Smart Waste Collection

The city of Berkane recently implemented an intelligent waste collection system to enhance the efficiency of its waste management. As part of this innovative initiative, smart waste bins have been installed in various neighborhoods of the city. These bins are equipped with advanced sensors that enable real-time monitoring of the collection status.

With integrated sensors, smart containers can automatically detect their fill level. This technology optimizes waste collection route planning by avoiding unnecessary trips and reducing associated costs. When the fill level reaches a predefined threshold, waste collection managers are promptly notified, enabling them to schedule collection interventions more efficiently.

En plus de simplifier la gestion des déchets, cette collecte intelligente contribue à améliorer la propreté de la ville. En garantissant une collecte régulière, on réduit les risques de dispersion des déchets dans les rues, ce qui entraîne une diminution des nuisances environnementales et une amélioration de l’hygiène publique.

This intelligent system promotes citizen awareness of the importance of responsible waste management. With real-time information on container status, residents of Berkane are encouraged to adopt environmentally friendly behaviors by avoiding overfilling containers or disposing of inappropriate waste. Smart waste collection thus encourages active citizen participation in preserving their environment.

By combining technology and citizen responsibility, Berkane is positioning itself as a model in promoting sustainable waste management, thereby contributing to creating a cleaner and healthier environment for its residents.