Category: Smart city

Untitled Project – 2024-07-02T174005.034

Forum de la SociÃĐtÃĐ Digitale 2024 à Berkane : Transformer l’Éducation par l’Innovation Technologique

Du 24 au 26 juin, la Province de Berkane et le Complexe Majal Berkane ont accueilli la 4ÃĻme ÃĐdition du Forum de la SociÃĐtÃĐ Digitale, organisÃĐe par la SociÃĐtÃĐ de DÃĐveloppement Local Majal Berkane pour l’innovation et l’intelligence territoriale. PlacÃĐ sous le thÃĻme ÂŦ Éducation et Innovation Technologique : Perspectives pour la RÃĐflexion et l’Innovation Âŧ, cet ÃĐvÃĐnement a marquÃĐ une ÃĐtape cruciale dans l’exploration des opportunitÃĐs et des dÃĐfis posÃĐs par l’intÃĐgration des technologies avancÃĐes dans l’ÃĐducation. 

Le monde connaÃŪt une rÃĐvolution majeure dans les technologies avancÃĐes, apportant des changements rapides dans divers secteurs, notamment l’ÃĐducation. L’intÃĐgration de ces technologies a ouvert de nouvelles perspectives prometteuses pour amÃĐliorer les mÃĐthodes d’enseignement, en utilisant des outils de gÃĐnÃĐration de contenu scientifique et en rendant l’ÃĐducation plus accessible à un plus grand nombre de personnes. Toutefois, ces transformations posent ÃĐgalement des dÃĐfis importants, tels que des questions ÃĐthiques, des inÃĐgalitÃĐs d’accÃĻs à la technologie, la protection des donnÃĐes personnelles et la nÃĐcessitÃĐ de sensibiliser les utilisateurs à ces nouvelles technologies. 

En accord avec les directives royales suprÊmes et les stratÃĐgies nationales illustrÃĐes dans le nouveau modÃĻle de dÃĐveloppement, la province de Berkane a connu des avancÃĐes significatives en matiÃĻre de transformation numÃĐrique. C’est dans ce contexte que s’est dÃĐroulÃĐe cette quatriÃĻme ÃĐdition du Forum de la SociÃĐtÃĐ Digitale, sous le haut patronage de Sa MajestÃĐ le Roi Mohammed VI, que Dieu l’assiste. Cet ÃĐvÃĐnement a ÃĐtÃĐ organisÃĐ en partenariat avec la province de Berkane, la Direction GÃĐnÃĐrale des CollectivitÃĐs Territoriales, le Conseil Provincial de Berkane, le Conseil Communal de Berkane, l’Agence de l’Oriental, l’UniversitÃĐ Mohammed Premier et la Fondation Tamkine. L’objectif principal ÃĐtait d’approfondir l’analyse de ces questions et de stimuler la rÃĐflexion collective sur les moyens d’innover dans le domaine de l’ÃĐducation. 

Ce forum a servi de plateforme pour discuter des dÃĐfis et des opportunitÃĐs liÃĐs aux nouvelles technologies et à leurs relations avec l’ÃĐducation. Il a rÃĐuni des experts, des praticiens, des dÃĐcideurs et des chercheurs, permettant des ÃĐchanges fructueux et des partages de bonnes pratiques au niveau mondial. Les discussions et les ateliers ont offert un espace de rÃĐflexion sur les meilleures pratiques et les innovations dans le domaine ÃĐducatif, en insistant sur une transformation ÃĐthique et bÃĐnÃĐfique pour tous. 

Ainsi, cette ÃĐdition du Forum de la SociÃĐtÃĐ Digitale à Berkane a reprÃĐsentÃĐ un catalyseur pour la transformation de l’ÃĐducation. Elle a mis en avant l’importance d’une transformation ÃĐthique, axÃĐe sur l’innovation et l’inclusion, afin de garantir que les avancÃĐes technologiques bÃĐnÃĐficient à l’ensemble de la sociÃĐtÃĐ. L’ÃĐvÃĐnement a non seulement soulignÃĐ les dÃĐfis à relever, mais a ÃĐgalement ouvert la voie à de nouvelles collaborations et initiatives pour un avenir ÃĐducatif meilleur et plus inclusif. 

