Category: Youth


À Berkane, un geste de reconnaissance pour renforcer l’esprit d’ÃĐquipe dans le secteur de la jeunesse

À l’occasion de la nouvelle annÃĐe, une rÃĐunion interne a ÃĐtÃĐ organisÃĐe en prÃĐsence des cadres de la Direction Provinciale, lors de laquelle M. Moha Mezyan le Directeur provincial du secteur de la jeunesse à Berkane a dressÃĐ le bilan de l’annÃĐe ÃĐcoulÃĐe. Il a exprimÃĐ sa gratitude envers les efforts constants des cadres et leur rÃīle clÃĐ dans la mise en œuvre des projets et programmes, soulignant leur contribution dÃĐterminante à l’atteinte des objectifs fixÃĐs. Il a prÃĐcisÃĐ que ces rÃĐalisations remarquables tÃĐmoignent de l’engagement profond des ÃĐquipes à faire progresser les services du secteur et à renforcer son impact.

M. Moha Mezyan a ensuite prÃĐsentÃĐ les grandes lignes du plan d’action pour l’annÃĐe 2025, en insistant sur l’importance cruciale de la coordination efficace des cadres pour assurer le succÃĻs de la vision collective du secteur. Cette approche doit Être portÃĐe par un esprit d’innovation et de collaboration, indispensables à l’ÃĐvolution future du secteur de la jeunesse.

En conclusion de cette rencontre, M. Moha Mezyan a adressÃĐ une reconnaissance profonde et sincÃĻre aux cadres pour leur dÃĐvouement et leur engagement constant.  Ce geste   empreint de symbolisme, a non seulement renforcÃĐ l’esprit de gratitude au sein de l’ÃĐquipe, mais a ÃĐgalement favorisÃĐ un sentiment d’appartenance et de valorisation. Une telle attention, à la fois humaine et motivante, tÃĐmoigne de l’implication personnelle du Directeur dans la crÃĐation d’une atmosphÃĻre de travail harmonieuse et collaborative, propice à l’ÃĐpanouissement de chacun et à la rÃĐussite collective.

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Hackathon sur l’Intelligence FinanciÃĻre à Berkane : 71 Jeunes MobilisÃĐs pour Innover et Promouvoir l’Entrepreneuriat

Dans le cadre de la mise en œuvre de l’axe stratÃĐgique visant à promouvoir l’entrepreneuriat et à encourager l’innovation, tel que dÃĐfini par le Programme d’amÃĐlioration des revenus et d’inclusion ÃĐconomique des jeunes, la Plateforme des Jeunes de Berkane a organisÃĐ un Hackathon sur l’intelligence financiÃĻre les 7 et 8 dÃĐcembre.

Cet ÃĐvÃĐnement a rassemblÃĐ 71 participants, hommes et femmes, issus de divers horizons. Les participants ont eu l’opportunitÃĐ de dÃĐvelopper leurs compÃĐtences en matiÃĻre de gestion financiÃĻre, d’acquÃĐrir des outils pratiques pour amÃĐliorer la viabilitÃĐ de leurs projets entrepreneuriaux, et d’ÃĐchanger autour des meilleures pratiques en matiÃĻre de planification budgÃĐtaire et de prise de dÃĐcisions ÃĐconomiques.

Le hackathon s’est dÃĐroulÃĐ dans une ambiance collaborative et compÃĐtitive, permettant aux jeunes de proposer des solutions innovantes à des dÃĐfis financiers rÃĐels. Cette initiative s’inscrit dans une dynamique plus large visant à autonomiser les jeunes, à renforcer leur inclusion ÃĐconomique, et à favoriser le dÃĐveloppement d’un tissu entrepreneurial solide au niveau local et rÃĐgional.

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Untitled Project (19)

Berkane Welcomes One of the National Football Stars

On May 10, 2024, at dawn, households across the city of Berkane and its surroundings are preparing to attend the match between the national women's U17 football club and its Algerian counterpart, in preparation for the World Cup to be held from October 16 to November 3, 2024 in the Dominican Republic.
Dressed in national colors and waving the national flag, men, women, and children begin to converge hours before the match towards the municipal stadium of Berkane, which was already full, with nearly 10,000 people, long before the kick-off of the game, a record number according to experts, of supporters who backed the national U17 team.
Un enthousiasme inÃĐdit, une spontanÃĐitÃĐ sans prÃĐcÃĐdent, et un patriotisme hautement renouvelÃĐ et longuement prononcÃĐ, tout empreint de dÃĐmonstrations musicales du folklore local, ont joliment et somptueusement marquÃĐ les gradins, du dÃĐbut du match jusqu’à sa fin.

The tremendous support shown by the people of Berkane, regardless of gender and age, only served to encourage the national team, which secured victory with a score of 4-0, and saw its performance escalate, minute after minute, achievement after achievement, and goal after goal, to the point that the score could have reached double digits if our young girls had capitalized on a few more opportunities.

Distinct from the Botola Pro matches, which are played in the same stadium by the RSB club, the stands took on a completely different appearance this time, reflecting a mosaic of ages and genders united in symbiosis and harmony with local music, occasionally played, all around a single and common goal: the glory and perpetuation of the national sports brand image in general.
Loin de toute forme d’aversion, le public de Berkane a rÃĐservÃĐ, par ailleurs un accueil faisant preuve de qualitÃĐs de bon voisinage à l’ÃĐquipe adverse et au staff qui l’accompagnait, qualitÃĐs dont jouissent toutes les composantes de Notre Nation VÃĐnÃĐrÃĐe.
The audience in Berkane thus had its say, expressed in a spectacular manner, proving its inevitable mobilization to support any other future events, whether national, continental, or international in nature.

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Untitled Project (85) (1)

European Union in Morocco Engages in a Coffee Talk in Berkane: Diving into the Heart of the Cultural Industry

On Friday, December 1st, the Complexe Majal Berkane for Innovation and Territorial Intelligence hosted a unique cultural event. Cultural stakeholders came together for a "Coffee Talk," an initiative organized by the European Union in Morocco under the EU Jeel ØŽŲŠŲ„ connect project. This event brought together a dynamic group of young people and cultural associations.

The central theme of this gathering was the cultural industry, a topic that generated great interest among the participants. Throughout the day, exchanges were rich in ideas and shared experiences, highlighting the importance of culture and its industry in the development of nations as well as their economic and social growth.

Discussions were led by key players in the cultural industry, who shared their inspiring journeys and the challenges they have faced. These testimonies offered valuable insights into the different facets of this dynamic industry, highlighting both its opportunities and challenges.

Young participants, true agents of change, also had the opportunity to speak and share their innovative perspectives on the place of culture in contemporary society. The cultural associations present contributed to the diversity of viewpoints, emphasizing the importance of collaborative initiatives in promoting cultural richness.

The usefulness of culture was at the heart of the debates, with speakers highlighting its essential role in building national identity, preserving heritage, and strengthening social ties. In addition, the economic impact of the cultural industry was highlighted, demonstrating how it can significantly contribute to a country's economic growth.

This gathering went beyond mere discussion and also opened the way for new collaborations and partnerships. Participants expressed their commitment to working together to strengthen the cultural industry in the region and explore innovative ways to promote culture.


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