Category: Sport


Lancement PassionnÃĐ de la SeptiÃĻme Édition du Championnat de la CommunautÃĐ

Les activitÃĐs de la septiÃĻme ÃĐdition du championnat communautaire ont dÃĐbutÃĐ hier au stade Al-Amal, marquant le lancement d’un ÃĐvÃĐnement hautement anticipÃĐ par les participants et les spectateurs. Lors de cette premiÃĻre journÃĐe, l’ÃĐquipe des anciens de l’Union Islamique d’Oujda a ÃĐclipsÃĐ ses adversaires en s’imposant avec brio contre les anciens du Fath Nador, sur le score impressionnant de 4-2. Ce match a ÃĐtÃĐ caractÃĐrisÃĐ par des prestations individuelles exceptionnelles et une stratÃĐgie collective impeccable, permettant à l’ÃĐquipe d’Oujda de s’affirmer avec autoritÃĐ.

Dans un autre affrontement captivant, les anciens de la Renaissance de Berkane ont affrontÃĐ l’Union Ahfir dans une rencontre particuliÃĻrement disputÃĐe. Les Berkanais ont rÃĐussi à triompher avec un score de 2-1, grÃĒce à une dÃĐfense robuste et des attaques opportunes. Les spectateurs prÃĐsents ont ÃĐtÃĐ tÃĐmoins de moments de suspense intense et d’une compÃĐtition acharnÃĐe, rendant la rencontre encore plus exaltante.

Ces compÃĐtitions ont ÃĐtÃĐ empreintes d’une atmosphÃĻre de passion et de suspense, mettant en relief l’esprit de compÃĐtition et de camaraderie qui prÃĐvaut parmi les ÃĐquipes. Ce championnat dÃĐpasse le cadre d’une simple sÃĐrie de matchs ; il constitue une occasion prÃĐcieuse de renforcer les liens sociaux au sein de la communautÃĐ. En rassemblant des individus de divers horizons autour d’un intÃĐrÊt commun, cet ÃĐvÃĐnement favorise l’esprit sportif et la solidaritÃĐ, tout en cÃĐlÃĐbrant la diversitÃĐ culturelle et le talent sportif qui enrichissent notre communautÃĐ.

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Untitled Project (23) (2)

Promotion of Health and Wellness in Berkane: Installation of Sports Equipment

In light of recent developments in the Province of Berkane, marked by a series of notable accomplishments in the field of sports, the efforts of various stakeholders in Berkane continue to focus on improving the quality of life of citizens.
Dans ce cadre, et en collaboration avec la Direction Provinciale de la Jeunesse et des Sports, une initiative concrÃĻte a ÃĐtÃĐ prise pour encourager les individus à pratiquer le sport et à bÃĐnÃĐficier de ses nombreux avantages.

This initiative is manifested by the installation of various sports facilities at several locations in the city of Berkane. This approach goes beyond just setting up fitness equipment; it plays an essential role in promoting a culture of health and physical fitness within our community. It's an open invitation to everyone to adopt regular physical activity and integrate healthy habits into their daily lives, thanks to the availability of well-equipped environments for sports practice in an easy and accessible manner.

These sports facilities offer a diverse range of exercises tailored to all age groups, from children to youth, to the elderly. This initiative aims to include all segments of society, ensuring that everyone can benefit from the advantages of physical activity.

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Untitled Project (19)

Berkane Welcomes One of the National Football Stars

On May 10, 2024, at dawn, households across the city of Berkane and its surroundings are preparing to attend the match between the national women's U17 football club and its Algerian counterpart, in preparation for the World Cup to be held from October 16 to November 3, 2024 in the Dominican Republic.
Dressed in national colors and waving the national flag, men, women, and children begin to converge hours before the match towards the municipal stadium of Berkane, which was already full, with nearly 10,000 people, long before the kick-off of the game, a record number according to experts, of supporters who backed the national U17 team.
Un enthousiasme inÃĐdit, une spontanÃĐitÃĐ sans prÃĐcÃĐdent, et un patriotisme hautement renouvelÃĐ et longuement prononcÃĐ, tout empreint de dÃĐmonstrations musicales du folklore local, ont joliment et somptueusement marquÃĐ les gradins, du dÃĐbut du match jusqu’à sa fin.

The tremendous support shown by the people of Berkane, regardless of gender and age, only served to encourage the national team, which secured victory with a score of 4-0, and saw its performance escalate, minute after minute, achievement after achievement, and goal after goal, to the point that the score could have reached double digits if our young girls had capitalized on a few more opportunities.

Distinct from the Botola Pro matches, which are played in the same stadium by the RSB club, the stands took on a completely different appearance this time, reflecting a mosaic of ages and genders united in symbiosis and harmony with local music, occasionally played, all around a single and common goal: the glory and perpetuation of the national sports brand image in general.
Loin de toute forme d’aversion, le public de Berkane a rÃĐservÃĐ, par ailleurs un accueil faisant preuve de qualitÃĐs de bon voisinage à l’ÃĐquipe adverse et au staff qui l’accompagnait, qualitÃĐs dont jouissent toutes les composantes de Notre Nation VÃĐnÃĐrÃĐe.
The audience in Berkane thus had its say, expressed in a spectacular manner, proving its inevitable mobilization to support any other future events, whether national, continental, or international in nature.

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