Les confÃĐrences plÃĐniÃĻres ont rÃĐuni des experts de renommÃĐe mondiale, des universitaires et des praticiens issus de divers pays tels que le Maroc, la Tunisie, l’Inde, les États-Unis, le Canada, le Japon et la Chine. Ils ont discutÃĐ de plusieurs sujets : 

– L’avenir de l’ÃĐducation dans le contexte des nouvelles technologies : opportunitÃĐs et dÃĐfis. 

– Innovations technologiques pour le dÃĐveloppement de l’ÃĐducation : perspectives et nouvelles applications. 

– Éthique et technologies avancÃĐes : considÃĐrations et impacts sur l’ÃĐducation. 

Le hackathon a ÃĐtÃĐ l’un des moments forts du Forum de la SociÃĐtÃĐ Digitale. Cet ÃĐvÃĐnement a rassemblÃĐ une soixantaine de jeunes porteurs de projets provenant de diverses rÃĐgions du Maroc. Les initiatives prÃĐsentÃĐes se sont concentrÃĐes sur des thÃĐmatiques telles que la mobilitÃĐ scolaire, le suivi des ÃĐlÃĻves et le soutien scolaire, en s’appuyant sur des plateformes et des solutions technologiques innovantes. Les trois projets gagnants de cette ÃĐdition ont ÃĐtÃĐ “My Way”, “Sela” et “School Mobility”. 

La Foire Digitale a offert aux entreprises technologiques, aux start-ups locales, aux institutions ÃĐducatives et aux associations une plateforme pour prÃĐsenter leurs produits, services et initiatives liÃĐs à l’ÃĐducation et aux technologies avancÃĐes. 

En marge de cette ÃĐdition, et en lien avec l’enseignement, l’ÃĐducation et l’intelligence artificielle, des conventions ont ÃĐtÃĐ signÃĐes entre la SociÃĐtÃĐ de DÃĐveloppement Local Majal Berkane et l’International Federation of Global and Green Information Communication Technology (IFGICT), ainsi qu’avec la Fondation Tamkine.  

Des ateliers pratiques ont ÃĐgalement ÃĐtÃĐ organisÃĐs pour fournir aux participants des compÃĐtences concrÃĻtes dans le domaine des technologies ÃĐducatives. Ces ateliers ont couvert une gamme de sujets tels que l’utilisation des outils numÃĐriques en classe et la crÃĐation de contenus ÃĐducatifs interactifs. Enfin, des rÃĐunions de mise en rÃĐseau ont offert aux participants l’occasion de rencontrer leurs pairs, des experts et des leaders d’opinion pour ÃĐchanger des idÃĐes et explorer de nouvelles opportunitÃĐs de collaboration. 

Nous reviendrons avec des articles plus dÃĐtaillÃĐs sur les diffÃĐrents axes et ÃĐlÃĐments phares de cette ÃĐdition. 

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Untitled Project – 2024-06-03T144619.280

Gitex Africa 2024: Participation of Majal Berkane in the digital transition and Smart Cities 

Majal Berkane took part in GITEX AFRICA MOROCCO 2024, the continent's largest technology and startup event, which was held in Marrakech from May 29 to 31. Supported by the Ministry of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform, this second edition of GITEX AFRICA in Marrakech confirmed Morocco's positioning as a technological hub in Africa. Majal Berkane played an active and significant role there.

Represented by Dr. Badr Ben Hichou, Director of Information Systems and DGA, Majal Berkane was invited by the Ministry of Digital Transition and Administrative Reform as well as by the Digital Development Agency. During his speech at the E-Gov pavilion, Dr. Badr Ben Hichou shared success stories and digital transition and smart city projects carried out in Berkane. He also highlighted initiatives aimed at optimizing public services through the digitalization of processes. 

