Category: Health


Inauguration de l’Hôpital de Proximité d’Ahfir : Une Avancée Majeure pour le Secteur de la Santé dans la Province de Berkane

Le Ministre de la Santé et de la Protection sociale, M. Khalid Ait Taleb, a inauguré jeudi l’hôpital de proximité d’Ahfir, en présence de M. Mohamed Ali Habouha, Gouverneur de la Province de Berkane, de M. Mohamed Jelloul, Président du Conseil Provincial, et M. Abderrahim Salhi
Président de la Commune d’Ahfir, ainsi que des représentants de la société civile et de plusieurs responsables locaux. Cet hôpital constitue une addition de qualité au réseau des infrastructures sanitaires de la Province, visant à améliorer le secteur de la santé en offrant des services de santé essentiels et des soins médicaux de haute qualité aux citoyens.

Construit sur un terrain d’une superficie de 4 hectares, l’hôpital comprend plusieurs départements, notamment une unité technique d’accouchement, un service d’imagerie médicale, un bloc opératoire, une unité de stérilisation, une unité de pédiatrie, une unité de gynécologie-obstétrique, une aile d’hospitalisation chirurgicale, un laboratoire d’analyses médicales, et des services d’urgences. Il dispose également de départements pédagogiques, d’un internat, ainsi que d’autres infrastructures administratives et techniques.

Cet établissement hospitalier est équipé des technologies médicales les plus modernes et est doté d’une équipe de cadres médicaux, infirmiers et techniques qualifiés. L’hôpital contribue à renforcer les services de santé de base dans la Province, avec un investissement dédié de 8 millions de centimes pour sa mise en place.

L’hôpital compte une équipe de personnel médical comprenant un médecin, 4 praticiens généralistes, un pharmacien, 17 infirmières polyvalentes, 6 anesthésistes, 5 techniciens en radiologie, 4 techniciens de laboratoire, 7 sages-femmes, ainsi qu’un pharmacien distributeur, un assistant technique, 9 aides-soignants, un employé administratif, 10 techniciens, et un secouriste technique. Cet hôpital reflète les efforts déployés pour former et fournir des soins de santé avancés, ce qui améliore le niveau des soins médicaux offerts aux citoyens des zones environnantes.

Ce projet répond aux besoins de la population et résulte d’efforts conjoints entre plusieurs acteurs, allant du Ministère de la Santé au Conseil Communal et aux autorités locales et provinciales.

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Une Initiative Médicale d’Envergure : Caravane de Santé pour les Habitants de Sidi Bouhria 

Dans le cadre d’une initiative médicale importante, l’Association Ajial Berkane pour le Développement, en collaboration avec la direction provinciale du Ministère de la Santé et de la Protection Sociale ainsi que le Conseil Communal de Sidi Bouhria, a organisé une caravane médicale complète au profit des habitants de la commune de Sidi Bouhria, au centre de santé rural. 

Au cours de cette campagne médicale, la population a bénéficié d’une gamme variée de services de santé. Au total, 384 personnes ont été prises en charge. Parmi elles, 290 ont reçu des consultations médicales générales, comprenant des examens de routine et des diagnostics initiaux pour diverses maladies. De plus, 208 personnes ont bénéficié de consultations spécialisées dans les domaines de la gynécologie-obstétrique et des maladies ostéo-articulaires, ce qui leur a permis de recevoir les soins médicaux nécessaires à leur état de santé. 

En outre, des analyses rapides ont été effectuées pour dépister le diabète, dans le but de permettre un diagnostic précoce et de fournir les conseils de santé nécessaires aux patients. Cette initiative vise à améliorer le niveau des soins de santé dans la communauté locale et à répondre de manière exhaustive aux besoins de santé des habitants. 

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Celebration of the 19th Anniversary of the National Initiative for Human Development at the Maternity House of Tafoghalt

To celebrate the nineteenth anniversary of the launch of the National Initiative for Human Development, a ceremony was organized at the Maternity House in Tafoghalt, reflecting society's commitment to promoting development and social assistance. The event was honored by the presence of the Governor of the Province of Berkane, the President of the Provincial Council, the Heads of Communes, as well as representatives from the administration and civil society.

In line with the directives of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the third phase of the National Initiative for Human Development has been launched to strengthen its achievements and redirect its programs to promote the human capital of future generations, support vulnerable groups, and initiate new income-generating initiatives and employment opportunities. The national campaign kicked off in the province of Berkane under the theme "The First Thousand Days of the Child," running from May 22nd to June 22nd.

