In the presence of Mr. Mohamed Ali Habouha, Governor of the Province of Berkane, the presidents of the provincial and municipal councils, as well as a number of elected officials and local actors, the royal speech listening ceremony on the occasion of the 48th anniversary of the Green March took place on November 6th at the headquarters of the Province of Berkane.
Here is the full text of the Royal speech:
"Praise be to God, Prayer and Peace be upon the Prophet, His family, and His companions.
Dear people,
Today, we celebrate an occasion dear to our hearts: the anniversary of the Green March, which completed the territorial integrity of our country.
In fidelity to the eternal oath of this epic, we make it our duty to continue the marches of development, modernization, and construction initiated to ensure conditions of dignified life for Moroccan citizens. To this end, we ensure that the potential of our country, and particularly that of the Moroccan Sahara, is used in the most judicious manner.
Furthermore, since the Kingdom regained its Southern Provinces, its vocation as an Atlantic country has been further affirmed.
Through its dynamism, our diplomacy has thwarted the maneuvers of adversaries, declared and hidden, thus mobilizing increased international support for our territorial integrity. Consequently, our country now displays a stronger and more solid position.
If, through its Mediterranean facade, Morocco is firmly anchored to Europe, its Atlantic aspect opens up complete access to Africa and a window to the American space.
That is why We are determined to undertake a national upgrade of the coastline, including the Atlantic facade of the Moroccan Sahara. We are also committed to ensuring that this geopolitical space is structured on an African scale.
Our wish is for the Atlantic facade to become a high place of human communion, a pole of economic integration, and a hub of continental and international radiance.
To achieve this, by successfully completing the large-scale projects launched there, we ensure that our Southern Provinces are equipped with the essential services and infrastructure for their economic development. Furthermore, to ensure smooth connectivity between the different components of the Atlantic coastline, we are committed to providing the necessary transportation means and logistic stations. This also includes considering the establishment of a strong and competitive national merchant marine fleet
To better support the economic growth and urban expansion of the metropolises of the Moroccan Sahara, the establishment of a maritime economy must continue to consolidate the development of the entire region and benefit the local populations.
In addition to the thorough exploration of offshore natural resources, this integrated economy must be based on continued investment in maritime fishing sectors, desalination of seawater for agricultural purposes, promotion of the blue economy, and support for renewable energies.
We also call for the adoption of a dedicated strategy for Atlantic tourism, aimed at highlighting the numerous potentials of the region and, thus, establishing it as a true destination for beach and Saharan tourism.
Dear people,
Morocco, a country known for its stability and credibility, is well aware of the challenges and issues facing African countries, especially those located on the Atlantic facade.
Indeed, despite the quality of its human resources and the abundance of its natural wealth, the Atlantic Africa faces a significant deficit in infrastructure and investment.
To remedy this situation, we are working together with our African brothers and all our partners to develop practical and efficient responses, supported by international cooperation.
It is within this framework that the strategic project of the Morocco-Nigeria gas pipeline is being implemented, considered as a lever for regional integration aimed at creating the conditions for a common economic take-off, initiating a dynamic conducive to the development of the Atlantic band. This endeavor will also be a reliable source of energy supply to European countries.
It is in the same spirit that Morocco has taken the initiative to create an institutional framework bringing together the 23 Atlantic African States with the aim of consolidating security, stability, and shared prosperity in the region.
To address the difficulties and problems facing the brotherly States of the Sahel, the solution cannot be exclusively security or military, but it must be based on an approach of cooperation and common development.
Thus, to facilitate access for Sahel States to the Atlantic Ocean, we propose the launch of an international initiative.
Nevertheless, for such a proposal to succeed, it is essential to upgrade the infrastructures of Sahel States and connect them to transportation and communication networks established in their regional environment.
Because we are convinced that this initiative will substantially transform the economy of these brotherly countries and, beyond, the entire region, Morocco is willing to make available its road, port, and railway infrastructures to them.
Dear people,
I have already mentioned the seriousness and the spiritual, national and social values which intrinsically characterize the Moroccan Nation in a highly turbulent world.
In this regard, the Green March beautifully translated the ancestral values of solidarity, loyalty and patriotism, which allowed our country to liberate its territory and exercise its full sovereignty.
Speaking of seriousness, My goal has never been to complain about anything. In fact, what I meant was to urge everyone to continue to put their heart into the work in order to successfully complete the projects and reforms undertaken and, ultimately, to meet the challenges facing our country. Moreover, My intention, well understood by all, was largely well received by the active forces of the Nation.
In fact, it is an integrated system of values which has made it possible to consolidate the achievements made in various areas, in particular the impetus of the development dynamic in our Southern Provinces and the consecration of their Moroccanness internationally. .
Praise God, while many countries have recognized the Moroccan nature of the Sahara, several other influential states have in turn affirmed that the autonomy initiative was the only possible way to resolve this artificial regional conflict.
In addition, the values of solidarity, mutual aid and openness which are the distinctive mark of Morocco have contributed to strengthening its role and consolidating its position, thus allowing it to assert itself at the regional and international levels, particularly among brotherly Arab and African countries, as a key player and a credible and trustworthy economic and political partner.
Dear people,
The celebration of the anniversary of the Green March is an opportunity for Us to reaffirm Our attachment to the values of this glorious epic and Our fidelity to its eternal oath.
We also welcome the efforts made by the Royal Armed Forces, the Security Services, the Territorial Administration as well as by all active forces, inside and outside national borders, to defend legitimate rights of the Moroccan nation.
We are seized at this moment by a moved and deferential thought for the memory of the Artisan of the Green March, Our Venerable Father, His Majesty King Hassan II, may God have him in His holy mercy, as well as for the immaculate memory of all the valiant martyrs of the Nation.
Wassalamou alaikoum warahmatoullahi wabarakatouh."