From the first light of Wednesday, 1st Shawwal 1445 in the Hijri calendar, corresponding to April 10, 2024, citizens have been converging at the Salem Mosque in Berkane to celebrate Eid al-Fitr. Under the skies of this special day, voices unite in praise and glorification of God, in the presence of the governor of the province of Berkane, accompanied by the President of the commune, the president of the provincial council, the president of the local council of Ulemas, as well as other civil, military, and elected officials.
A spiritual atmosphere permeates the congregation during the Eid prayer and the sermon, which emphasizes the importance of acts of worship after the month of Ramadan, commitment to good deeds, the fight against sins, and the significance of individual reform, a cornerstone of societal progress according to our faith. In conclusion, the preacher offered a prayer to Almighty God for the protection and guidance of the Commander of the Faithful, Mohammed VI, as well as for the preservation of all Muslims around the world.
As tradition dictates, the prayer concluded with warm exchanges of congratulations and well-wishes among the faithful, thus sealing this day of celebration and spiritual communion.