In accordance with the royal project that makes health and social protection a strategic priority, ( ….) « To achieve this, we must adopt policies of anticipation and prevention and mobilize all available means in order to protect health and preserve the dignity of African citizens. » ( ….) Excerpt from the royal speech


The Province of Berkane has placed health services at the core of its strategies and action plans, stipulating the strengthening of equitable access for populations to quality services, with the aim of moving towards health coverage across the entire territory, especially the most marginalized rural areas; ultimately contributing to the achievement of sustainable development goals, particularly the reduction of health inequalities and the burden of morbidity and mortality.

In the Province of Berkane, the health system is primarily based on a mixed model that includes both public and private health establishments. The Ministry of Health is the governmental body responsible for the planning, regulation, and oversight of the health system throughout the country, through its regional and provincial directorates. 

Basic health care is provided in health centers, which are generally located in both rural and urban areas to offer accessibility to local populations. These health centers offer medical consultations, vaccinations, prenatal and postnatal care, child health care, as well as preventive health programs. 

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