Like other provinces in the Oriental Region, the Province of Berkane experienced heavy storms from Saturday, September 2nd, 2023, to Sunday, September 3rd, 2023, which resulted in torrential rains hitting various urban and rural centers, especially the municipalities of Berkane, Saidia, and Sidi Slimane Cherraa, which recorded high rainfall, reaching 54 mm in the center of Berkane.
To address such disasters, all stakeholders mobilized their human and material resources as soon as they were alerted by the meteorological warning. In parallel with this mobilization, a monitoring and follow-up unit was established to oversee the actions taken at various critical points, divert overflowing rainwater towards drainage systems, thereby avoiding water stagnation and flooding of various administrative buildings and citizens' residences.
It is noteworthy that these floods, originating from the Sidi Ali Benyakhlef, Oued Jaber, and other watersheds and Chaabas, carrying, among other things, solid materials, posed a challenge to the various intervention teams. However, they were able to combine their efforts and restore the situation under the guidance of the aforementioned monitoring and follow-up unit.
Thus, thanks to the anticipatory approach adopted for disaster and flood management, 360 interventions were carried out during and after the floods, in record time, demonstrating the promptness of the actions of the mobilized teams. They were able to restore the situation and respond to the citizens' requests without recording any human or material damage.
Finally, the protection of Greater Berkane against floods remains dependent on the completion of major costly projects initiated previously for collecting rainwater upstream and discharging it into the Cherraa and Ourtass rivers.

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