for investment projects. 

The province of Berkane organized, in the presence of the presidents of municipalities, the director of the National Electricity Office of Berkane, a representative from the Urban Agency of Oujda, a representative from the National Water Office of Berkane, as well as department and service heads of the municipalities, a presentation on activating the principle of administrative silence, considered as an approval, and setting deadlines for administrative decisions issued by the municipalities and districts concerned by this principle 

The principle that the silence of the administration implies approval is a new legal procedure that obliges the Moroccan administration in general and the municipal administration in particular to interact with the stakeholder before the expiration of the legal deadlines set by a regulatory provision or to be subjected to an exceptional procedure allowing the regional official to replace the relevant municipal administration and provide the stakeholder with a certificate of administrative silence equivalent to approval. 

It should be noted that the administrative decisions and services covered by this procedure include, according to the decision of the Minister of the Interior, seven decisions concerning land use planning, namely building permits, subdivision permits, authorization to create a housing group, property division authorization, occupancy permit/compliance certificate, repair permit, and demolition permit. 

Furthermore, these decisions also periodically concern two decisions related to commercial, artisanal, and industrial activities, namely the operating license for an establishment classified in the second category and the operating license for an establishment classified in the third category. 

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Untitled Project (2)

The people of Berkane are putting their blood drops to the service of the disaster-stricken community of Al Haouz.

The Province of Berkane, known for its generosity and solidarity towards those in need, once again demonstrated its solidarity through a series of charitable actions and gestures towards the victims of the Al Haouz earthquake. This time, a blood donation campaign was organized by the Blood Donors Association of Berkane, in partnership with the Province of Berkane, the Provincial Council, and the Local Development Company Majal Berkane for Innovation and Territorial Intelligence, on Sunday, September 17, within the premises of the latter under the supervision of the Regional Blood Transfusion Center. This commendable initiative brought together hundreds of blood donors, ready to donate this precious fluid to save lives and support the earthquake victims.

The earthquake that struck the Al Haouz region was a devastating catastrophe. The tremors caused significant material damage, destroying homes, infrastructure, and livelihoods. But more tragically, many lives were lost in this natural disaster. Hospitals in the region were quickly overwhelmed by the number of injured, creating an urgent need for blood to save lives.

Faced with this tragedy, the Berkane community showed its solidarity and empathy towards the victims of Al Haouz, as it rallied all its human strength to respond to this humanitarian catastrophe.

The blood donation campaign in Berkane was a great success. Blood donors turned out in large numbers to the premises of Majal: 600 candidates, of whom 249 were eligible donors, demonstrating their solidarity with the victims of Al Haouz. Health professionals and volunteers mobilized to ensure that everything ran safely and efficiently.

The blood donation campaign organized in Berkane in solidarity with the victims of the Al Haouz earthquake was a poignant example of people's ability to come together to support those in need. This gesture of solidarity saved lives and brought hope to those affected by the tragedy. It also serves as a reminder that, even in the darkest moments, humanity can shine through its generosity and compassion. This campaign should serve as inspiration for other communities across Morocco and the world to continue reaching out to those in need.

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Untitled Project (5)

Province of Berkane: Movement of Mutation Among Authority Agents 

In accordance with directives from His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God protect him, a national initiative has been implemented, resulting in adjustments within the ranks of authority agents spread across various regions of the Kingdom. 

In the province of Berkane, this initiative unfolds in two main aspects. Firstly, there is the reinforcement of territorial administration through the integration of new graduates from the Royal Institute of Territorial Administration. Additionally, interprovincial and national reassignments have been made. The Ministry of the Interior specifies that this is a gradual transition from a public service model focused on career management to a new model centered on skills management. 

These measures were celebrated during a ceremony held at the headquarters of the Province of Berkane on Wednesday, August 23rd, presided over by Mr. Governor Mohamed Ali Habouha. This ceremony brought together participants from various sectors, as well as elected officials and civil society actors from the province of Berkane. 

Human resources management within territorial administration is increasingly evolving towards a modern and efficient approach, based on criteria of competence, merit, and equal opportunities for access to positions of responsibility. This is part of a virtuous dynamic aimed at putting the administration at the service of citizens, meeting their needs, and defending their interests, in accordance with the declarations of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God preserve him. The ultimate goal is to promote exemplary and effective territorial governance, concludes the statement. 