The activities of the ceremony included a series of diverse programs, starting with a verification visit to the maternity health center, where the situation of pregnant women was monitored, along with educational presentations focusing on maternal and child health. Emphasis was also placed on the "Communication Campaign for Social and Behavioral Change," aimed at raising awareness about the importance of the first thousand days and strengthening pre and postnatal nutrition and healthcare, as well as promoting exclusive breastfeeding for optimal improvement.

The province of Berkane demonstrates its dedication to enhancing human capital, showcasing a genuine commitment to promoting social assistance and achieving sustainable development, including strengthening nutrition and improving healthcare for the health of mothers and children.

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Improving Healthcare Services in Berkane: A Concerted Effort for Community Well-being

Under the noble leadership of His Majesty King Mohammed VI, the healthcare sector in the province of Berkane has witnessed significant development in recent years, thanks to continuous efforts aimed at improving the quality of healthcare services and expanding their reach to include all segments of society. In this context, the Provincial Association for Supporting the Health and Social Sectors presented a report on the progress of the work program at the headquarters of the Province of Berkane, in the presence of the Governor, the President of the Provincial Council, mayors, and civil society actors.

This program has been implemented in partnership with the National Initiative for Human Development and the Provincial Council of Berkane, reflecting the commitment of all stakeholders to promote healthcare services and ensure the provision of comprehensive and effective care for all citizens, aiming to achieve sustainable development and improve the quality of life in the province of Berkane. The association also welcomes individual cases referred to it, seeks to alleviate their situation, listens to them attentively, and intervenes to correct treatments, in accordance with the laws of the Ministry of Health.

The action plan includes several main programs, namely:

- Organizing medical tours in various specialties across the country,

- Conducting medical screenings for pregnant women through clinical examination and ultrasound.

- Performing mammography screenings for pregnant women exhibiting symptoms of cancer.

– La participation à « Octobre rose » en intensifiant les campagnes de dépistage et de sensibilisation,

- Correcting vision for school-going children.

These initiatives demonstrate a strong commitment to improving the level of healthcare in the province of Berkane, contributing to enhancing the well-being of citizens and achieving sustainable development. The association continues to make efforts to ensure the provision of comprehensive and effective healthcare services.

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"Clinical Caravan in Berkane: Providing Crucial Healthcare Services to the Population"

"Today, Thursday, April 18, in Berkane, a large surgical caravan kicked off, organized by the Belgian Association Basmah in partnership with the Provincial Council of Berkane, the Provincial Delegation of Health and Social Protection, the Ofoq Association for Surgery, and the Provincial Association for Support to Health and Social Sectors of Berkane."

The inaugural day saw the presence of the President of the Provincial Council, as well as the Provincial Delegate of the Ministry of Health and Social Protection. A medical team comprising surgeons, specialists, nurses, as well as administrative and technical staff was also present.

This surgical caravan, taking place at the Provincial Hospital of Ad-Derâa, aims to address the needs of the population and ensure the continuity of health services in the region.

This initiative aims to provide specialized medical care to the population of Berkane, in order to improve their access to basic treatments. More than 38 medical professionals and specialized nurses in various fields are involved in this caravan, covering specialties such as dermatology, hernia surgery, pediatric surgery, and many more.

The Provincial Delegate of Health and Social Protection emphasized the importance of this medical campaign, mobilizing all human and logistical resources of the hospital, to bring health services closer to citizens and provide medical consultations in different specialties. He also mentioned the challenges faced by the Provincial Hospital, especially during winter, when access to certain medical services can be difficult for the population.

This medical campaign, which will run until Saturday, April 20, 2024, is expected to include approximately 120 surgical operations.  

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Medical Convoy in Ophthalmology: A Compassionate Look at the Health of Diabetic Patients in Berkane

On Saturday, March 16, 2024, a crucial medical event took place in the province of Berkane, carefully orchestrated by the ATD program and supervised by the provincial committee supporting health and social sectors. It was a medical convoy in ophthalmology specifically designed for diabetic patients to provide essential eye examinations.

In total, 145 diabetic patients were summoned for this critical event. Fortunately, 94 of them responded and received detailed ophthalmological examinations, with a particular focus on retinal health.

The results obtained underscore the importance of these preventive exams: 60 patients will require regular follow-up every 6 months to closely monitor their eye health. For 27 other cases, specific surgical interventions will be necessary to ensure their long-term well-being. Finally, 07 patients will need in-depth examinations using specialized equipment to address their precise needs.

This meticulously planned campaign unfolded under extremely favorable conditions, providing patients and doctors with an environment conducive to quality care. Five dedicated ophthalmologists from the Oujda University Hospital’s ophthalmology department participated in these exams, collaborating with the Diabetes Association of Berkane, the Opticians Association of Berkane, and the Capiss Maroc Association. The entire event took place at the Community Social Center in the municipality of Berkane, strengthening community bonds and commitment to health for all.