In addition to his presentation, Dr. Badr Ben Hichou participated in a round table at the APEBI Pavilion. This discussion focused on challenges and best practices in data governance in smart cities and brought together Moroccan startups specializing in BIM and digital twins. It was a valuable opportunity to exchange ideas and explore innovative solutions, thus strengthening collaboration between different players in the digital sector. 

Alongside the work of this edition, networking and exchange meetings took place, bringing together various players and experts in the field. Among them, representatives of Majal, Dr Badr Ben Hichou and Dr Zakaria Charouh. These meetings were a valuable opportunity to share best practices and discuss current trends in the field of artificial intelligence (AI) and Smart Cities. The discussions covered a wide range of topics, including the latest technological advances, practical applications of AI in urban management, and strategies to promote smarter and sustainable cities. 

Majal Berkane's participation in GITEX AFRICA 2024 illustrates its continued commitment to digital transformation and its leadership role in the development of smart solutions for public services. 

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Towards a Sustainable Future: Berkane Smart City, Emerging Model of Smart City

"The Province of Berkane, located in the eastern region of Morocco at the extreme northeast of the country and bordering Algeria, has benefited from dynamic international collaboration with members from different regions, including Africans, Asians, and Americans, who have contributed to the significant development of the province. Berkane Smart City, an emerging concept, positions the province as a major technological and ecological hub. Through this international openness and fruitful collaborations, Berkane has positioned itself as a rapidly expanding smart city model, ready to face the challenges of the future while showcasing its cultural diversity and innovative potential. Berkane is a key player in innovation and sustainable development, poised to tackle tomorrow's challenges to create a smarter, greener, and more resilient urban environment."
"It translates into the celebration of several major achievements in the field of urban innovation. First and foremost, the province has won the Seoul Smart City Prize, a prestigious accolade that recognizes the efforts of smart cities worldwide. This victory underscores Berkane's commitment to cutting-edge technologies and sustainable solutions to enhance the quality of life for its citizens."
"Furthermore, Berkane successfully hosted the Berkane International Symposium Smart City, a prominent event that brought together experts and key stakeholders in the field of smart cities. Additionally, the Digital Society Forum in Berkane: Big Data for Smart Territories. Conferences, Hackathon, and Innovation brought together to shape the digital and sustainable future. These events facilitated the exchange of innovative ideas and highlighted Berkane's progress in the field of smart urbanism and environmental sustainability."
"Thus, Berkane has solidified its commitment to a greener future by installing electric vehicle charging stations. This initiative is part of a comprehensive approach to promote the transition to cleaner mobility and reduce the province's carbon footprint. In summary, Berkane is firmly positioning itself as a major player in urban innovation and environmental sustainability through its Berkane Smart City initiative. International partnerships, notable achievements, and concrete actions clearly illustrate the growing importance of Berkane as a smart city model. Berkane Smart City emerges as a model of smart city, combining innovation, sustainability, and international collaboration."

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Untitled Project (3)

When Artificial Intelligence Meets Youth: Majal Berkane at the Oujda Book Fair


At the heart of the excitement of the 4thrd ÃĐdition du  Salon MaghrÃĐbin du Livre à Oujda, l’Espace Jeunesse a ÃĐtÃĐ le thÃĐÃĒtre d’une discussion passionnante sur l’Intelligence Artificielle au Service de la Jeunesse, animÃĐe par Majal Berkane. C’ÃĐtait une vÃĐritable plongÃĐe dans un monde oÃđ la technologie se met au service de l’autonomie et de l’innovation des jeunes.

AI is no longer just an abstract concept; it has become a daily companion for youth, guiding them towards a future where technology and humanity harmoniously converge. Whether in education, innovation, arts, or sciences, AI serves as a facilitator, thereby enhancing the academic, social, and professional performances of young people.