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Celebration of the National Migrant Day at the Headquarters of the Province of Berkane

On Thursday, August 10th, the province of Berkane organized a celebration at the conference hall, commemorating the National Migrant Day. This event was presided over by Mr. Mohammed Ali Habouha, the prefect of the province of Berkane, in the presence of members and associations of the Moroccan community abroad, as well as elected officials and provincial directors, in addition to other civil society actors.

This day is considered a national rendezvous with strong symbolic value and significance due to its role and impact in strengthening ties with the Berkane community residing in various countries around the world.

His Majesty King Mohammed VI, may God protect him, has given special attention to the Moroccan community by declaring this day as a national day in 2003. His Majesty has also accorded exceptional importance to this community, as evidenced by several royal speeches, as well as the implementation of public policies and programs that meet their aspirations regarding services provided in all areas.

In line with these royal and national directives, the province of Berkane has given special attention to its Moroccans Residing Abroad (MRE), through the implementation of various strategies that have emerged in recent years within the territory.

These strategies have been translated into concrete programs such as the establishment of a reception area at the headquarters of the province of Berkane, aimed at receiving complaints, questions, and suggestions from members of the community, as well as the creation of a call center and a coordination office at their disposal.

In this context, a detailed presentation was made on the achievements and results achieved regarding the number of complaints received and processed, as well as data related to their distribution by municipality, as well as the most frequent and high-demand subjects and areas.


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Berkane Celebrates Its Throne Cup with the Presence of Renowned Artists

A new success is added to the repertoire of the Province of Berkane as the color of the orange tree triumphs on the national, African, and Arab sports scene.  

In celebration of the latest victory, the 3rd Throne Cup, the Renaissance Sportive Club, in partnership with the Berkane Municipality, the Province of Berkane, and the Provincial Council, are organizing a musical festival featuring a selection of prominent Moroccan artists, as well as musical groups from the Berkane territory. This event will take place on Monday, August 7th, starting at 8:00 PM, in the large square adjacent to the Berkane artisans' village.  

This event is also organized with the aim of paying tribute to all those who have contributed, directly or indirectly, to the progress achieved by RSB throughout its journey: players and coaches, administration, technical and medical staff, local authorities, and more.  

Preparations have preceded the D-Day, and logistical and security measures have been put in place to ensure better organization for the benefit of the audience and guests. 

The event expects to welcome around 35,000 spectators, in addition to officials from both the national and local levels, as well as representatives from various media outlets with different specialties and origins.  


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Inauguration of the Regional Terroir Products Fair in Saidia

The 8th edition of the Regional Terroir Products Fair, themed "Generation Green: Solidarity Agriculture, Basis for the Development of Terroir Products," is taking place in Saidia from July 14th to 23rd. The official opening was presided over by the Minister of Agriculture, Fisheries, Rural Development, and Water and Forests, Mr. Mohammed Sadiki, in the presence of the Governor of Berkane Province, Mr. Mohamed Ali Habouha, the President of the Regional Chamber of Agriculture of the Oriental Region, elected officials, and an important delegation of ministry officials.

This fair provides a space for consumers and visitors to discover the latest developments related to terroir products and an opportunity to exchange experiences and know-how among agricultural cooperatives, stakeholders, and relevant institutions.

Organized by the Regional Directorate of Agriculture of the Oriental Region in partnership with the Association of the Rural Family Home of Beni Snassen, the Regional Chamber of Agriculture of the Oriental Region, the National Agricultural Advisory Office, and the National Office of Food Safety, the fair sees the participation of over 120 cooperatives whose products meet sanitary safety standards with certification from the ONSSA, as well as institutional actors in agricultural and rural development.

The organization of this event is part of the "Generation Green 2020-2030" strategy, which places human welfare at its core and promotes the emergence of a middle class in agriculture through the development of solidarity agriculture projects and agricultural entrepreneurship. These projects primarily rely on the development of a new generation of agricultural organizations with economic and social dimensions.

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