Category: training


Ouverture de la 14e ÃĐdition du Salon RÃĐgional du Livre à Berkane : Lecture et Eau, Enjeux du TroisiÃĻme MillÃĐnaire

Le jeudi 26 septembre 2024 a marquÃĐ l’inauguration de la 14e ÃĐdition du Salon RÃĐgional du Livre à Berkane, un ÃĐvÃĐnement placÃĐ sous le thÃĻme ambitieux : ÂŦ La lecture, le livre, et l’eau : enjeux du troisiÃĻme millÃĐnaire pour la survie et la durabilitÃĐ Âŧ. Cette thÃĐmatique met en lumiÃĻre les dÃĐfis cruciaux auxquels l’humanitÃĐ est confrontÃĐe, et fait ÃĐcho aux aspirations contemporaines en matiÃĻre de prÃĐservation des ressources vitales et de promotion du savoir.

La cÃĐrÃĐmonie d’ouverture, rehaussÃĐe par la prÃĐsence de nombreuses personnalitÃĐs de haut rang, a vu la participation du Gouverneur de la Province de Berkane, M. Mustafa Benhamza, prÃĐsident du Conseil des oulÃĐmas, de la directrice rÃĐgionale de la Culture de l’Oriental, ainsi que du prÃĐsident du Conseil Provincial et du Pacha de Berkane. La prÃĐsence d’une plÃĐiade de reprÃĐsentants de la sociÃĐtÃĐ civile, des ÃĐlus locaux et des mÃĐdias a donnÃĐ un ÃĐlan significatif à cet ÃĐvÃĐnement d’envergure.

Au cœur de cette inauguration, une grande confÃĐrence scientifique a ÃĐtÃĐ organisÃĐe, centrÃĐe sur le thÃĻme essentiel de ÂŦ l’eau Âŧ, en tant que ressource prÃĐcieuse et enjeu de durabilitÃĐ. Cette rencontre intellectuelle a rÃĐuni plusieurs institutions de premier plan telles que le Conseil RÃĐgional des OulÃĐmas de l’Oriental, l’Agence de DÃĐveloppement de l’Oriental, le Conseil Provincial de Berkane et le Centre des Études et de la Recherche en Sciences Humaines. Cet ÃĐvÃĐnement a ÃĐgalement ÃĐtÃĐ l’occasion de rendre hommage au professeur Mustafa Benhamza, une figure ÃĐminente, reconnue pour ses contributions marquantes à la pensÃĐe religieuse et scientifique dans la rÃĐgion.

Il convient de souligner que les activitÃĐs de ce Salon RÃĐgional du Livre se poursuivront jusqu’au 2 octobre 2024, offrant une plateforme unique de rÃĐflexion et d’ÃĐchange autour de thÃĻmes d’importance capitale pour l’avenir de l’humanitÃĐ, tout en stimulant l’intÃĐrÊt pour la lecture et le livre comme outils incontournables pour le progrÃĻs et la prÃĐservation des savoirs.

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Workshop on Training and Cultural Ramadan Evenings: Boosting Digital Marketing in Berkane

During a series of Ramadan activities, the Majal Berkane Complex for Innovation and Territorial Intelligence hosted a special training workshop and cultural evening on the evening of March 19 at 9:00 PM. The event was supervised by the SOBOL NumÃĐriques Association and featured participation from specialized instructors.

The event focused on the theme of Digital Marketing and saw strong engagement from young people and enthusiasts in the Berkane Province, as well as influential figures in the field. The workshop provided an opportunity for the exchange of ideas and experiences, raising awareness about digital marketing by showcasing successful models and analyzing lessons learned. Participants were encouraged to apply new strategies and techniques in their respective projects, enhancing their experience and strengthening their skills in this vital domain.

Following fruitful and effective discussions, the event concluded with the presentation of certificates of recognition from the SOBOL NumÃĐriques Association to the instructor, along with a certificate of recognition to the Majal Berkane Complex. This recognition acknowledged their hospitality and support for the workshop’s events and participants.

This event was more than just a training workshop; it served as a gathering of minds and ideas—a platform for sharing experiences and building robust professional networks. Its aim was to support and enhance the capabilities of young individuals in the field of digital marketing, thereby contributing to the development of the local community and bolstering employment and entrepreneurial opportunities in the Berkane Province


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Enlightening Training on the Labor Code for Employees of Berkane Local Development Companies 

Employees of local development companies Majal Berkane, Hayat Berkane, and Harakiat Berkane had the privileged opportunity to participate in training led by Ms. Isslam Akhyad, doctor of legal sciences, this Thursday, October 23. This training session was designed with the aim of deepening workers' understanding of the labor code and fostering a fruitful exchange between employees and legal and human resources managers. 

 The training had the main objective of clarifying and explaining various aspects of labor law that are often a source of questions and concerns among workers. Mrs. Isslam Akhyad addressed several crucial points, including employees’ rights and duties, disciplinary procedures, working conditions, and provisions related to safety and health at work. 

The training session went beyond a simple lecture. It created a constructive exchange between employees and legal and human resources experts. Participants were encouraged to ask questions, share their experiences, and discuss the issues they face in their daily professional lives. 

 Mrs. Isslam Akhyad also took this opportunity to share the latest trends and developments related to labor jurisdiction. Recent changes in labor legislation were discussed, allowing participants to stay informed and adapt to the evolving legal framework that governs their employment. 

This training is particularly important for local development companies in Berkane. By enhancing employees’ understanding of labor law, it contributes to creating a more transparent and equitable work environment. Additionally, the dialogue established between employees and legal representatives can lead to better conflict resolution and more effective human resource management. 

 The training provided valuable opportunities for employees of local development companies in Berkane to deepen their understanding of labor law. This approach not only encouraged constructive dialogue but also facilitated the sharing of essential knowledge to stay informed about legal developments in the field of work. Thanks to such initiatives, employees are better prepared to meet professional challenges while significantly contributing to the continuous improvement of professional relationships within local development companies. 

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