Walid Amara's intervention, as an Artificial Intelligence consultant at Majal Berkane, shed light on the innovative projects developed by the team, focusing on urban and environmental challenges. From managing stray dogs to public security and traffic management, facial recognition solutions, and surveillance devices, Majal Berkane is fully committed to creating smart and secure cities.

Participating in the Book Fair underscores Majal Berkane's social and societal commitment, aiming to share and impart knowledge for the well-being of society. It's a beautiful demonstration of their vision centered on values of sharing and innovation.        


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Berkane, epicenter of innovation: An edition of the Berkane International Symposium Smart City for sustainable and resilient cities. 

Berkane recently shone under the spotlight of science during an international event dedicated to sustainable smart cities. This knowledge celebration took place with great enthusiasm on February 27th and 28th at the headquarters of the Province of Berkane. The orchestration of this exceptional event was the result of collaboration among several committed partners, including the Province of Berkane, the Ministry of National Territorial Planning, Urbanism, Housing, and City Policy, the Provincial Council of Berkane, the municipality of Berkane, the Oriental Regional Development Agency, the Moroccan School of Engineering Sciences, the Regional Investment Center of the Oriental region, Mohammed I University of Oujda, Majal Berkane for Innovation and Territorial Intelligence, and African Smart Territories. The theme of this international event was ‘Sustainable Smart Cities: Preparedness and Resilience in the Face of Climate and Environmental Challenges. 

 Beyond the scientific exchanges, a decisive moment marked the margins of the event. Indeed, a convention was signed between the Province of Berkane, the Oriental Development Agency, and Majal Berkane, sealing their joint commitment to creating an intelligent territorial management center for Berkane. 

 The organizers highlighted this crucial theme due to the degradation of the climate situation in Morocco, characterized by an increase in drought rates and natural phenomena such as earthquakes. 

 Distinguished experts, inspiring researchers, and visionary entrepreneurs from Japan, Italy, Germany, France, Indonesia, the Philippines, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, South Korea, as well as from Beni Mellal, Benguerir, Chefchaouen, Agadir, and other Moroccan cities and around the world, shared their pioneering experiences in intelligent management of natural resources, sustainable urban planning, technological innovation, smart agriculture, and rural resilience. They presented a multitude of digital solutions for water management, energy, public lighting, waste, urban traffic, as well as technological solutions for monitoring and responding to natural and environmental phenomena. 

 Berkane thus played a bridging role between Moroccan cities and countries worldwide through the ‘Berkane International Symposium Smart City,’ an international symposium on smart cities. Over the editions, this symposium has become a platform for exchanging experiences and best practices. 

 In the context of discussions about digital dynamics that place citizens at the heart of their concerns, with intelligent management of diverse economic and social interests in daily life, up to improving quality of life with an emphasis on the environment, the municipality of Berkane, as a model community in the Province, showcased its journey in digital transformation. It highlighted several applications related to project monitoring, stock management, and an electronic archiving system developed by Majal Berkane for Innovation and Territorial Intelligence. This entity is recognized as a technological arm supporting local authorities in their technological transition, constituting an innovative experience at the national level. 

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Participation of Mr. Mohamed Ali Habouha: An Insight into the Sustainable and Inclusive Governance Model at the Sustainable Mobility Forum in Rabat

The city of Rabat recently hosted the “Sustainable Mobility Forum Meeting,” an event organized by the Ministry of Transport and Logistics on Wednesday, January 31. The event was marked by the presence of influential personalities such as Mr. Mohammed Abdeljalil, Minister of Transport and Logistics, Mr. Nizar Baraka, Minister of Equipment and Water, Mr. Mohamed Ali Habouha, Governor of the Province of Berkane, Mr. Rachid El Abdi, President of the Rabat-SalÃĐ-KÃĐnitra Region, as well as experts and professionals in digital, artificial intelligence, and sustainable mobility from both the public and private sectors.

This initiative emerged in response to the growing environmental challenges posed by greenhouse gas emissions in the transport sector in Morocco. Alarming figures reveal emissions of about 35 million tons of CO2, doubling the 2015 figures according to ITF2019. The transport sector accounts for 28% of greenhouse gas emissions, ranking second after the energy sector, which contributes 40%.