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A Memorable Eighth of March: Berkane Unveils its Mobile Obstetrics and Gynecology Medical Unit, Celebrating Women and Community Health.

he Province of Berkane celebrated the official launch of its mobile medical unit dedicated to obstetrics and gynecology, starting from the rural commune of Fezouane. This event was marked by the benevolent presence and attentive supervision of Mr. Mohamed Ali Habouha, the Governor of the Province of Berkane, who is also the President of the Provincial Council, and the President of the commune of Fezouane. Committed professionals from the health and social sectors, along with representatives from the National Initiative for Human Development, also honored this event with their presence.

This innovative project is part of a successful agreement between the Governor of the Province of Berkane, who leads the Provincial Committee for Human Development, the Provincial Council of Berkane, the provincial delegation for health and social protection, and the provincial association supporting health and social sectors. Together, they work towards achieving the royal aspirations of modernizing the healthcare system and expanding social protection.

The mobile medical unit, equipped with remote communication technologies, aims to bring healthcare closer to residents of rural areas, reducing geographical distances. This promising initiative seeks to intensify medical caravans, enhancing their beneficial presence in different communities and isolated zones, and thereby increasing the number of beneficiaries.

The launch of this medical unit on the eighth of March, in the presence of women who received medical consultations, symbolically recognizes the importance given to women and their essential role within society. It is a beautiful manifestation of commitment to community well-being, emphasizing the crucial place of women’s health in our society."

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Beneficent Ocular Medical Campaign by the Support and Qualification Center for Children in Difficult Situations of Berkane

The Support and Qualification Center for Children in Difficult Situations of Berkane shone during its exceptional social and charitable initiative this Saturday, January 27. The highlight of the day was a medical campaign dedicated to diagnosing and treating eye disorders for children from underprivileged backgrounds.

This campaign was meticulously orchestrated by the Association for the Support and Qualification of Children, chaired by Madame Houda Bourarach, in collaboration with the associations UNIC, Humanity, Et si..., and under the attentive supervision of the Provincial Commission for Support to the Health and Social Sector. In total, 125 beneficiaries from precarious families, rural areas, and orphanages benefited from this noble initiative.

Ophthalmologists, general practitioners, and opticians, as well as committed association actors from the Province of Berkane, graciously offered their services to successfully carry out this operation. This initiative went beyond a simple medical visit, including appropriate treatments based on diagnostic results, comprising medications, prescription glasses, and corrective lenses. Follow-up appointments were also scheduled for each child, with the creation of individual records.

This commendable action is part of the numerous programs and actions undertaken by the association and the provincial commission, as well as the entire ecosystem actors. These efforts aim to normalize access to healthcare and social programs for all social strata. An exemplary approach that deserves recognition and support, thus contributing to the improvement of the well-being of children in difficult situations in Berkane.

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The people of Berkane are putting their blood drops to the service of the disaster-stricken community of Al Haouz.

The Province of Berkane, known for its generosity and solidarity towards those in need, once again demonstrated its solidarity through a series of charitable actions and gestures towards the victims of the Al Haouz earthquake. This time, a blood donation campaign was organized by the Blood Donors Association of Berkane, in partnership with the Province of Berkane, the Provincial Council, and the Local Development Company Majal Berkane for Innovation and Territorial Intelligence, on Sunday, September 17, within the premises of the latter under the supervision of the Regional Blood Transfusion Center. This commendable initiative brought together hundreds of blood donors, ready to donate this precious fluid to save lives and support the earthquake victims.

The earthquake that struck the Al Haouz region was a devastating catastrophe. The tremors caused significant material damage, destroying homes, infrastructure, and livelihoods. But more tragically, many lives were lost in this natural disaster. Hospitals in the region were quickly overwhelmed by the number of injured, creating an urgent need for blood to save lives.

Faced with this tragedy, the Berkane community showed its solidarity and empathy towards the victims of Al Haouz, as it rallied all its human strength to respond to this humanitarian catastrophe.

The blood donation campaign in Berkane was a great success. Blood donors turned out in large numbers to the premises of Majal: 600 candidates, of whom 249 were eligible donors, demonstrating their solidarity with the victims of Al Haouz. Health professionals and volunteers mobilized to ensure that everything ran safely and efficiently.

The blood donation campaign organized in Berkane in solidarity with the victims of the Al Haouz earthquake was a poignant example of people's ability to come together to support those in need. This gesture of solidarity saved lives and brought hope to those affected by the tragedy. It also serves as a reminder that, even in the darkest moments, humanity can shine through its generosity and compassion. This campaign should serve as inspiration for other communities across Morocco and the world to continue reaching out to those in need.

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