The solemn launch of the awareness campaign aimed at preserving water resources marked a significant event in the Province of Berkane. By joining forces, the Union of Local Civil Society Associations, in close coordination with local authorities and the National Water Office, inaugurated the first day of this crucial campaign, emphasizing the paramount importance of conserving water in light of our nation’s current climatic situation.
The inaugural ceremony took place with great fanfare on Saturday, January 20, 2024, in front of the Province of Berkane's headquarters, and then followed a strategic route, skillfully passing through the city's main arteries and crucial installations. Continuing this committed initiative, the afternoon was dedicated to awareness activities near the Place de la Marche Verte, creating a continuum of impact in symbolic locations within the local community.
During this dynamic awareness march, informative brochures were distributed, and fruitful direct exchanges took place between organizers and citizens as well as professionals. These interactions elicited positive reactions and stimulated collective awareness and responsibility, thereby enhancing the campaign's effectiveness.
It should be noted that local authorities provided invaluable support by actively accompanying the campaign and ensuring the creation of conducive conditions for its execution. Special tribute must be paid to the dedicated professionals of the National Water Office, whose diligent efforts and significant contributions greatly enriched the campaign's reach, using available resources judiciously and effectively.
This initiative is part of an appropriate response to the national context, marked by persistent drought periods that exert continuous pressure on our country's water resources, resulting in a noticeable deficit in the supply of this vital resource. To counter these challenges, it becomes imperative to intensify and coordinate efforts to preserve this strategic wealth, essential for the survival and prosperity of our national community.