The forum was structured around several panels focusing on the vision of sustainable and inclusive mobility for Morocco, the transition to a sustainable and inclusive mode of mobility, corporate responsibility in this area, and the role of technological innovation in supporting sustainable and inclusive mobility.

These panels covered various topics, including political leaders' vision for sustainable mobility, specific objectives and deployment mechanisms, social and technological innovations, ongoing infrastructure projects to promote sustainable mobility, and the private sector's involvement in implementing the political vision.

The role of digital and AI in transport management, benefits for road safety, intelligent navigation solutions, practical applications, smart cities, and the sharing economy were the main themes discussed during the panels.

Berkane was represented at the forum, showcasing its experience and digital transformation journey. The Governor of the Province, Mohamed Ali Habouha, led a delegation that shared the strategic vision “BIGGEST” (Berkane Inclusive Good Governance and Eco Smart and Sustainable Territory). This vision has been realized over the past five years through projects such as inclusive mobility, smart traffic management, the installation of electric vehicle charging stations, and the Digital Twin, making Berkane a nationally and internationally recognized Smart City model.

Dr. Badr Ben Hichou, Director of Information Systems at Majal Berkane, participated as a panelist in the 3rd Panel on the role of technological innovation in sustainable and inclusive mobility. He shared concrete examples of fleet management projects, such as the household waste collection fleet and the urban and interurban transport fleet.

The forum also included a workshop on electric mobility, aimed at collectively raising awareness about the challenges and opportunities of this new era. Sessions such as “Inspire” and “Innov & Transform” highlighted stimulating experiences and perspectives for the future of sustainable mobility.     

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Untitled Project – 2023-12-18T111150.658

Toward the Emergence of Berkane as a Sustainable and Innovative City: A Look Back at the Second Phase of the Moroccan VDI Labeling Program

In the second phase of the Moroccan VDI (Sustainable and Innovative City) labeling program, held in the presence of Governor Mohammed Ali Habouha and the Secretary-General, representatives from the BET SUD Study Office, as well as community leaders, heads of economic, social, cultural, and digital divisions, and service delegates gathered in the province of Berkane on Friday, December 15.

This stage focused on Berkane’s participation in the labeling program. The initiative aims to enhance collaboration in defining references for a sustainable and innovative city, based on feedback from the eight leading communities. A multidisciplinary panel of experts contributed to evaluating these reference areas, including self-assessment. The references that will form the basis for Moroccan signage have been established and will be used to name new communities in the future. The program’s main objective is to improve quality of life by implementing local policies that preserve the environment, reduce social and economic disparities, and enhance public services. In this context, Berkane was chosen due to its distinctive features and forward-looking vision, having received awards in Bucharest and Seoul.

Each division presented projects across various domains, including infrastructure enhancement, digital technology utilization, road network development, improvement of property tax systems, archives management system development, enhanced hospitality services, and fleet management. Culturally, the city hosted a national arts festival and introduced initiatives related to theater, sports, and music. Agreements were also signed to strengthen cultural exchanges, including the renovation of an existing cinematheque and the construction of a new one. Berkane also strives to promote citizen participation through a system for documenting issues requiring attention from authorities, as well as improvements in the development of geographic information systems for urban and rural transportation, along with the BHAS project—a “Effective Solution for Stray Animal Control.

To approach the third phase, project prioritization and document consolidation are necessary to ensure continued success and ongoing improvement in implementing projects that promote sustainable development. This stage requires a robust strategy, including defining sustainable objectives and measuring impact through measurable indicators

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Untitled Project (66)

The Province of Berkane at the forefront of Urban Innovation during the Smart City Expo World Congress in Barcelona

A delegation from the Province of Berkane, led by Governor Mohamed Ali Habouha, actively participated in the Smart City Expo World Congress, a major event dedicated to smart urban solutions which recently animated Barcelona. Held from November 7-9, this meeting provided a dynamic platform bringing together innovative minds from around the world, bringing together experts, businesses and policy makers to discuss the latest advances in the field of smart cities.

