In the second phase of the Moroccan VDI (Sustainable and Innovative City) labeling program, held in the presence of Governor Mohammed Ali Habouha and the Secretary-General, representatives from the BET SUD Study Office, as well as community leaders, heads of economic, social, cultural, and digital divisions, and service delegates gathered in the province of Berkane on Friday, December 15.
This stage focused on Berkane’s participation in the labeling program. The initiative aims to enhance collaboration in defining references for a sustainable and innovative city, based on feedback from the eight leading communities. A multidisciplinary panel of experts contributed to evaluating these reference areas, including self-assessment. The references that will form the basis for Moroccan signage have been established and will be used to name new communities in the future. The program’s main objective is to improve quality of life by implementing local policies that preserve the environment, reduce social and economic disparities, and enhance public services. In this context, Berkane was chosen due to its distinctive features and forward-looking vision, having received awards in Bucharest and Seoul.
Each division presented projects across various domains, including infrastructure enhancement, digital technology utilization, road network development, improvement of property tax systems, archives management system development, enhanced hospitality services, and fleet management. Culturally, the city hosted a national arts festival and introduced initiatives related to theater, sports, and music. Agreements were also signed to strengthen cultural exchanges, including the renovation of an existing cinematheque and the construction of a new one. Berkane also strives to promote citizen participation through a system for documenting issues requiring attention from authorities, as well as improvements in the development of geographic information systems for urban and rural transportation, along with the BHAS project—a “Effective Solution for Stray Animal Control.
To approach the third phase, project prioritization and document consolidation are necessary to ensure continued success and ongoing improvement in implementing projects that promote sustainable development. This stage requires a robust strategy, including defining sustainable objectives and measuring impact through measurable indicators