The prestigious Barcelona Exhibition Center served as the setting for this visionary event, attracting thousands of participants eager to discover how emerging technologies are helping to shape the future of cities. Representatives from municipalities, technology companies, start-ups and government organizations converged in this environment conducive to collaboration and the exchange of ideas.

This year’s edition of the Smart City Expo World Congress highlighted key themes influencing the global evolution of smart cities, including environmental sustainability, smart connectivity and citizen-driven governance.

Environmental Sustainability: Discussions centered around the integration of green technologies to create sustainable cities, emphasizing renewable energy, waste management and reducing carbon emissions.

Smart Connectivity: Exhibitors showcased significant advancements in smart connectivity, exploring ways to improve everyday life through robust technology infrastructure, including 5G, Internet of Things (IoT) and smart mobility.

Governance and Citizen Participation: Citizen participation in urban planning and governance was a key focus, with sessions examining how digital technologies can strengthen collaboration between citizens and decision-makers, making cities more inclusive and responsive.

The event saw numerous demonstrations of innovative products and solutions, showcasing smart city prototypes, IoT applications, electric mobility solutions and data management platforms. These innovations point to a future where technology shapes every aspect of urban life.

This year's Smart City Expo World Congress clearly defined priorities for the future of smart cities, highlighting the need to adopt sustainable approaches, harness the power of data and increase citizen participation to create environments more intelligent, resilient and inclusive urban areas.

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Berkane's Participation in the International Conference on Future Services and Industry in Rabat

The International Conference on Future Services and Industry (ICSIF) 2023, held in Rabat on October 25th, proved to be an essential platform for communication among experts, researchers, academics, and industry professionals worldwide. The fundamental objective of this conference was to explore the latest trends and developments within the future industry while fostering the exchange of ideas, research, and practical experiences in various specialized fields.

The thematic axes of the conference covered a range of future technologies such as robotics, augmented reality, the Internet of Things, blockchain, and artificial intelligence. Special attention was given to the impact of these technologies on industrial operations, as well as on the fourth industrial revolution sector, emphasizing its implications for infrastructure, environment, efficiency, and competitiveness.

Dr. Zakaria Charouh, Director of Innovation Lab at Majal Berkane, was invited as a representative of the Berkane province in the fields of artificial intelligence and digital creation. This invitation stemmed from his significant contribution to several projects aimed at the development of the territory, including the E-Moulouya project.

The conference also highlighted case studies illustrating successful applications of the future industry while exploring best practices for its implementation and integration into industrial operations. Furthermore, it examined the ethical implications associated with the transition to this ever-evolving field.

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Untitled Project (41)

The Province of Berkane Becomes FIWARE Gold Member 

Berkane once again distinguishes itself internationally by joining the FIWARE network as a strategic user at the FIWARE Gold level.
FIWARE is an open-source platform that provides a set of open standards for the development of intelligent and connected solutions in the context of the Internet of Things (IoT) and smart cities. It aims to facilitate the creation of innovative applications and services by providing APIs, data models, and reusable software components.
With a mission to promote the global adoption of its open standards for smart platforms, particularly in the fields of smart cities, smart agriculture, and Industry 4.0, the FIWARE Foundation has praised Berkane for "setting an example of using digital technology for the benefit of citizens and the environment, becoming a beacon for other cities in Morocco, with innovative projects already implemented in urban planning, waste management, traffic management, and much more. Berkane also hosts the International Smart City Symposium, which highlights the importance of digitization for improving public services, addressing several crucial topics including GIS, AI, IoT, and digital technologies, all of which play an essential role in creating smarter and more efficient cities."
FIWARE also supports the development of the FIWARE ecosystem by encouraging collaboration among developers, businesses, and public organizations to stimulate innovation and promote interoperability of FIWARE-based solutions.

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